CCAC Meeting – 19 December 2013

This should be a good one, folks. One of the most-discussed and most important pieces of land in Crozet is the Barnes Lumberyard. This will be a great opportunity to listen and learn more. (as seen on the Crozet Calendar)

Who’s up for tweeting this meeting? The tweeting of the last CCAC meeting was a great success.


The Meadows, Crozet (5735 Meadows Dr.)

Thursday, December 19, 2013 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.


1. Agenda Review. (Meg Holden – CCAC chair)

2. Approval of Minutes from November 21, 2013 meeting, if available.

3. Presentation by Frank Stoner regarding the Barnes Lumber property.

4. Announcements.

5. Future Agenda Items.

CCAC Meeting – Through the Eyes of a WAHS Student

Last month’s Crozet Community Advisory Council meeting was well-attended, and well-tweeted! One of the attendees was Tim Dodson, a junior at Western Albemarle High School and the news editor of the Western Hemisphere. His tweets were insightful and added a perspective that is lacking at most CCAC meetings (no disrespect intended) – that of youth. So I asked him to write a guest post and he graciously accepted. The next scheduled CCAC meeting is 16 December . A sincere thanks to Tim for attending, tweeting and writing this story.

I’ve sat through a lot of tedious Board of Supervisors and School Board meetings before, so I figured my experience with the Crozet Community Advisory Council (CCAC) wouldn’t be much different when I attended the November 21 CCAC meeting last Thursday. I was totally wrong.

The meeting was at the Meadows Community Center and started at 7pm. I drove up, and at first I thought I was at the wrong place. There weren’t too many people inside, perhaps five or six. More people started to show up and within 10 minutes the CCAC members were seated and a small audience had arrived as well. I was seated next to Kim Connolly, and as it turned out, both of us were there to live-tweet the meeting. CCAC members appeared to be surprised by the seven person public turnout, so I guess these meeting aren’t well attended.

The CCAC is actually a pretty diverse group, with Board of Supervisors member Ann Mallek, PTO reps, longtime Crozet residents, and several individuals with ties to local organizations. Perhaps the only group not represented is high school students.

As the meeting progressed, the council addressed a variety of topics, including Crozet Library fundraising, Streetscape, sidewalks near Crozet Elementary, Barnes Lumber Company, and contamination at the Wilson Jones site.
I appreciated the informal debate flow of the council and the frequent opportunities for public input into the discussions.

I was mostly interested in the Crozet Library and Streetscape agenda items, and as a teen driver, found the conversations about possible stop lights and three-way intersections quite relevant. My favorite update that evening was the fact that the stop bar at the intersection of Crozet Ave. and Jarman’s Gap Rd. will be moved up once Streetscape is complete. It’s about time that happened!

Although I didn’t have the background knowledge for the conversations about Wilson Jones and Barnes Lumber, the discussions that they prompted led me to do some googling afterwards and become more informed.

The meeting finished on time at 9pm, and as I got in my car and drove away, I realized that time had flown by and reflected on the meaningful discussions that I observed.

In general, CCAC is an engaging way for the Crozet community to have a voice in county affairs and influence local policymaking. I’ve never seen people so passionate about zoning, libraries, and sidewalks until I came to the CCAC meeting; it’s reassuring to know that the people on CCAC actually care about what goes on in Crozet and that active citizens are leading the way.

Anyone with a connection to Crozet – whether you live in Crozet, attend school in Crozet, or frequently use the library – should try to attend a CCAC meeting and chime in on the conversations. These meetings are lively, open, and in some ways, enlightening.

editor’s note: I’d love to see more attendance and public input at CCAC meetings, and hope that Tim’s attendance inspires more youth insight and input – from WAHS students and the Crozet community.

CCAC Meeting 21 November 2013 Recap

Sounds like a lot was discussed at last night’s Crozet Community Advisory Council meeting. Huge thanks to WAHS student @Tim_Dodson, @CvilleKim, @tfjtolson and @crozetbulldogs (their Twitter names for the uninitiated 🙂 ) for tweeting the meeting. Thank you for taking the time to attend and share the information with the community.

