Anyone interested in live-tweeting this meeting? I’ve found the information for those unable to attend is invaluable.
via email –
Please note that the June meeting of the Crozet Community Advisory Council will be held at the County Office Building at 6:30pm on Wednesday, June 19, 2013. The meeting will begin with a joint Advisory Councils meeting to discuss proposed changes to the critical slopes regulations in the Development Areas and we will follow that meeting with a short regular meeting of the Crozet CAC, the draft agenda for which is attached.
(draft agenda)
1. Agenda Review(Meg Holden – CCAC chair).
2. Approval of Minutes from May 16, 2013 meeting.
3. Project Updates/Information:
• Update on Library Fundraising (Bill Schrader)
• Update on streetscape
• Anything on plans for pedestrian crossing signal at Clover
Lawn/Harris Teeter, approve a resolution to request some action
regarding a safer solution for this crossing area
• Plans for Crozet Independence Day Parade, Celebration and Fireworks
on July 6.
4. Turning lanes on 250
5. Extreme jeep driving on Bear Creek Rd.
6. Items not listed on the Agenda
7. Announcements.
8. Future Agenda Items.
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