Crozet Community Advisory Council Meeting – 19 June 2013

Anyone interested in live-tweeting this meeting? I’ve found the information for those unable to attend is invaluable.

via email –

Please note that the June meeting of the Crozet Community Advisory Council will be held at the County Office Building at 6:30pm on Wednesday, June 19, 2013. The meeting will begin with a joint Advisory Councils meeting to discuss proposed changes to the critical slopes regulations in the Development Areas and we will follow that meeting with a short regular meeting of the Crozet CAC, the draft agenda for which is attached.

(draft agenda)

1. Agenda Review(Meg Holden – CCAC chair).
2. Approval of Minutes from May 16, 2013 meeting.
3. Project Updates/Information:
• Update on Library Fundraising (Bill Schrader)
• Update on streetscape
• Anything on plans for pedestrian crossing signal at Clover
Lawn/Harris Teeter, approve a resolution to request some action
regarding a safer solution for this crossing area
• Plans for Crozet Independence Day Parade, Celebration and Fireworks
on July 6.
4. Turning lanes on 250
5. Extreme jeep driving on Bear Creek Rd.
6. Items not listed on the Agenda
7. Announcements.
8. Future Agenda Items.

Continue reading “Crozet Community Advisory Council Meeting – 19 June 2013”

Storifying the CCAC Meeting – 16 May 2013

Crozet Community Advisory Council Meeting - 16 May

I’m glad I went and live-tweeting the Crozet Community Advisory Council meeting last night; the interaction on Twitter highlighted how important it is to have outside voices paying attention but also that outside people are paying attention. I pay a lot of attention to what’s happening in Crozet – both because I love it and live here, but also so I can better advise my clients. Had I not attended and tweeted last night, I wouldn’t have known about a lot of the stuff listed below. Suggestion: look at the highlights, click through to read the entire Storify then get involved.


– Someone is apparently interested in the Barnes Lumberyard

– 1306 and 1278 Crozet Avenue are going to have some sort of infill redevelopment (nothing showing yet at Albemarle’s County View)

– Funding has temporarily fallen through for Claudius Place

– Crozet schools are on their way to getting crowded – see the tweets.

– I’m still baffled that no one thought Old Trail would have kids (apparently someone thought it’d be all retirees)

– Crozet Fireworks – 6 July

– Meeting on 19 June to discuss Critical Slopes proposed changes. (this is a potentially big deal).


Continue reading “Storifying the CCAC Meeting – 16 May 2013”

Crozet Community Advisory Council Meeting – 16 May 2013

Anyone up for writing a story or live-tweeting this meeting? I’m curious to hear about what the Blue Ridge District Advisory Team is … and also, who’s up for helping pull off the Crozet Fireworks?

via email –

The Meadows, Crozet (5735 Meadows Dr.)
Thursday, May 16, 2013 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Tentative Agenda

1. Agenda Review. (Meg Holden – CCAC chair)
2. Approval of Minutes from April 18, 2013 meeting.
3. Public Comment.
4. Project Updates/Information:
• Update on Library Fundraising (Bill Schrader)
• Library…plans for unused space
• Blue Ridge District Advisory Team
• Any news on development of Barnes Lumber Company property
• Update on streets cape
• What do we know about re-zoning request at 1306 Crozet Ave.
• Present growth issues concerning our schools
• Anything on plans for pedestrian crossing signal at Clover Lawn/Harris Teeter, 2 deaths, approve a resolution to request some action regarding a safer solution for this crossing area
• Plans for Crozet Independence Day Parade, Celebration and Fireworks on July 6.
5. Old Business • Ombudsman – members of CCAC and the role they will play for the council
6. Items not listed on the Agenda
7. Announcements.
8. Future Agenda Items.

CCAC Agenda – 18 April 2013

This should be an interesting meeting … lots of stuff to talk about. As always, anyone up for live-tweeting this meeting or feel like earning the adulation and gratitude of the Crozet community by writing a story?

The Meadows, Crozet (5735 Meadows Dr.) Thursday, April 18, 2013 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

4. Project Updates/Information:

• Update on streetscape (Lee Caitlin and Trevor Henry)

• Update on Library Fundraising (Bill Schrader)

• Library: how will downstairs be used and do we have plans for old library as of yet?

