CCAC February 2020 Recap | Crozet Sports, Bamboo Grove

A big meeting. A big conversation about a big project in Crozet, the Crozet Sports facility, and a big conversation about a tiny rezoning for 6 great houses along Jarmans Gap.

Read all the tweets. Please.

Video at the bottom of this post.

The agenda for the meeting is here.

  • Bamboo Grove
    • Small project, rezoning from R2 to R4; it would be 6 single family housing units
    • Chris Fuller’s slide deck. For posterity, the PDF is here, too.
    • This was a great discussion about more than a simple rezoning (just do it; it’s a small and great project), it was an informative lesson about housing affordability, and how greater density leads to greater affordability.
      • And also how building smaller, more efficient houses is part of the solution

CCAC  February 2020
Bigger than usual attendance

Everything changes.


CCAC Meeting – 12 February 2020 – Crozet Sports, Bamboo Grove

via email, bolding mine. #CCAC0220

Crozet Library 
Wednesday, February 12, 2020 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. 


1.    Introductions and Agenda Review (Allie Pesch – CCAC chair) 
2.    Approval of Minutes 
3.    Crozet Sports Zoning Map Amendment Community Meeting (Valerie Long, Williams Mullen and Justin Byrd, Crozet Sports Owner – 40 minutes) 
4.    Bamboo Grove Zoning Map Amendment Community Meeting (Christopher Fuller – 40 minutes) 
5.    Crozet Master Plan Update Phase 2 Check-in (Andrew Knuppel, Albemarle County Community Development – 15 minutes) 
6.    Items Not Listed on the Agenda 
7.    Announcements 

Thank goodness Crozet Library closes at 9; I suspect with two Zoning Map Amendments (Bamboo Grove and Crozet Sports) this meeting could go long.

Continue reading “CCAC Meeting – 12 February 2020 – Crozet Sports, Bamboo Grove”

CCAC January – Wednesday, January 8, 2020, 7 p.m.

via email. I appreciate the optimism about the length of the meeting. Bolding below is mine.

Should be a shorter meeting with lots of information on growth capacity analysis from our neighborhood planners and an update on phase two of our master plan revision process. (Please mark your calendar for the next master plan meeting as well–Monday, January 13, at 6:30 at WAHS!) 

Hope to see you then! 



Crozet Library 
Wednesday, January 8, 2020 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. 


1.    Introductions and Agenda Review (Allie Pesch – CCAC chair) 
2.    Approval of Minutes 
3.    Growth Management Report & Demographics Presentation (Andrew Knuppel/Albemarle County Community Development– 30 minutes) 
4.    Crozet Master Plan Phase 2 Process Update (Andrew Knuppel/Albemarle County Community Development – 10 minutes) 
5.    Items Not Listed on the Agenda 
6.    Announcements 
7.    Future Agenda Items 
        – Bamboo Grove Rezoning Application Community Meeting 
        – Crozet Sports SUP Application Community Meeting 

I did the googling for you.

CCAC Recap 11-11-2019 | Yancey Exceptions?

Lots of people showed up for the issue that mattered to them – Yancey Lumberyard seeking special exceptions.

Here’s the agenda

Read all the tweets.

Short summary of the meeting – Yancey Lumberyard is asking for some special exceptions for noise, vibration, boundaries. Neighbors are upset. I missed the part about Crozet schools as that was first. Crozet Master Plan update.

As soon as it’s up, I’ll post the video that Crozet Gazette took.

A few of the tweets

CCAC 13 November 2019 | Bigger Crozet School, Yancey Exceptions, Master Plan Check in

via email

Crozet Library, 2020 Library Ave, Crozet, VA 22932
Wednesday, November 13, 2019 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:45 p.m.


  1. Introductions and Agenda Review (Allie Pesch – CCAC chair)
  2. Approval of Minutes
  3. Yancey Lumber Company – Special Exception Requests (Valerie Long, Williams
    Mullen – 45 minutes)
  4. CIP Check-in / Crozet Elementary Expansion Funding (Joe Fore, CCAC – 10 min)
  5. Crozet Master Plan Update Check-In #3 (Andrew Knuppel, Albemarle County
    Community Development – 10 min)
  6. Items Not Listed on the Agenda
  7. Announcements
Continue reading “CCAC 13 November 2019 | Bigger Crozet School, Yancey Exceptions, Master Plan Check in”

CCAC Recap – October 2019 | Crozet Schools’ Future, Crozet Connect Ramping up


Huge thanks again to Neve for tweeting the meeting last night! (and @CrozetCommunity as well).

I highly encourage you to read all the tweets, and watch the video from Crozet Gazette at the bottom of this post. Seriously. Read all the tweets and the summary below, and please go to meetings to help our schools.

A big crowd last night, and a lot of information was shared about the state of our schools, and the success of the Crozet Connect.

The number of people who read these tweets is always amazing, and I am hopeful some will attend the upcoming CIP meetings that will determine the funding of our schools.

NB – The CIP meeting will be an important meeting for which “butts in seats” will be critical; I suspect tweets won’t be as effective, unfortunately.

CIP Advisory Committee

2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
County Executive Conference Room

From Albemarle County’s Calendar

Summary of the meeting, by Neve, after the break.

Continue reading “CCAC Recap – October 2019 | Crozet Schools’ Future, Crozet Connect Ramping up”

CCAC Meeting 9 October | Schools, Crozet Connect, CIP


Why does CIP matter? It’s the process to fund the stuff.