The meeting recap – via tweets – is after the break. Click through, scroll to the bottom and make your way up. There’s a lot of relevant and pertinent Crozet information in there.

Some of the topics –

– Barnes Lumberyard development plan

– Streetscape update (there’s a meeting on 3 December)

– Jarman’s Gap/Crozet Avenue intersection (I still say roundabout)

– Safe Routes to School update

– Pedestrian improvements at Clover Lawn

– Design charette for the Barnes Lumberyard?

– Hotel update

Please read and be informed – and thank the folks who tweeted if you see them!

Continue reading “CCAC Meeting 21 November 2013 Recap”

Crozet Community Advisory Council Meeting – 21 November 2013

If anyone – anyone – is willing to live-tweet this meeting, please let me know asap. The agenda is chock-full of really interesting, relevant, important stuff. (bolding mine)

* Update: two volunteers have stepped forward to live-tweet the meeting and one more is likely to write a guest post. At the very least there will be at least three more people there. Thank you!

Live-tweeting the meetings accomplishes several things:

1) It gets you (or me) to attend the meeting to listen and learn

2) Tweeting the meeting engages the folks who are at home, unable to attend but really want to be informed

3) It allows me to capture the tweets and post them in a blog post here for anyone/everyone else who is interested in the meeting and can neither attend nor follow on Twitter.

4) It helps the CCAC know that people are paying attention.

5) Tweets capture more than almost any news story can.

CROZET COMMUNITY ADVISORY COUNCIL The Meadows, Crozet (5735 Meadows Dr.)

Thursday, November 21, 2013 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

1. Agenda Review. (Meg Holden – CCAC chair)

2. Approval of Minutes from October 17, 2013 meeting.

3. Project Updates/Information:

• Library fundraising update – Bill Schrader.

• Streetscape update and overview of town hall meeting – Lee Caitlin

• Discussion of Barnes Lumber company – Leslie Burns and Meg Holden

• Update on plans for pedestrian crossing signal at Clover Lawn/Harris


• Update on Safe Routes to School project, with information specific to

the crossing at Crozet Elementary

• Hotel project

• Wilson Jones property environmental remediation

• Resolution for extension of Crozet library hours

4. News concerning area schools affecting development area.

5. Change of meeting date and place – Bill Schrader.

6. Items not listed on the agenda

7. Announcements.

8. Future Agenda Items.

Summary of Last Night’s CCAC Meeting – 15 August 2013

Lamentably, I had to leave about 30 minutes early.

Click through, scroll to the bottom and read the tweet summary I put together if you’re interested. Schools, Crozet Library, a Crozet crime update of sorts, infrastructure concerns and more.


Continue reading “Summary of Last Night’s CCAC Meeting – 15 August 2013”

CCAC Meeting – 15 August 2013

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – these meetings are one of the best ways to know what is happening in Crozet.

via email –


The Meadows, Crozet (5735 Meadows Dr.)

Thursday, August 15, 2013 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Tentative Agenda

1. Agenda Review. (Meg Holden – CCAC chair)

2. Approval of Minutes from June 19, 2013 meeting.

3. Project Updates/Information: • Update on Library Fundraising (Bill Schrader) • Update on streets cape • Anything on plans for pedestrian crossing signal at Clover Lawn/Harris Teeter

4. Beth to report on PTA meeting with Barbara Massie Mouly and education boards long range plans.

5. Feedback on planning commissions public meeting to hear public comment on the Comprehensive Plan held on July 23.

6. Discuss trying to get Barbara Massie Mouly to attend one of our meetings and topics we would want to discuss with her.

7. Wrap up on Independence Day Celebration (Mike Marshall or Tim Tolson if present, if not, one of the group who attended the celebration can report)

8. Items not listed on the Agenda

9. Announcements.

10. Future Agenda Items.