Great letter to the editor

In the Daily Progress. Read the whole thing.

Crozet was the same as it had always been, that is until recent years when developers came in and changed the entire area – just as they have done in other places that were labeled “the best place to live.”

If they continue to remake Crozet, will the town have to give way to favored stores and businesses?

Are we to face even more taxes and regulations, crowded living, heavy traffic, and poorer schools as a result of this overgrowth?

Will this still be “the best place to live?”

The people I see in Crozet do not have time to sit on benches. They like their independence and rural way of life. The real answer to our problem is reduction of the size, cost and scope of county government and the limitation of taxation.

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A brief history of Crozet Park

Courtesy of Brian Campbell. Thanks to Brian for this very informative comment, I thought it deserved its own post.

“Crozet Park was donated to the community some 40 or so years ago. I can get the exact date. It was specifically set up for the Crozet Community. It was not given to Albemarle County. As such, it was set up to be governed by a board to decide on it’s uses and operation. These board members are revolving and are elected with a typical President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Also, since we don’t operate under Albemarle County Parks System, we have a deed. Somewhere along the way, we established a good working relationship with the county. We don’t have the resources to take care of things like baseball and soccer fields, and the county needed these recreational resources for it’s citizens in the Crozet area. So we have a working agreement with the county. They supply and take care of all of the fields for the recreational programs, and we have the decision rights over what we want to have at the Park. The Park did build the pool and is in charge of it’s operation. We receive no money from the county for operation of the pool or any other activities. They just take care of up-keep of the hefields and grounds. The Park building is also owned by the Park. The actual programs are run by private non-profit organizations such as Peach Tree. This also helps us as we don’t have the resources to organize these programs. The Crozet Park Board consists of volunteers from the community consisting or groups that might have an interest in what is offered at the Park. This includes groups like Peach Tree, The Fire Department, The Lions Club, and we also have at large members, those that aren’t attached to an organization, but have an interest in how Crozet Park is run.

We meet the first Wednesday of every month to discuss the Park’s issues, and we’re always looking for new members. We like to have members associated with organizations or busineses, but we will take interested ordinary citizens as well. If anyone is interested in being on the board, they are welcome to get in touch with me. I hope this clarifies the Park’s operation some.”

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Recycling in Crozet Poll

With all the talk of recycling in Crozet and the discussion on the Crozet Community Association listserv, I figured I would post a poll here, hopefully for a centralized location for responses.

So, without further ado …

Update January 2019: the struck-through below used to be a polling plugin. It’s now defunct.


Please vote, tell and/or email your friends about this poll. For more information on what you can do to advocate for recycling in Crozet, read more here.

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Asking for Recycling in Crozet – again

I know I’m not the only one in Crozet who recycles.

I know I’m not the only one who schleps a vanload of stuff to the McIntire Recycling Center each week (trying desperately to avoid Saturdays!).

And I know I’m not the only one in Crozet who wants a recycling center right here in Crozet.

The number one reason I want it, frankly, is to make my own life easier.  But I feel strongly that more convenience would lead to more recycling by other people who need it to be more convenient, and so I see a benefit for the planet, too.

If you want a recycling center in Crozet, now is the time to be loud.  Make yourself heard.

At the CCA meeting on Thursday, March 8, I was hoping the room would be packed with folks wanting to hear about recycling from Michael Freitas, the Chief of Public Works for the County.  Only one person that I emailed showed up.  She had emailed her entire neighborhood–225 families–and no one showed up.  Maybe we don’t really want it in Crozet?

If you want a recycling center in Crozet and missed that meeting, know this:  there is $250,000 in the Capital Improvement Fund set aside for recycling in Albemarle County.  The money is already there.  It’s for recycling.  The County has a plan for 3 recycling centers in the County. Now the County just needs to decide where to spend that money. I don’t know what it will take to convince them that Crozet is the place, but we can start by letting them know the demand is here.

I admit: I thought I had already done this.  I’ve emailed Mr. Freitas and asked all my Crozet friends to email him, as well.  But the demand still is not clear, I guess, or the County would know what to do with the money.

I am getting the feeling that the County needs something they cannot ignore.  Please call.  Please email. Direct your voice to Michael Freitas, Chief of Public Works for the County  (401 McIntire Rd Rm 224, Charlottesville, VA  22902-4579 ; 434- 296-5816.  Please flood the County with the word that Crozet wants the money to be spent on a recycling center right here.  Ask what we can do to convince them. I’ve asked, and I haven’t gotten any answer.  Join me–make it impossible to be ignored.

From an email from Mr. Freitas:

There is currently $250K designated in the CIP for FY2008 (1 Jul 07 – 30 June 08) for the construction of recycling centers that would be located at various locations in the County (Crozet being one of the areas being considered).  The CIP also identifies additional funding for follow on years.  However, those funds would still need to be appropriated by the Board of Supervisors for each budget year before they can be obligated.  As I mentioned during my talk on 8 March, during the current budget process the Board will be deciding if any initiative will have to be dropped from the proposed budget based on revenue projections for the upcoming year.  In essence, based on other priorities, funding for the recycling centers, or other budget initiatives, could possibly be postponed if there are not revenues to support it.  As a resident of the White Hall District, you should contact your District’s representative to the Board of Supervisors (Mr. David Wyant) to express your interest in this, or other budget items.  With regard to location, specific sites for the centers have not been determined at this time.

Editor’s note: Thanks to Katrien Vance for the above article. As a Realtor, I can attest to the fact that more and more of my clients in the Crozet (and in the region) are asking for recycling services. Having recycling services that are readily accessible may increase property values. If the money is there, why not Crozet?

