CCAC Recap – June 2019 | Barnes Redevelopment, Water, Catholic Church on St. George?

Read all the tweets here.

Highlights from the CCAC meeting

PDFs from the Barnes Lumberyard redevelopment presentation

Draft form for residences


Continue reading “CCAC Recap – June 2019 | Barnes Redevelopment, Water, Catholic Church on St. George?”

CCAC – June 2019 | Downtown Crozet Update, Crozet Express


via email:

CROZET COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEECrozet Library, 2020 Library Ave, Crozet, VA 22932 Wednesday, June 12, 2019 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:45 p.m.


  1. Introductions and Agenda Review (Allie Pesch – CCAC chair)
  2. Approval of Minutes
  3. JAUNT Crozet Connect Schedule Update (Stephen Johnson, JAUNT – 15 min)
  4. Rivanna Authorities Crozet Projects Update (Bill Mawyer, Executive Director, Rivanna Authorities – 45 min)
  5. Barnes Lumber Development Updates (Frank Stoner, Milestone Partners – 15 minutes)
  6. Downtown Crozet Initiative Branding Crozet Recap (Doug Bates – 15 min)
  7. Items Not Listed on the Agenda
  8. Announcements

CCAC May 2019 | Crozet Connect, 250, Bridges

via email:

Field School of Charlottesville, 1408 Crozet Avenue
Wednesday, May 8, 2019 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:45 p.m.


1.    Introductions and Agenda Review (Allie Pesch – CCAC chair)

2.    Approval of Minutes 

3.    JAUNT Crozet Connect Update (Brian Cohen, JAUNT Public Relations Manager – 15 min) 

4.    Crozet Master Plan Content Review and Update Topics: Land Use (Andrew Knuppel – 45 min)

5.    CCAC Member Discussion: Eastern Avenue, VDOT Bridge Resolution (All – 30 min)

6.    Items Not Listed on the Agenda

7.    Announcements

8.     Future Agenda Items

• Rivanna Authorities – Crozet Area Update (Bill Mawyer, RWSA – June)
• Master Plan Content Review and Update Topics (Monthly through July)

CCAC Meeting – More Houses, Crozet Express, Master Plan

via email (bolding mine) #CCAC0419


Crozet Library
Wednesday, April 10, 2019 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:45 p.m.


  1. Introductions and Agenda Review (Allie Pesch – CCAC chair)
  2. Approval of Minutes
  3. Pleasant Green/West Glen Stream Crossing SUP Amendment (Jeremy Swink, Stanley Martin Homes – 30 min) (Is this the one about filling in the flood plain?)
  4. JAUNT Crozet Connect express shuttle service update (Brian Cohen, Mary Honeycutt, Stephen Johnson – 30 min)
  5. Crozet Master Plan Content Review and Update Topics: Parks and Green Systems (Andrew Knuppel – 20 min)
  6. Items Not Listed on the Agenda
  7. Announcements
  8. Future Agenda Items
    1. Rivanna Authorities – Crozet Area Update (Bill Mawyer, RWSA – June)
    2. Master Plan Content Review and Update Topics (Monthly through July)


March 2019 CCAC Wrap-up | Transportation Stuff

CCAC March 2019

Lots of stuff in the CCAC meeting.

A couple highlighted tweets

There was a lot more covered in the meeting. You should go; they’re often boring, but you’ll probably learn something about Crozet.

Continue reading “March 2019 CCAC Wrap-up | Transportation Stuff”

CCAC Meeting 13 March 2019 | Traffic, Recycling, Master Plan

Via email. Who’s going, and able to either tweet, or write a recap for the blog? #CCAC0319

Wednesday, March 13, 2019 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:45 p.m.


  1. Introductions and Agenda Review (Allie Pesch – CCAC chair)
  2. Approval of Minutes
  3. CCAC 2019 – 2020 Officer Elections
  4. Recycling in Western Albemarle (Trudy Brement, Emma-Caroline Avery, and Maren Eanes, Henley Middle School – 20 min)
  5. Crozet Traffic and Transportation Updates (Joel DeNunzio, VDOT – 40min)
  6. Crozet Master Plan Content Review and Update Topics: Transportation (Andrew Knuppel – 20 min)
    1. Review the first 7 pages of the Transportation Plan
  7. Albemarle County Budget Review: Crozet CIP Commitments (Ann Mallek–10min)
  8. Items Not Listed on the Agenda
  9. Announcements

10. Future Agenda Items

o Pleasant Green/West Glen Stream Crossing SUP Amendment (April)
o Master Plan Content Review and Update Topics (Monthly through July)

CCAC Meeting – February 2019 | Schools, and Recycling

This should be an interesting meeting, seeing as how most everyone in Crozet benefits from having a great school system. I’ll reserve my cynicism for my in-meeting tweets.


