Honestly, I could be convinced to never go back to in person meetings.
via email
Crozet Community Advisory Committee
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
7:00 P.M. – 8:30 P.M. Virtual Meeting
This meeting is being held pursuant to and in compliance with Ordinance No. 20-A (6); An Ordinance to Ensure the Continuity of Government During the Covid-19 Disaster.
There was a big land use meeting the other day. Here’s the blog post with the agenda, and below are the attachments sent out after the meeting. These land use decisions affect everything. Housing, schools, roads, trails, jobs, parks, and virtually everything else.
Note that the County are having Office Hours on 2 October. Read on for details.
These quick thoughts are part of an email that I sent to someone asking for my thoughts after the meeting. I wasn’t going to write a story until I was asked, so here it is.
We need creative density, commensurate with infrastructure improvements
There are a lot of people who say they want affordable housing, but want it somewhere else
Seems like a lot of Crozetians don’t like the current growth patterns, and want to shut down development. At least the ones speaking out.
Some of the stuff that is being built around Crozet is certainly contributing to the changes in Crozet
We need affordable housing here. Not “over there.”
I agree with the commenters that this feels somewhat rushed, but we still need to do something soon
We need a developer to come and propose/put up something like this that is functional and creative.
Ceasing development is not a good or viable solution (I’m working on a follow up post on this, and would welcome citations in favor or against this argument)
Zoom meetings are fantastic in that they open the meetings in a way that make them much easier to access, jump in and out, and learn.
(bolding is mine; this is part of the email from the County Staff as a followup
Thank you for attending yesterday afternoon’s Crozet Community Advisory Committee meeting. This was by far the highest-Zoom meeting we have had since we were forced to move engagement to a virtual format, with the turnout surpassing some of our public input opportunities that were open for over three weeks at a time. If you were unable to attend, please take some time to provide input through our questionnaire at https://publicinput.com/O2561.
I’ve had a number of requests for the video from the meeting as well as the Q&A list, chat, and presentation and wanted to provide those here. The meeting video can be viewed here: https://youtu.be/gCUKw8b4Mb0.
The Q&A list, chat log, and presentation slides are attached. We also wanted to create some additional opportunities for community members to chat directly with staff to provide feedback and ask questions about the Master Plan. Next Friday, October 2 from 11AM-1PM we will be hosting (virtual) office hours. Please consider joining us to learn more about the draft future land use plan, ask questions, and share your feedback! You do not have to attend for the entire time and can join whenever is convenient for you. You can pre-register/access the meeting here:
Please find attached materials for our special meeting scheduled for () Wednesday, September 23 from 12:00 – 1:30. Zoom information for the general public is included in the agenda and below as well.
You all provided us with some feedback at last week’s meeting that you didn’t feel there was enough detail to provide informed feedback, yet too much information or detail was provided. In response, we’ve provided a summary list of land use changes as well as a simplified version of the land use table to help with your preparation. Please take some time to begin by reviewing the agenda and the discussion questions before jumping into the attachments:
(Jim’s note: attachments are at the bottom of this post)
Attachment 1 provides a comparison of the 2010 and draft 2020 land use plans
Attachment 2 provides the list of changes to accompany the map
Attachment 3 provides simplified descriptions of land uses
Attachment 4 is a list of draft recommendations that builds upon the guiding principle and goals you discussed in May.
Responding to concerns about community engagement and awareness of the draft land use map, we have also provided an opportunity for community input and review here: https://publicinput.com/O2561. Please share this information with your neighbors, HOAs, or other interested groups so we can hear their input. We will plan to leave this input opportunity open indefinitely.
Looking forward to a productive conversation! Have a great weekend.
Jim Heilman talking about voting in November; this election is a “perfect storm” of an election. Has never seen an election like this one.
New election laws, some of which were passed on Friday. “Certain voices” saying mail in ballots are fraudulent, not to trust the mail, and then we have COVID-19
Goes over what’s on the ballot, from races to two constitutional amendments
The Albemarle County Electoral Board encourages citizens to vote early in person or via mail so as to avoid long lines.
