Crozet Community Association Meeting on Thursday, 12 March

The next Crozet Community Association Meeting is this Thursday, 3/12/09 at 7:30 PM at the Crozet Firehouse. Meeting lasts 90 minutes or less.

All are welcome. Come hear Crozet history from Phil James and learn what’s going on around Crozet.

Will post agenda in day or so when it comes out.

See you Thursday, 7:30 PM.


Minutes from the Crozet Community Association Meeting – 12 January 2009

Editor’s note: if you can, find the time to attend the monthly Crozet Community Association meetings; they are among the best ways to meet fellow Crozetians and learn about the goings-on in Crozet.

The minutes of the November meeting were approved.

David Wayland has received the Crozet bumper stickers (which are the Crozet family crest). They are available at various local stores, library, etc.

New officers were elected for 2009:

President: Sarah Henley, Vice President: David Wayland, Secretary: Judi Burbes, Treasurer: Emery Taylor

Moment in History:

Phil James was not available for the meeting, but the group discussed the history of the Crozet library; included in the discussion were memories of the Women’s Club serving as a library, the bookmobile serving as library, and the various buildings that served as libraries.

New Business/Reports:

Tim Tolson spoke to the topic of the new library. General agreement has been reached on the arrangement of the new facility. Of course, the economic deterioration may well affect the schedule of funding. All citizens are encouraged to communicate with their legislators (federal and state) as well as the Board of Supervisors, to put the library on the list of “shovel ready” projects to be submitted for federal funding. Wendy Saz (our head librarian) reported that the National Assoc of Libraries has put the Crozet library at the top of their shovel ready requests!! Although the library itself may not be shovel ready in the next 6 months, the new Main St. could be. The library is seen as a way to help bring economic stimulus to the downtown area of Crozet.  The library is the 4th busiest in the area (behind Central, Northside, and Gordan Ave). Tim and the library committee will be looking for sources of funding for the library going forward.

NOTE: the committee working on the new library meets the 4th Monday of the month, at 4:30 (new meeting place will probably be at the Meadows).

Kelly Strickland spoke for the Crozet Park Board regarding the proposal to put a cover over and expand the pool at the park. This proposal was one of three competing for funding from the Board of Supervisors; the other proposals are for the Y and Star Swimming (in N. Albemarle). It appears that these have all been put on the back burner (due to the economic situation), although surprisingly, the BOS initially seemed to favor the non-public proposal by Star Swimming.

Tom Loach (our representative on the Planning Commission) addressed questions on the industrial area proposed along Rt 64. This has been pushed to back to be included in the revision to the Crozet Master Plan, which will start later this year.  There are questions in terms of watershed protection (the stream on the property has recently been rated as only of fair quality already).  This area is not attached to the growth area as defined under the Master Plan.

Tom also spoke to the Gas Station proposal along Rt 250. Currently the water usage estimates are being reevaluated.

On a positive note, Tom indicated that the Crozet Streetscape is being funded and should be proceeding.

Items requiring followup:

Recycling within Crozet is still an unresolved item. The last update presented to the CCA was that the RSWA (Rivanna Sewer and Water Authority) was to present a proposal. It was also mentioned that Carroll Connelly is collecting cans for the Lions Club. Kathleen will follow-up on the RSWA status, and Barbara Westbrook will speak with Carroll to determine the extent of recycling he’s willing and able to support. Ray McCauley also indicated that he would be willing to do a pickup from a central location.

The CCAC proposal regarding the light industrial area will be forwarded to Judi Burbes by Tim Tolson for presentation/voting for concurrence at the next CCA meeting.

Most years the Crozet community sponsors a cleanup day in April. Judi Burbes will follow-up with Heidi Sonen (who has led this in the past) and WAHS to determine what role the community could play in the cleanup for 2009.

Advocacy Items:

The Fire Department will be celebrating it’s 100th year of service. The department will be sponsoring a contest to develop a new logo. Details will be unveiled in the near term.

The Blackfriars Theater in Staunton is apparently feeling the squeeze of the economic situation, and is asking for contributions for any donors who would like to support the theater.


Judi Burbes, Secretary

This Is Part of What RealCrozetVA is Trying to Accomplish

Courtesy of Seth Godin:

Here’s how I would do it. Assume you’ve got six people in your office. Each person is responsible to do two things each day:

  • Interview a local business, a local student or a local political activist. You can do it by phone, it can be very short and it might take you ten minutes.
  • Get 20 households to ‘subscribe’ by giving you their email address and asking for a free subscription. You can use direct contact or flyers or speeches to get your list.
  • …..

    Twice a week, send out the ‘newspaper’ by email. After one week, it will have more than 500 subscribers and contain more than 20 interesting short articles or quotes about people in the neighborhood. Within a month, (if it’s any good) every single person in town who matters will be reading it and forwarding it along to others.

    It will cost you nothing. It will become your gift to the community. And it will be a long lasting asset that belongs to you, not to the competition. (And yes, you can do this if you’re a plumber or a chiropractor. And yes, you can do this if ‘local’ isn’t geographic for you, but vertical).

(I’m going without the print version, though)

Santa In Old Trail

Old Trail Golf and Trailside Coffee are pleased to announce an opportunity for FREE pictures with Santa Saturday, December 13, 9am-12noon at the Old Trail Golf Pavilion. This event, free and open to the public, is a combined benefit for the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank and the UVa Hospital Pediatrics units (7 West and 7 Central). Attendees are encouraged, but not required, to bring either a new toy donation for the playrooms at UVa OR a canned food donation for the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank. In addition to bringing a toy donation, craft materials will be available to make holiday cards for hospital patients – a terrific activity for children.