Crozet Library 
Wednesday, February 13, 2019 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. 


1.    Introductions and Agenda Review (Allie Pesch – CCAC chair) 

2.    Approval of Minutes 

3.    Recycling in Western Albemarle (Trudy Brement, Emma-Caroline Avery, and Maren Eanes, Henley Middle School – 20 min) 

Due to illness, the recycling discussion will be postponed. Instead, our neighborhood planner Andrew Knuppel will be presenting the county’s new development dashboard and giving us an overview of Crozet developments currently “in the pipeline.”

4.    Western Albemarle Feeder Pattern School Capacity and Enrollment (Rosalyn Schmitt, ACPS Chief Operating Officer – 60 min) 

5.    Items Not Listed on the Agenda 

6.    Announcements 

7.    Future Agenda Items 
        –  Joel DeNunzio, VDOT (March) 
        –  Chesterfield Landing Phase III Review 
        –  Albemarle County Development Pipeline Dashboards (Andrew Knuppel) 
        –  The Square and Barnes Lumber Updates? 

CCAC Recap – January 2019 – Transportation Projects Happening (and not)

Click through to read the tweets, or just click here, scroll to the bottom and make your way up.

I’ll update this once I get the powerpoint of the presentation.

Here is the presentation by Kevin McDermott with Albemarle County.

Kevin McDermott from Albemarle Couty went through some of the projects relevant to Crozet.

Crozet Square/Oak Street
Rt 240  improvements
Eastern Ave – One part sooner than the other (through Parkside Village sooner than to 240)
– Tabor/Hilltop/High Street (don’t hold your breath)
250 pedestrian improvements coming soon

Thanks for the video, Crozet Gazette

Continue reading “CCAC Recap – January 2019 – Transportation Projects Happening (and not)”

CCAC – January 2019 | Transportation Update



Crozet Library

Wednesday, January 16, 2019 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:45 p.m.


1. Introductions and Agenda Review (Allie Pesch – CCAC chair)

2. Approval of Minutes

3. Western Albemarle Transportation Updates (Kevin McDermott, Albemarle County Transportation Principal Planner – 45 min)

4. Items Not Listed on the Agenda

5. Announcements

6. Future Agenda Items:

– February 13, 2019: Western Albemarle Feeder Pattern School Capacity and Enrollment (Rosalyn Schmitt, ACPS Chief Operating Officer)

– Feb/March? Improvements and traffic flow changes coming to The Square (NIFI project status update)

Note: CCAC will meet on the 2nd Wednesday of the month going forward

December 2018 CCAC Wrap-up, Chesterfield Landing growing

Here are the tweets from last night. It was a good discussion; I encourage you to dig in and read them all.



A couple of the tweets, though

Some of the tweets

  • Currently, they could do about 12 units. Want to rezone to get about 23
  • Lots of questions about what the homeowners’ expectations were about the future growth of the neighborhood
  • Schools are overcapacity, “Audience – currently Brownsville site says capacity is 715 and they are at 830. (I think I heard that right) “
  • Me: trying to figure out if they are upset about not knowing more houses are coming to the growth area, or that the rezoning is for ~2X as many homes as allowed by right?
  • If You Don’t Own It, It’s Going to Change
  • Me: As a Realtor, it’s hard hearing these kinds of conversations. People buy with certain expectations; it’s tough when those aren’t met.
  • Neighbor – you say you’ll preserve trees and such. Where?

    A: shows the picture that they’ve already said is a very preliminary representation.

  • CCAC member to buyers – did you all look at the master plan before you bought?

    one neighbor – I talked to the builder & they said probably not.

    another – we thought there’d be more houses, but absolutely not 23 houses

  • Neighbor – now, our neighborhood blends right now, but the new phase won’t look anything like what’s there now. The new houses will be so much smaller & won’t fit in. How will you integrate it so it *looks* like part of our neighborhood ?
  • Talking about lot sizes, houses sizes, house values. CCAC member saying smaller houses = lower value.

    Me: so what?



Continue reading “December 2018 CCAC Wrap-up, Chesterfield Landing growing”