Highly encourage voters to wear mask; state says they can’t force people to, but will do everything they can to encourage people to wear them. Me: Wear a damn mask.
Jennie – if someone requested a mail in ballot, could someone still vote in person early, or once you make the request, is that the way you should vote?
A: Fill it out, bring it to the County Office Building
Or if you want to put it into the machine yourself, you can do that
Dropboxes: we have never before had a legal way to do this. Last week, State passed a law allowing drop off stations, but we decided that’s not a good idea. They will have dropbox outside County Office buidling on 5th Street. May have drop off centers in the two weeks prior to election
Q: when will the mail in ballots be mailed?
A: by September 18, and hopefully Kanye West doesn’t win his appeal so we have to re-print the ballots. Me: #headdesk
Heilman: we don’t think there will be a problem with the mail. But don’t wait until the last day to mail.
Any ballot postmarked November 3, and received by 6 November will be counted.
Two ways to track your ballot. Ballot Scout will track your ballot.
Reminder that they’ve added a precinct, the Mechums River District.
Five locations to vote: Crozet, Brownsville, Western Albemarle High School, Broadus Wood, Free Union Country Day School
Local politics is like a slow drip … best to pay attention so you’re not surprised when things happen in your back yard.
Crozet Community Advisory Committee Wednesday, September 9, 2020 7:00 P.M. – 8:30 P.M. Virtual Meeting
This meeting is being held pursuant to and in compliance with Ordinance No. 20-A (6); An Ordinance to Ensure the Continuity of Government During the Covid-19 Disaster.
5. Discussion: Crozet Master Plan: Planning Commission Work Session Recap and Next Steps (remaining time)
Discussion Question: Are CCAC members available in late September/early October for a special meeting? This meeting will focus on finalizing site-specific land use recommendations and reviewing draft recommendations in the Master Plan’s Conservation chapter.
Next Meeting: Special Meeting (date/time TBD) Wednesday, October 14, 2020 7:00 P.M. – 8:30 P.M.
“Despite what is already in the residential development pipeline in Albemarle, the county still will need additional units to fully accommodate projected household growth through 2040.”
Me: More employers, more bike/ped, smaller houses = good.
Lots on the agenda this month, including the proposal for 100+ new townhomes near the Green Olive and the veterinarian on 240, and the bike/pedestrian planning for Crozet. If you’ve not yet attended a CCAC meeting, in person or virtually, this would be a good one to follow.
via email:
Crozet Community Advisory Committee Wednesday, August 12, 2020 7:00 P.M. – 8:30 P.M. Virtual Meeting
This meeting is being held pursuant to and in compliance with Ordinance No. 20-A (6); An Ordinance to Ensure the Continuity of Government During the Covid-19 Disaster.
Use this link https://albemarle-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_cYLjIIM0T32Aspkn7sQw3w to register for the meeting. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Dial (301) 715-8592. Type in the Webinar ID and Password provided in your email.
Crozet Community Advisory Committee Wednesday, June 10, 2020 7:00 P.M. – 8:30 P.M. Virtual Meeting
This meeting is being held pursuant to and in compliance with Ordinance No. 20-A (6); An Ordinance to Ensure the Continuity of Government During the Covid-19 Disaster.
This meeting will be streamed live at https://publicinput.com/Y4371. If you are unable to join on the web, you can join the call from your phone at 855-925-2801, code 9183.
We invite you to share your comments or questions through this web page or by telephone.
To participate online, enter your comment or question in the box located to the right of the live stream. To participate, login with your name and email address. We recommend that you RSVP/Register in advance so that you don’t have to login during the meeting.
If you are calling in, press *1 to listen to the meeting (your microphone will be muted). Press *3 to leave a voice message.
AGENDA Crozet Master Plan Character Chapter Review & Work Session
This will be interesting. I’ve seen it written all over the web that the pandemic is rapidly accelerating changes; the move to streaming meetings is a good one. I watched part of a recent BoS meeting, and this format was quite good.
This meeting will be streamed live at https://publicinput.com/B4573 If you are unable to join on the Internet (web), you can join the call from your phone at 855-925-2801, code 8755.