Whether you have kids in the Crozet schools or not, the school quality discussion matters to you.

via email

(bolding mine)

Crozet Library, 2020 Library Ave, Crozet, VA 22932 
Wednesday, October 9, 2019 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. 


1.    Introductions and Agenda Review (Allie Pesch, CCAC chair) 
2.    Approval of Minutes 
3.    Crozet Connect Bus Schedule Update (15 minutes – Stephen Johnson, Planning Manager, JAUNT) 
4.    Western Feeder Pattern School Discussion (45 minutes – Crozet, Brownsville, Henley PTO representatives and committee) 
5.    CIP Budget Schedule Discussion (15 minutes – All) 
6.    Crozet Master Plan Update Check-in (Andrew Knuppel and Staff – 15 minutes) 
7.    Items Not Listed on the Agenda 
8.    Announcements 

Bike Paths, Big YMCA, Master Plan

This is an exciting post, because I didn’t write most of it. Thanks to Neve Gallagher for going to the 12 September 2019 CCAC meeting, tweeting it, and writing the following. My .02 on the Crozet Park proposal, and the bike path: Need more bike paths. If they are going to expand Crozet Park, doing so without commensurate infrastructure (bike paths, sidewalks, roads) and without actually talking to neighbors, is negligent.

The community involvement in the Crozet Master Plan has exceeded the CCAC’s expectations. They had ordered pizza for 75 people and over 120 came, on Monday September 9th, to give their input. The CCAC is looking community involvement and presenting varying opportunities for it, since the Master Plan is, ultimately, for the people. 

There is a play-by-play on Twitter of the CCAC meeting if you’re looking for in-depth coverage of the meeting. 


  • Crozet Master Plan Update
    • More community involvement than expected
    • Opened up the floor  for input on the following questions:
      • “Did anything surprise you about the workshop, on Monday September 9th?”
      • “What worked well?”
      • “What should we continue doing or what should we start doing?”
    • Majority response was that there were ample opportunities for community input & involvement and this was greatly appreciated
  • Barnes Lumber Development Road/ Bike Path Discussion
    • Doug Bates presented the initial road plan and the revised road plan to the floor, asking for opinions on the revision.
    • The general consensus was that the bike path was a better option than the bike lanes on the roads. Why?
      • A bike path is more family friendly & appealing to the typical Crozet local
    • A concern that has gone into the planning of building these roads with VDOT is the potential for this to turn into a high speed road; Frank Stoner assures that they are looking at ways to prevent this
      • Talk of raised intersections to prevent high speed traffic
  • Claudius Crozet Park Facility Proposal
    • Drew Holzwarth reviewed the Crozet Park Facility plans, explained the reasons this facility was a necessity and how, as a town, plan to pay for it
      • Holzwarth referenced past Crozet Park projects that were great successes due to high community involvement in fundraising. 

This month’s CCAC meeting had an overall theme of community involvement. Without the community input these plans will go through, building will commence and citizens of Crozet will be displeased with some aspect of the design. The CCAC is offering ways to get the community mobilized and easily put in their two cents. I suggest we all take these opportunities presented to raise our concerns and collaborate to allow the plans for Crozet to reflect our community.  

Continue reading “Bike Paths, Big YMCA, Master Plan”

CCAC Meeting – 11 September 2019

Anyone going tonight, who can tweet the meeting? #CCAC0919 Lots of meaningful stuff on the agenda.

Any WAHS students (journalism students, maybe?) interested in tweeting/writing about this and other meetings? I’ll pay. Adults? This request/offer goes to you, too. Please? Bueller? Text me – 434-242-7140

via email. (bolding mine)


Crozet Library, 2020 Library Ave, Crozet, VA 22932 Wednesday, September 11, 2019 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:45 p.m.


  1. Introductions and Agenda Review (Allie Pesch – CCAC chair)
  2. Approval of Minutes
  3. Claudius Crozet Park Facility Proposal (Drew Holzwarth, Claudius Crozet Park Board – 30 min)
  4. Barnes Lumber Development Road/Bike Path Discussion (FrankStoner, Milestone Partners – 25 minutes)
  5. Crozet Master Plan Update Check-In #1( Andrew Knuppel, Albemarle County Community Development – 15 min)
  6. Items Not Listed on the Agenda
  7. Announcements
    a. Crozet Master Plan Community Workshop #2: Tuesday ,October 1, 6:30–8 p.m., Western Albemarle High School Cafeteria
    b. CCAC October Meeting: Wednesday, October 9, 7-9p.m., Crozet Library (Crozet Master Plan Check-In #2; Crozet, Brownsville and Henley PTO Representatives)

CCAC Meeting – 14 August 2019

via email:

Crozet Library, 2020 Library Ave, Crozet, VA 22932 
Wednesday, August 14, 2019 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. 


1.    Introductions and Agenda Review (Allie Pesch, CCAC chair) 
2.    Approval of Minutes 
3.    Crozet Connect Bus Update (25 minutes – Stephen Johnson, Planning Manager, JAUNT) 
4.    Crozet Master Plan Revision Process Overview (Andrew Knuppel and Staff – 60 minutes) 
5.    Barnes Lumber Rezoning Resolution (10 minutes – All) 
6.    Items Not Listed on the Agenda 
7.    Announcements