• A plan for Oakley property (Charles Shrek)

• Any news on development of Barnes Lumber Company property

• Discussion of Comprehensive Plan Planning Commission Hearing (Ann Mallek and Tom Loach)

• Discussion on Satellite Waste Convenience Centers (Ann Mallek)

• What do we know about re-zoning request at 1306 Crozet Ave.

• What did we learn from Brownsville PTO meeting that may be relative to growth and development(Beth Bassett)

• What can we do to expedite getting some sort of pedestrian crossing signal at Clover Lawn/Harris Teeter, 2 deaths, can we form a resolution to request some action regarding a safer solution for this crossing area

• Plans for Crozet Independence Day Parade, Celebration and Fireworks on July 6.

• Information on Proposed Dog Park (Kim Guenther)

Full agenda (pdf)

March 14 Crozet Community Association Meeting

Lots of good stuff on the agenda … anyone interested in live-tweeting the meeting and I’ll storify it later?

Presentation: ?Old Trail development plans by Dave Brockman, Development Manager.

Old Business:
• Update on the Build Crozet Library fundraising (; Bill Schrader)
• Updates from the Crozet Park and the Crozet Trails Crew (CTC).
• Update on the Streetscape project (utility line re-location).
• Other items?

New Business:
• Crozet Safety Corp proposal. Jim Crosby and Tom Loach. A community safety and preparedness outreach independent of, but fostered by, the Albemarle County Police Department to increase our community’s safety, promote and encourage disaster preparedness, and help deter criminal activity
• Crozet 2013 Independence Day Celebration planning.
• Fund raising for the CCA? How to raise money to be able to support other causes in Crozet?
• There are vacancies on several Albemarle County Boards and Commissions, several of which are specifically for White Hall District residents. YOU are encouraged to apply.

• Other items? Comments and Questions? Announcements:

• Crozet Community Advisory Council (CCAC) meets next Thursday, March 21, at 7:00 PM at the Meadows Community Center (5735 Meadows Drive).
• Others?

Crozet Community Advisory Council Meeting – 21 February 2013

From discussions about a community neighborhood watch to Jeff Werner from the Piedmont Environmental Council talking about preserving rural areas in the face of coming growth (did you know the mobile home park on 240 is apparently/may be trying to get shifted into the growth area?) to a discussion about the coming Crozet hotel (almost entirely positive sentiments) to the opening of the paths through the lumberyard to the fact that folks want sexual offender Dumler to stay on the board because he’s a vote in the controlled-growth camp ….

CCAC meeting - 21 Feb 2013
The fact is that local change happens not just in meetings like this but over the course of dozens of meetings like this.

Lots of stuff happens at these meetings. I’ve storified the meeting through tweets – click through this story to read the whole thing or read it on Storify.

@Storify is such a remarkable tool. I hope they never get sold or go away. Continue reading “Crozet Community Advisory Council Meeting – 21 February 2013”

CCAC Meeting Tonight – 21 February 2013

Via email …

The Meadows, Crozet (5735 Meadows Dr.)
Thursday, February 21, 2013 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Tentative Agenda

1. Agenda Review. (Meg Holden – CCAC chair)

2. Approval of Minutes from October 18, 2012 meeting.

3. Public Comment.

4. Project Updates/Information:

• Community Safety with Officer Steve Watson
• Utilizing Development rights as they relate to easements with Jeff Werner of the Piedmont Environmental Council
• County Boundary changes – Ann Mallek
• Possible plans for Oakley property
• Discuss any information related to thoughts on the possible hotel (?)
• Re-cap of January all councils meeting
• Any news on development of Barnes Lumber Company property
• Update on Crozet Library fundraising (Bill Schrader)
• Developments at the I 64 Interchange
• Redistricting as it relates the master plan with Karen Rubenall
• Update on streetscape
• Others?

5. Old Business

6. Items not listed on the Agenda

7. Announcements.

8. Future Agenda Items.

• Meet with New Old Trail Management – who can make the contact?