Send those Crozet Fireworks donations now!

Please email this story to your friends, your homeowners’ associations, whomever you think might be interested in contributing to the Crozet Community’s fireworks celebration.
Make those checks payable to –

Downtown Crozet Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 124 
Crozet, Virginia 22932

Text of the letter requesting funds is below the “fold.”

Fireworks 4 Bg 070402


The annual Crozet Volunteer Fireman’s Fourth of July Parade will be held June 30th at 10:00 a.m. !

A summer fest – party will be held after the parade at Claudius Crozet Park with fireworks by the Crozet Community Association that evening.

I don’t know that the Crozet Community Association is the sponsor, and frankly, I don’t care. So long as the fireworks go on (and I can see from from my back porch)

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Crozet Zoning Meeting Roundup

The C-Ville has a good summary of last Thursday’s meeting.

The consultants will now cook up some options for how to achieve this vision of a pedestrian-friendly, business-friendly, traffic-friendly downtown Crozet—whether by imposing a historic overlay district or outright alterations of the zoning or some other method known in the worlds of planners and land-use academics. They will present these options to Crozet on May 24.

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Come to the Crozet Community Association meeting

This Thursday at the Firehouse –

Hi Folks – don’t forget our last meeting until next fall is scheduled for this Thursday May 10th at the firehall.    Doors will open early and you are encouraged to come at 7PM to look at all the things the consultants have put together.   

We will have a BRIEF (15min) meeting for our CCA business beginning at our normal time  7:30PM.    Here is that agenda – please note to all those speaking  – we need to be done so county can start at 7:45PM so I will keep you to time.      If you can not stay for the whole meeting  please take the time to fill out page two of the attached document with your input.

Agenda  Thu May 10

7:30PM      introduction, traffic issues, Crozet Arts and Crafts Fair  – Heidi Sonen
7:33PM      new art wall for the Crozet Great Value plaza – Meg West
7:37PM      update on fireworks for July 4th  – Sandy Wilcox
7:40PM      update on recycling – JoAnne Perkins

7:45PM  – see attached flyer we will be switching to their agenda – yes, the times are off on their sheets but the will shrink their program down to fit the time.

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What questions do you have for the Crozet candidates?

They wouldn’t actually represent only Crozet, believe it or not; they represent all of the White Hall district, but for those of us in Crozet, it may seem like it.  (PDF is here)

Now that there are three candidates in the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors’ race, what questions would you want to ask them?

David Wyant, the incumbent, native of the area.
Ann Mallek, very involved native of the area.
Tom Loach, very involved transplant, not that it matters much.

(why bring up whether one is a native or not? It matters to some)

Top issues? –

– Growth
– Transportation
– Property Taxes
– Downtown Crozet

What does the population of Crozet look like now? How different is it than four years ago?
Some possible questions –

– Do you support ASAP’s desire to find an “optimal population” for Albemarle County?
– Do you support David Slutzky’s Transfer of Development Right plan?
– What are your thoughts on transit? How would you seek to implement transit locally and regionally, if you support it? If not, why not?
– Would you support a local or regional sales tax to help pay for transportation needs?
– What does your vision for Crozet look like?
– What are the intended consequences of slowing or stopping growth and what might be some of the unintended consequences?
– What do you think about Crozet incorporating as a town?
White Hall District

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And the Third Candidate is …

Tom Loach, local anti-growth advocate.

Courtesy of the Crozet Gazette, via Charlottesville Tomorrow:

Thomas Loach, a resident of Crozet since 1989, submitted a letter to the editor outlining his experience and asking area residents, particularly those in the designated growth area around Crozet, to sign petitions to put him on the ballot for the November 2007 general election as an independent candidate.

Charlottesville Tomorrow has a lengthy post.

Update 5/9/2007: The May edition of the Crozet Gazette is online. (PDF)

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Crozet Zoning meeting

Add your voice to the discussion of what Downtown Crozet will look like. From the County:

May 10, 2007 — 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Crozet Fire Station

Crozet is a special place with a strong identity. If you participated in the Crozet Master Planning process, you will remember the saying we heard frequently: “all roads lead to downtown”. The Master Plan identified downtown as the largest and most important of the centers of residential and economic activity.

While a vision for downtown exists, the question still remains “How do we get there”? In response to this, Albemarle County has commissioned Community Planning and Design, in collaboration with Milt Herd and Bruce Dotson, to recommend zoning which will help implement the Master Plan vision for a thriving Downtown Crozet.

As part of this study we will be investigating existing limitations with the current code and best practices in communities of similar size and scale. Several alternatives will be presented to the community, and with your input one approach will be recommended for the county to adopt. This process will evolve over the next six months and will provide opportunities for community participation in developing the new zoning regulation.

Mark your calendars and make plans to participate in this important process.

Learn more at the County’s site. The agenda is below and here as a PDF.

So – here is the question – how do you envision Downtown Crozet?

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A third Crozet candidate?

We know that incumbent David Wyant is running again.

We know that he is being challenged by Ann Mallek.

But is there a third candidate who may soon declare? Perhaps a Crozet resident? Rumors say that there may be somebody who will be announcing soon. Any insight from any of the readers?

This will be a very interesting race that will impact Crozet, possibly dramatically. The demographics have changed in the White Hall district significantly in the past four years. Pay attention, folks. It will be interesting. Make sure you educate yourself and get involved.

Keep up on the current state of the campaigns and elections at Charlottesville Tomorrow.

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A brief history of RealCrozetVA

18 months. It has been 18 months since RealCrozetVA was founded.  RealCrozetVA was started in September of 2005 with a simple goal:

I am starting this blog somewhat on a whim, so as to provide a forum for Crozet to (hopefully) discuss their thoughts about Crozet’s growth.

My whimsical vision also sees this as a place to discuss Crozet’s goings-on, music and cultural events, local vineyards, etc. This will be a slow start, as my business and my blog and my life already consume so much of my time. Please be patient, and if anybody wants to help out, please let me know.

You may start here to learn a little bit about some of what has been happening in Crozet.

And it has grown slowly but surely. After a recent mailing to raise awareness of the blog, traffic has spiked. Hopefully we will be able to keep some of that traffic and interest. That it has been over 18 months since its inception is amazing; it feels like only yesterday that I got the bug to start it.

Realcrozetva Traffic for the past 12 months

One thing differentiates realcrozetva from some of the other “hyper local” blogs that have been discussed in the – it was started purely for the community, with no desire to gain profit (much like, but even more localized). Only very recently have I added the “Search for Homes” tab, and I debated and struggled with that for quite some time; I do not want to detract from the site’s being for the Crozet community. One of the best features of the site is the Community Map, which shows many, although not yet all, businesses in Crozet.

I cannot yet attribute a single transaction to the site, and don’t really care; that was never the goal. The relationships I have had the opportunity to develop, the ways in which I have been able to give back to the community, primarily due to this blog, and even more importantly, emails such as this make it worthwhile –

Good morning… quick note on your blog.  … I’m a big fan of the RealCrozet blog. I’ve passed it along to many new friends I’ve made here.  It’s great … well done, and a wonderful way to pull the community together.  Thank you!

The goal remains the same – to give something to the Crozet community, to provide a forum that is used to connect and bring together Crozetians, new and old. Here’s to another 18 months.

* I have cross-posted this with RealCentralVA; it and RealCrozetVA have completely different audiences, and I think this post will be interesting to both.

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