Hamner Theater Offering Two Free Performances

via email –

The Hamner Theater used to be in Nelson County but as of last Sept. moved its mailing address to Crozet and we have used Crozet Arts as our base for both last year’s and this year’s Shakespeare Winery tours.  This year we are able to offer two free preview performances to the Crozet Community on Wednesday, Aug. 14 and Thursday Aug. 15 at 7pm in the front yard of 1118 Crozet Ave, across the street from Tabor Church, second house down from the Community Garage.



Continue reading “Hamner Theater Offering Two Free Performances”

Crozet Community Calendar

There’s lots happening in Crozet, from concerts to vineyard happenings to events at Tabor Church to dome-putting-up at Crozet Park to Crozet Community Association and Crozet Community Advisory Council meetings. Years ago (I can’t even find a link) on RealCrozetVA I tried to assemble a Crozet community calendar; I’m trying again.

May I present – the Crozet Community Calendar. I’m going to figure out a way to embed it over there in the sidebar, but for now, I’ll ask you to notice it, remember it, and email me (and your friends) if you have an event you want readers of RealCrozetVA to know about.

To recap:

Crozet Community Calendar is here

– email me if you’d like to publicize an event

– I’m mentioning it on Twitter and Facebook and Google Plus.

– For now, I’m not sure yet how I’m going to deal with announcements going forward, whether I’ll keep doing separate posts for events, a one-line post + addition to the Crozet calendar or just add it to the calendar …

– I think it’d be cool to post when neighborhood HOA meetings are …

Could a Mid-Week Farmers’ Market Work in Crozet?

Driving home yesterday, lamenting how I had missed both the Crozet and Charlottesville markets, I wondered if a mid-week late afternoon farmers market which be feasible or viable in Crozet. What do you think?

The response on FB to my query was quite positive.

As a side note, who updates the Crozet Farmers’ Market page on Local Harvest? The page hasn’t been updated since 2010.


Help the Crozet Farmers’ Market (2009)
What’s the future of the Crozet Farmers’ Market? (2010) Continue reading “Could a Mid-Week Farmers’ Market Work in Crozet?”

What would YOU Tell those Moving to Crozet?

A question from the RealCrozetVA Facebook page:

This is a real estate (for my clients) and a “welcome to Crozet” question –

1: What would you tell those moving to the Crozet area about the Crozet Master Plan?

2: What would you tell those moving to Crozet about Crozet?

Good, bad, ugly … just honest.

Update 4 May 2012:

Kim writes a fantastic comment on the FB post. I’m putting it here because I don’t want FB to archive it so I can’t find it in three years. Or two months.:

I would tell them that Crozet retains its small town flavor, despite the growth due to the Master Plan so far. However, because of this growth, there has been strain on our infrastructure and schools and so far the BOS and BoEd and the Planning Commission seem to be working in silos when it comes to this.

They approve huge developments like Gray Rock and Old Trail without concurrent planning for schools and roads – that should take place at the same time, not at crisis time (Crozet Elementary in 2007 and now Brownsville in 2012). There is some tension between long time residents and those that move in to these developments and want to remake Crozet into something else. I think all residents are afraid of 250 becoming yet one more plain vanilla expanse of national chain stores. My biggest piece of advice would be to GET INVOLVED!

With schools, Crozet Trails Crew, youth sports, Crozet Community Association, Crozet Park, and so on. Take the time to walk the downtown area, go to the farmer’s market, and meet the local business owners tucked away in those funky old imperfect buildings.

That is the charm of Crozet. We came from a picture postcard perfect small New England Town in 2005, and realize now that it is not the exteriors of the buildings, but those inside them that make Crozet so friendly and special.

Kite Day at King Family Vineyards this Sunday

Correction: It’s this Sunday ((18 March 2012) . Not Saturday.

I love social media. I asked on Twitter “Anything fun happening in Crozet this weekend?”

And within minutes, @Trailside Coffee responded:

Sure enough, King Family Vineyards’ page says:

Let’s go fly a kite!  Put the blustery March winds to good use, and join us for a day of high-flying fun!  Tie some ribbons on the tail of your favorite kite, and enjoy our wide open polo field as the perfect place to show off your best moves.  Open 11am-5pm.

(it’s also on King Family’s Facebook page)

Thanks, Trailside Coffee! (and I’m hoping to try your new Guinness Milkshake soon)