Recycling, sidewalks, library, redistricting and more!

There is an awful lot on the agenda for tomorrow’s Crozet Community Association meeting, which start at 7:30 on Thursday:

-  Sidewalks/Streetscape plans-Lee Catlin

-  Library plans-Lee Catlin & Barbara Westbrook

-  Area schools redistricting discussion
            Barbara Massie Mouly, Brian Wheeler can’t attend tonight
            Crozet Elem. School public meeting on March 15 at 6:30;

            School Board decision on March 22.

-  Recycling-Michael Freitas & Jo Ann Perkins

-  CoHousing plan– Nancy Chappell

-  Old school and Depot suggestions from members 
          (At the last CCA meeting David Wayland asked members to come up with recommendations re. the future use of both of these buildings.)

-  Other business from members

For lots more on redistricting, sidewalks and more, pick up a copy of March’s Crozet Gazette (pdf) – especially the “artist’s rendering” of the potential streetscaping on the last page.

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How to raise awareness of realcrozetva

I thought I would share this recent email exchange with a reader:

No story here, just wanted to say that the site you have put together is great, and Crozet really needs this intimate type of discussion – my suggestion would be how can we get more people to know about this site – seems as though a lot of my neighbors haven’t heard of it and I’d like to see more people comment on these stories – there are too many “no comments” on really pertinent issues.

Regarding awareness of the site – this is something that I am struggling with. Ideally, I would like to do a bit of advertising or even a mailing to the 22932 zip code, but frankly I don’t have the funds to do that. On the other side, I guess I could accept ads on the site, but I feel that that would detract from the perceived impartiality of the site.

Thats a tough call re: ads – providing funds vs. detracting from the feel of the site.  I suppose local ads probably wouldn’t be too distractive, but even things like a posterboard sign at the 4-way stop with the website name could be pretty effective for people to get in their heads…either way, I’m sure word of the site will spread.

So … here’s my challenge to those of you who do read this site – email it to a friend who might be interested … mention it at your HOA meetings … tell your friends about it. This site was started to provide a forum for Crozetians new and old. If you are a business owner, post your business (after emailing me for the login) to the Crozet Community Map.

And as always, if you have a story idea, please let me know. If you have a story or opinion to share, write it. If you go to a local meeting, share your thoughts. I’ll post most anything so long as it’s reasonably well-written and pertinent to Crozet.

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No Fireworks in Crozet

From the minutes of the Crozet Community Association January 11, 2007 Meeting:

July 4th Fireworks- The Fire Dept announced that they will not be sponsoring the July 4th Fireworks in 2007, due to the high cost of fireworks. There will still be a parade and other activities (to be presented later). Other sponsors are encouraged- estimated costs are $5,000 for 15-20 minutes and $10,000 for 25-30 minutes of Fireworks.

If you’ve enjoyed the wonderful annual fireworks at Crozet Park, it’s time to lend your support. Anyone interested in creating/joining a “Save the Crozet Fireworks” committee? Respond here and let’s get started to keep the fireworks going in Crozet!

Who wants to join in and help fund the fireworks? Might somebody have already taken up the case? Email me if you are interested.

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One small step towards environmental sustainability in Crozet

If you get antsy listening to a lot of ideas without any action, you really wanted to be at the meeting on Sunday evening, January 28, when about 40 people gathered in the basement of Tabor Presbyterian Church to talk about the environment. The meeting was a follow-up to an earlier meeting at which “An Inconvenient Truth” was shown. After that apparently quite depressing evening, this evening was unofficially described as Chapter Two: What We Can Do to Make a Difference. Steve Brown, of Virginia Interfaith Power and Light, led most of the meeting. (VIPL, an organization that began in 2004 and has 20 state chapters, works to spread the word about small and large ways concerned communities can make a difference regarding the environment.)

Rather than spending too much time re-hashing what a mess we’re in, Mr. Brown quickly got the ball rolling on things we can do RIGHT NOW to make a difference. He speaks from experience, as he built his own “net-zero” house in Charlottesville–a house that costs $30 per month to operate completely and often earns (rather than costs) him money from the power company, due to its solar panels. This got my attention right away.

Mr. Brown showed a DVD called “Kilowatt Ours,” a documentary created by Jeff Barry about the current sources of power in this country and their impact –and what we can do to make a difference. I highly recommend seeing the DVD to get the full impact of how simple these changes can be–on a small and large scale. Put simply:

1. Use energy efficiently.
2. Move towards using renewable sources of energy (such as wind and solar power).

Okay, I know that’s obvious. But we don’t do it, do we? Let me give you some juicy details:

-One kilowatt hour (kwh) of energy (which would run your AC about 30 minutes) burns one pound of coal in order to be produced. The average home in the southeast uses 36 kwh per day. That’s 36 pounds of coal. And we all know where that coal comes from, right? Watch the mountains disappear in West Virginia, if you’re not sure. The average home will use 6 TONS of coal per year to create its electricity. Of course, producing that energy also causes CO2 emissions and mercury to enter the air.

