Lots of stuff (such as two new neighborhoods!) on the CCAC agenda this month; I’m going to try to make it and tweet it, but would certainly welcome others’ assistance!
Via email –Â
Wednesday, December 16, 2015 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
The Crozet Library
1. Agenda Review. (Jennie More – CCAC chair)
2. Approval of Minutes and CCAC housekeeping items (15 minutes)
3. Project Updates/Information:
-  Community Meeting – Proposed Special Use Permit for fill in the flood plain/stream crossing – Proposal requires a new special Use Permit to add a road connection out to Orchard Drive. Current owners are Crozet Development Solution (Piedmont Housing Alliance). – Keith Lancaster and Charlie Armstrong with Southern Development (45 minutes)
-  Community Meeting – Proposed Rezoning for residential development Adelaide. This property is located immediately to the west of Cory Farm on 250. – Kyle Redinger (45 minutes)
- Â Clean up Meeting space (15 minutes)
The Library closes at 9pm.
4. Items not listed on the agenda.
– Frank Stoner would like to remind people that the most current information about The Former Barnes Lumber Property is available on their website. Mr. Stoner has met with planning staff and has received comments on the plans he showed the CCAC in October. These staff comments will be available on the website. www.downtowncrozetinitiative.com.
5. Announcements.
– DCI Steering Committee Update – Tim Tolson and Dave Stoner
6. Future Agenda Items.
– Update on Former Barnes Lumber Property – Frank Stoner
– Discussion/Information about critical road connections- Phil Best