You may find your voice more efficiently expressed by emailing David Wyant, our Supervisor and Ann Mallek, who is running for the seat currently held by Mr. Wyant. Ultimately, County staff abide by the policies set by the Supervisors. Until the Supervisors set the policy, Staff’s hands are somewhat tied.

From Albemarle County’s proposed budget (PDF):

B. Recycling Centers:  This project requests funds to construct recycling centers throughout the County.  These centers will serve County residents and private haulers who choose to deliver recyclable materials including plastic, aluminum/steel, and paper.  Areas that are being considered for recycling centers include Crozet, Scottsville, the Pantops area, and the Northern areas of the County.

There is a budget work session tomorrow, 14 March at 1pm at the Lane Auditorium and two more after that:

Budget Work Session #1 – March 12, 2007 – Lane Auditorium – 1:00 p.m.
Budget Work Session #2 – March 14, 2007 – Lane Auditorium – 1:00 p.m.
Budget Work Session #3 – March 19, 2007 – Room 235 – 1:00 p.m.
Budget Work Session #4 – March 21, 2007 – Lane Auditorium – 1:00 p.m.

What would the recycling center look like? Where would it go? Where would the funding for annual servicing come from?

In short, if you don’t speak up, you won’t be heard. If you don’t speak up, you don’t have any business complaining.

More on recycling can be found at the HooK.

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Recycling, sidewalks, library, redistricting and more!

There is an awful lot on the agenda for tomorrow’s Crozet Community Association meeting, which start at 7:30 on Thursday:

-  Sidewalks/Streetscape plans-Lee Catlin

-  Library plans-Lee Catlin & Barbara Westbrook

-  Area schools redistricting discussion
            Barbara Massie Mouly, Brian Wheeler can’t attend tonight
            Crozet Elem. School public meeting on March 15 at 6:30;

            School Board decision on March 22.

-  Recycling-Michael Freitas & Jo Ann Perkins

-  CoHousing plan– Nancy Chappell

-  Old school and Depot suggestions from members 
          (At the last CCA meeting David Wayland asked members to come up with recommendations re. the future use of both of these buildings.)

-  Other business from members

For lots more on redistricting, sidewalks and more, pick up a copy of March’s Crozet Gazette (pdf) – especially the “artist’s rendering” of the potential streetscaping on the last page.

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From DC to Crozet

Ed note: The following is the story, courtesy of Sara Gould, one who has moved to the Charlottesville area and works in Crozet – what is likely to be an emerging trend as jobs grow in Crozet. Bolding is mine.

I used to live in DC.  Crystal City in Arlington, VA to be exact, but an apartment with a view of the Pentagon and the Washington Monument sure felt close enough to call it DC.  My commute that summer consisted of walking 5 minutes to the metro, a 20 minute ride with 1 train change, and then a 10 minute walk to my office at the Navy Yard. I loved that commute, and the walking was great for my health.

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Continue reading “From DC to Crozet”

Fabulous Foods in the news

Local natural (and local) food store Fabulous Foods is featured in today’s Daily Progress (they are on the Crozet Community Map):

Because local produce does not have to travel far, it can be picked at the height of its flavor and kept free of preservatives.

“It tastes better, it’s fresher,” said Jennifer Burgos, buyer at Fabulous Foods in Crozet, a 1,500-square-foot grocery store that offers local apples, lettuce, blueberries, blackberries, chestnuts, peaches, bok-choy, herbs and more. “Our motto is sustaining small farms, nourishing our families.”

Now, if only somebody will open up a wine store with tastings, breads, cheeses and a lounge … give me credit. 🙂 Seriously. A coffee/wine store/bakery …

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How to raise awareness of realcrozetva

I thought I would share this recent email exchange with a reader:

No story here, just wanted to say that the site you have put together is great, and Crozet really needs this intimate type of discussion – my suggestion would be how can we get more people to know about this site – seems as though a lot of my neighbors haven’t heard of it and I’d like to see more people comment on these stories – there are too many “no comments” on really pertinent issues.

Regarding awareness of the site – this is something that I am struggling with. Ideally, I would like to do a bit of advertising or even a mailing to the 22932 zip code, but frankly I don’t have the funds to do that. On the other side, I guess I could accept ads on the site, but I feel that that would detract from the perceived impartiality of the site.

Thats a tough call re: ads – providing funds vs. detracting from the feel of the site.  I suppose local ads probably wouldn’t be too distractive, but even things like a posterboard sign at the 4-way stop with the website name could be pretty effective for people to get in their heads…either way, I’m sure word of the site will spread.

So … here’s my challenge to those of you who do read this site – email it to a friend who might be interested … mention it at your HOA meetings … tell your friends about it. This site was started to provide a forum for Crozetians new and old. If you are a business owner, post your business (after emailing me for the login) to the Crozet Community Map.

And as always, if you have a story idea, please let me know. If you have a story or opinion to share, write it. If you go to a local meeting, share your thoughts. I’ll post most anything so long as it’s reasonably well-written and pertinent to Crozet.

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Redistricting nears in Crozet

From today’s DP.

One of the most telling lines of this story, detailing the impending moves of 90+ kids was the last line of this quote depicting Crozet’s nearing self-sufficiency:

“Our biggest concern is that we’re being separated from the community that we live in and are a part of,” said Kathy Rainey, whose two children at Crozet would be moved to Meriwether. “Where we live, we are part of the Crozet community. To send us to Meriwether Lewis is taking us out of where our teams, churches and volunteer work are. We don’t normally go into Charlottesville to recreate.” (bolding mine)

We’re getting close. Once the Old Trail Town Center (please don’t call it the Shoppes of Old Trail, or something equally contrived!) comes online, the sidewalks are built to facilitate walking and Downtown’s resurgence continues, why would anyone go to Charlottesville?

More information at Albemarle County’s site and Brian Wheeler’s SchoolMatters site.

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