So, every time you flip a light switch, you burn coal. When you know that, you think differently about using electricity. But what can you do RIGHT NOW that will make a difference?

Change every single lightbulb in your house to long-lasting, energy-efficient fluorescent bulbs. If we all changed the bulbs in just ONE ROOM, according to Mr. Barry, we would eliminate 1 trillion pounds of CO2 emissions going into our atmosphere. Imagine what changing the bulbs throughout the whole house would do.

Folks there had other good, immediate, and easy suggestions for ways to make your own energy use more efficient:

-turn off your computer (and everything else) at night
-put a timer on your hot water heater so that it works in the morning and evening, but not all day, when there’s no one there
-buy only energy efficient appliances, such as “Energy Star” appliances–front loading washing machines, for example

Bigger changes you can make:

-install a geothermal heating system (will pay for itself in 7 years, according to Mr. Brown)
-install solar panels to make use of the sun’s energy–a 2400 square foot house could install a $20,000 system and run coal/nuclear power free — if that sounds daunting, realize that just about ANY roof space can be utilized to collect solar energy

Mr Brown suggests that if you are building a new house, you can make it a “Net Zero” house–that is, a house that costs nothing for energy use–by paying 15 – 25% more per square foot.

All of these changes will save you money in the long run (after the initial expense of the new materials), but, even more importantly, you’ll be making less of an impact on the environment every single day. Even if you can’t afford solar panels, I bet you can afford to change one room’s worth of light bulbs! Right??

Now, what about our community? What can we do to make a difference regarding the environment? Advocacy, advocacy, advocacy!

1. Write or call Michael Freitas, Chief of Public Works for the County (401 McIntire Rd Rm 224, Charlottesville, VA 22902-4579 ; 434- 296-5816) and tell him WE WANT A RECYCLING CENTER IN CROZET. The County’s plan includes, supposedly, three recycling centers in the county. It hasn’t happened yet. Let’s make it happen. Bruce Edmunds of Rivanna Solid Waste Authority says that RSWA will run it. Let’s get the County moving on finding a site and making it happen. Do I need to explain why? Human beings, it is said, create 600 times their weight in trash in their lifetime–and 75% of what we throw away is recyclable. Recycling 1 can saves enough energy to run a TV for 3 hours. Think how many more people would recycle if we didn’t have to schlep it all to McIntire! Curbside recycling is problematic due to expense and the use of energy for the collection vehicles. So let’s get a center open. Waynesboro (pop 20,000) did it–and its center serves 1200 people a day!

2. Tell the County, in any way you can, that ALL NEW DEVELOPMENTS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS should meet “green” standards. We have a chance to speak now before things are built–let’s demand that they get built the right way. Waynesboro is an example of a city making changes: they use a system called “daylighting” that makes better use of natural light in their new elementary school, and Kate Collins Middle School is going geothermal. They’ve dug 320 wells for the geothermal coils in the school’s front yard, and the system is predicted to pay for itself in 5 – 7years. Mr. David Wayand , who was there as a Crozet resident and spoke also as a County government member, reminded us that we can lead the County, instead of waiting for it. We are already leaders, in that we are the first community with a Master Plan. Old Trail has to come in with a new site plan because of rezoning, so we have a chance to lead, rather than be at the mercy of circumstances.

3. Work for things already in place in many states –rebates for installing solar panels; a deal in which people using solar power get paid the peak rate for the energy their panels produce, and pay the non-peak rate for whatever energy they use off of the grid.

4. Make the environment an election issue–locally, state-wise, and nationally. Denmark gets 28% of its power from renewable sources. The US gets 0.1% (one tenth of one percent). We can do better than this. A New England Consortium of states has pledged that they will aim for 12 – 20% of their power coming from renewable sources. It’s only a pledge, but we don’t even have that at this point.

Good news: Albemarle County has joined the Kyoto Protocols and has also changed to LED lights in all of its traffic lights and exit lights, reducing energy use enormously.

I left the meeting inspired, ready to make a difference instantly in my own home and more slowly but surely in my community. For my children’s air, for the fields I want them to play in and the mountains I hope they get to climb, I am glad I saw Mr. Barry’s DVD and heard Mr. Brown speak. I’m staying tuned for the next meeting and the next steps.

Ed note: All it takes is one person to start the conversation. It’s up to the rest of us to listen and act.