It has been brought to the attention of the Old Trail community that the toy cabinets in the pediatrics units of UVa Hospital are nearly empty, causing the playrooms to be closed. Similarly, the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank is experiencing a high demand and is in need of additional supplies to feed area families. In this lean economy, we recognize that not everyone can afford to purchase a new toy, but may instead be able to contribute a can of food or make a holiday card for patients unable to participate in outside activities during the holiday season. Trailside Coffee and Old Trail Golf wish to help local families while providing a fun environment and an opportunity for pictures with Santa.

A photographer will be on-hand to take pictures that will be available online, free for downloading with an option to order prints as desired.

Trailside Coffee will provide hot chocolate and cookies to those bringing donations of either food or toys. Other food and beverages will also be available.

For more information, contact:
Marcia McGee, Owner, Trailside Coffee

Or call Old Trail Golf: 434-823-8101

Below is a list of criteria for toys that will NOT be accepted due to health and safety concerns:

– Previously owned/used items (toys, crafts, stuffed animals, clothing);
– Friction (i.e., spark-producing) toys;
– Toys which emit or discharge projectiles;
– Toys with sharp edges;
– Electrical toys or radio-frequency generating toys which do not meet the requirements of Medical Center Policies 0055 and 0139;
– Toys with small pieces or removable parts, if accessible to children under the age of three;
– Toys with cords longer than 7”, if accessible to infants, and toys with cords longer than 12”, if accessible to toddlers;
– Water-retaining toys or anything that is in liquid form (other than non-toxic blowing bubbles);
– Toys containing latex, because of potential latex allergies or sensitivities; no latex balloons (only Mylar) and no latex wrist bands;
– Toys or packages containing candy (e.g., Pez or other candy dispensers, “goodie bags” with candy, food, drink, etc.);
– Any fomites (other than Play dough or foam craft kits that would be for individual use only)

Editor’s note: I’m tired of posting fun community building events centered in Old Trail – where are the ones not in OT? This post is a reprint of a press release sent by the Old Trail team.

Lost Dog Near Old Trail

Our dog, Jenny, a small female black and white Jack Russell terrier is missing. She has on 2 red invisible fence collars. She probably wandered off near Caitlin Drive or Old Trail, possibly near Brownsville or Henley.

Please call John and Tiffany Clarke 823-1434 if you see her! THANKS!

From the Inbox – Historical Crozet Accident

Referencing this post from last week about the Good Samaritan

I’ve lived in suburb’s of Atlanta since moving from Crozet during 1967. I lived in the ole’ Crozet, following graduation from UVa in 1959, until 1967. The Crozet you loved and describe in your recently published, rather nostalgic article, of ‘Longing for Old Crozet.’ I remember well the Crozet Drug store and setting at the marble countered soda fountain and I too miss those days and some very close friends that are still living there. Many now have passed including Conway Stanley the local druggist who owned the store and beloved soda fountain.

Your e-mail, regarding your automobile accident, jogged my memory of another long ago accident that occurred at night on Highway 250, near intersection with the road leading into downtown Crozet. It occurred in front of a then rather popular restaurant that today I believe a small strip mall sits. That eventful night on 250 several young people were drag racing and one killed upon their car turning over, driver being thrown out, hit, and dragged beneath the small MG that supposedly hit him…or so those involved testified. Actually, the MG turned out to be stolen as police awoke and eventually cleared student who owned the MG. The really strange part of their story was the body of the dead boy, attached by his belt beneath the MG, was in rather good shape. The MG, with body beneath, was found on the UVa campus parked in it’s usual parking space across from the owners dormitory that sits adjacent to the old campus cemetery.

As I recall the police questioned how the body could have been dragged, under the small MG, that many miles and be in such good condition? To my knowledge it was a puzzle that to this day is still unanswered. I recalled they questioned the restaurant owner, who police suspected may have had involvement in the car racing, and he retained a Greenwood attorney by the name of Hank Tiffany. Hank was a regular at the Old Crozet Drug store. Hank, I believe was killed in a mid-air plane collision with a military F-15 that was scrambled to intersect him upon his aircraft entering an ADZ zone off outer banks of North Carolina. There was always something of excitement going on in the ole’ Crozet.

I’m glad to learn that you survived your automobile accident due to a good Samaritan and hope you find him to thank. Should you ever come across the mystery details of the young man found beneath the MG, on that fateful night of drag racing on Highway 250, I would like to learn if the police ever solved the puzzle?


Dick Pharr

Editor’s note – thank you for the recent flurry of emails and stories! I sincerely appreciate the readers and the correspondence!

From the Inbox – Lost Dog in Crozet

I’m posting this for at least two reasons –

1) Help the dog find its owner

2) Highlight how Crozet really is and can be a small, helping community.

I found a black and white (cocker?) spaniel on Three Notched Road today across from Highland Drive. (forget the subdivision name) I drove around and knocked on doors for 2 hours looking for the owners….no luck. Is there anyway you could help find the owners? I would appreciate it. My cell number is 804.868.0464; email is redkurlzz at gmail DOT com.

From the Inbox

Sometimes, the RealCrozetVA inbox is pretty nifty.

“Nov 17th, 2007 I was in a bad car accident in Greenwood VA(close toCrozet).

The accident occurred between the hours of 12-1am on Greenwood station road. We struck a tree on my side(passenger),the driver pulled me out of his side, then ran away. The car was a light blue BMW M coupe.

Because of my injures I went into immediate shock. The driver did not call for help. Somehow you happened to be driving down the road within 20 minutes of the accident, stopped, called for help, and waited till their arrival.If it wasn’t for you, I have no idea how long I would have laid there, or what would have happened to me. The police did not get your name or contact information. At the very least, I would like to thank you.

If you are, or know this person, please contact me so that I can tell them how much their help means to me.