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Single-sex education in Crozet

From The HooK today, referencing the new Field School, a single-sex school (of which I am a huge advocate, as I graduated from the former all-male Virginia Military Institute) - 

Barnett says he’s close to finalizing the school’s initial location, which will likely be in the Claudius Crozet Park community center in Crozet. He proudly shows architectural renderings of the space, which will feature flexible classrooms with moveable walls and a large central common area. The school is accepting applications for the fall for 16 spots in each the fifth and sixth grades. (Seventh and eighth grade will be added over the following two years.) A shuttle will take students from Charlottesville to and from school each day.

The question of the day – what will be the impact on Claudius Crozet Park? Presumably the Park Building will no longer be available for rentals.

Update: Todd Barnett clarifies and expands with his comment.

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Crozet School growth

For those of you who don’t read Brian Wheeler’s School Matters blog, you should. He has done a tremendous service with his most recent post regarding the potential for school overcrowding in Crozet. Take the time to read it all as well as the attachments. You’ll be better informed citizens and parents for it.

Make no mistake, even if you do not have children in the County school system, what happens to our schools affects all facets of our lives, from our houses’ values to the basic quality of life in Crozet and beyond. If only more public servants were as capable and as open as Mr. Wheeler.

Our representative for the White Hall District is:

Barbara Massie Mouly
265 Newtown Road
Greenwood, VA 22943

Update 11/29/2006: Brian Wheeler has a story about the now-upcoming addition to Brownsville Elementary, among other developments.

Crozet business map

At the suggestion of a reader, I am going to open up the Crozet community map to everybody to edit. Add your favorite business, restaurant, etc.

As much as I would like to put the login and password online, I don’t think that would be the best idea in the world. So, please email me if you are interested. This could become a great local resource if people participate.

Update 11/18/2006: I have made the map a permanent page at the top of this site.

Sex offender expose coming

In Crozet this afternoon, I passed an NBC29 news crew doing a story on sexual offenders. They happened to be filming at a vacant lot on Hilltop Street, where this gentleman is registered to live. Huh. A vacant lot. There is no tent. So where is he? And how accurate is the Commonwealth’s database? Knowing where these folks are is important. Kudos to 29 for doing this upcoming three part series.

I was discussing this several weeks ago with fellow Crozetians and parents; it’s good to see “main stream media” taking this on.

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Help design Crozet Station

From the Crozet Community Association listserv:

Bill Atwood, Architect for Crozet Station, the proposed redesigned, remodeled, and rebuilt commercial area stretching from the corner of 240 & 810 to Crozet Great Valu, came to the Crozet Community Advisory Committee last week, and presented his ideas for the new project. He would like to include Crozet people in the design phase of Crozet Station. Here is what he wrote:

I am looking for 14-16 people to work with me in the field towards creating a Crozet Architectural Language. I would like to start this process on or about 1 Nov 06 & conclude on or about 15 Jan 07. We will be establishing 6 – 8 Iconic architectural pieces in Crozet. We will be meeting regularly, at an agreed time. Bill

If you are interested, email David – dfwayl AT earthlink DOT net

Crozet Library update

Wednesday, October 25, 7:00pm, Western Albemarle High School: Community Feedback Time!

Albemarle County Representatives and Grimm and Parker architects will solicit community feedback regarding the library and its potential sites. Community feedback from this meeting will be reported to the Board of Supervisors.

If you can, come to this meeting. A vibrant, dynamic, interesting and functional library can shape and enhance a community in a way unlike any other development.

Sign up for Albemarle County’s excellent, informative and timely! A-Mail (or continue to visit realcrozetva and/or subscribe to the realcrozetva calendar!)

From A-Mail:

Officials from Albemarle County and the Jefferson-Madison Regional Library are inviting Crozet area residents to attend a public meeting on Wednesday, October 25, from 7:00 pm until 9:30 pm at Western Albemarle High School. The purpose of the meeting is to update the community on the status of the project, introduce the project consultant, and get public feedback on two location options for the new library to share with the Board of Supervisors prior to their final site selection decision.
The consultant team is led by Grimm & Parker Architects, a firm headquartered in McLean, Virginia with a 30-year history of successful library and other public architecture projects. The Grimm & Parker team was selected based on their overall public library expertise, experience with downtown and town center libraries, and their successful track record of integrating public comment and input into library design and programming decisions, among other criteria.
The meeting will include an introductory overview of the library project, a brief discussion of library design possibilities, and then a detailed site analysis of the two locations under consideration conducted by the consultant team. The consultant will then lead participants through a facilitated feedback session to generate input that will be passed on to the Board of Supervisors.
Anyone who has questions or would like more information is asked to contact Albemarle County’s Community Relations Office at (434)296- 5841.

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