CCAC Meeting Recap – 16 November 2016

Local government matters. Participate, please.  Come – and stay – even when your backyard isn’t being affected.

So much discussed last night that will affect Crozetians, and those seeking to move to Crozet.

Click through, go to the end, and make your way back up.

Update: Elaine Echols sent me the two documents handed out at the meeting. Thanks, Elaine!

I’ll post the Crozet Gazette’s video when it’s up.

Continue reading “CCAC Meeting Recap – 16 November 2016”

CCAC Meeting 16 November – Land Use, Growth, Politics

Lots on the agenda.


Wednesday, Nov 16, 2016 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.


  1. Agenda Review (David Stoner -CCAC chair)
  2. Approval of Minutes
  3. Residential development pipeline, patterns, and zoning/proposed land use (Elaine Echols – 45 min)
  4. Net v. Gross Density Calculations &Policy (ElaineEchols–15min)
  5. Discuss Focus Areas Priorities (All–45min)
    (Focus area liaisons please come with thoughts on “top 3-4” priorities/goals/actions)
  6. Items Not Listed on the Agenda
  7. AnnouncementsDCI/Milestone Crozet Plaza Design Open House – Dec 8, 5-8pm, Piedmont Place
  8. Future Agenda Items

Continue reading “CCAC Meeting 16 November – Land Use, Growth, Politics”

19 October CCAC Meeting Wrapup

I’ll update this story, but wanted to get the tweet recap out tonight.

Not much of an update.

Highlights from last night’s CCAC meeting:

  • Dave Oberg, White Hall school board member, talked about schools and the upcoming bond referendum
  • Public hearing about the relocated cabin and lot parceling on Crozet Ave (next to Greenhouse)
  • Discussion about proffers and Community Advisory Committees.

There were two handouts, both from the Joint CAC meeting on 10/6, which all of the materials from are posted here.

Strategy for Consideration

Proffer Policy Guidance for CACs

Read the tweets. Really.

Continue reading “19 October CCAC Meeting Wrapup”

CCAC Meeting – 19 October 2016

From the CCAC discussion email:

“While we have a number of potential things to cover, I thought it may also be good to at least start a discussion about what we think the CCAC’s “top 3” priorities/goals/actions should be for each focus area, as we discussed a couple meetings ago.  Would focus area liaisons please have a think about that between now and next week, and come prepared to discuss those (or better yet circulate your suggestions in advance)?  We won’t get to all of them but maybe we get through a few, and finish in Nov.  I attach the updated focus areas and liaison list, FYI.  I’d also suggest you each review the implementation section of the Master Plan as that’s a good, albeit dated list of priority “to do’s” in each of these areas.”


From the CCA site:


Crozet Library, 2020 Library Avenue, Crozet
Wednesday, October 20 19, 2016 from 7:00 to 9:00 PM

Click here for PDF (printable) version of the agenda.


1. Agenda Review. (David Stoner – CCAC chair)

2. Approval of Minutes (Draft minutes of September 21, 2016 meeting)

3. Albemarle County Schools Bond Referendum on Nov. 8 (TBD–15min)

4. Public Meeting– Freetown Cabin Relocation to 1278 Crozet Ave (Matt Lucas–20 min)

5.  Update from All-CAC Meeting (Lee Catlin – 20min)

  1. Potential Public/Community Meeting Changes
  2. Proffer Policy Issues

6.  Discuss Focus Areas Priorities (All–30min)
(Focus area liaisons please come with thoughts on “top 3-4” priorities/goals/actions)

7. Items not listed on the agenda

8. Announcements

9.  Future Agenda Items

CCAC Meeting Recap – 21 September 2016

I’ll update this post later, but wanted to put it out there tonight for those of you who missed the meeting but want to be second with the knowledge of what was discussed tonight.

Updated. Dig in, folks, there was a lot discussed last night. The new Master Planning process, seemingly without County authorization/approval (no judgment, sometimes it’s better to just do something rather than wait), Crozet Express, and a lot more.

Other topics – County development, Crozet population, growth, County process and staffing, Crozet Express (coming bus service between Crozet & Charlottesville).

I tried to pull out important/interesting tweets, but there were so many. Please take the time to read them all. And ask questions. Learn the players –  Who’s involved, how they’re involved, and who’s making decisions for you.

Update 26 September 2016: I asked Elaine Echols with Albemarle County to share her slide deck and she was kind enough to do so. Here it is. (pdf)


Continue reading “CCAC Meeting Recap – 21 September 2016”

CCAC Meeting – 21 September 2016 | Bus Service, Project Updates, Population

Lots of stuff on the agenda – commuter bus to Charlottesville? Project updates, discussion about Crozet’s population and a whole lot more.

Don’t be a NIMBY; come to meetings *before* something directly impacts your backyard.

CCAC Meeting Wednesday night, 21 September. Crozet Library. 7pm – 9pm.

  1. Agenda Review (David Stoner -CCAC chair)
  2. Approval of Minutes
  3. Discussion of Possible Expansion of Commuter Bus Service (Becca White, UVA & Brad Sheffied, Jaunt – 30min)
  4. Discussion with Planning Staff (Elaine Echols & David Benish –40min)
    1. Population/build-out methodology and update
    2. Master Plan update efforts
    3. Staff – CAC relationships and working together
  5. Barnes Lumber Rezoning Follow-up Discussion (Elaine Echols and All–30min)
  6. Brief Update on Recent BOS and PC Actions (Ann & Jennie & John –10min)
    1. Adelaide
    2. Restore-n-Station
    3. West Glenn
    4. TheVue
    5. FoothillsCrossingNextPhase
  7. Finalize Focus Areas and Committee Liaison Roles (All–time permitting)
  8. ItemsNotListedontheAgenda
  9. Announcements

10.Future Agenda Items

Reminder – if you’re not up to speed on all of these topics, spend a few minutes searching here on the blog, or browse previous CCAC recaps.


CCAC Meeting Recap August 2016

So much discussed at tonight’s Crozet Community Advisory Council meeting at Crozet Library.


Click through, scroll down, read *all* the tweets, and make your way back up.

Continue reading “CCAC Meeting Recap August 2016”

CCAC Meeting 17 August 2016 | Police Substation, Downtown Crozet, CCAC Priorities

The CCAC matters, folks. Sacrifice time to attend, get informed, and be present — not just when something comes up that directly affects you or your neighborhood. *

via the CCA site:


Crozet Library, 2020 Library Avenue, Crozet

Wednesday, August 17, 2016 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Click here for PDF (printable) version of the agenda.


1. Agenda Review. (David Stoner – CCAC chair)

Approval of Minutes (Draft minutes of July 20, 2016 meeting)

3. Update on possible police substation in Crozet (Capt. Greg Jenkins ACPD – 15min) — Some background on this at RealCrozetVA; short story: the County determined last year that it’s not even remotely a priority in the CIP)

4. Update Focus Areas and Committee Liaison Roles (All – 20 min) — see the end of this post for more information

5. Barnes Lumber & Downtown Crozet Initiative (DCI) Update (1 hour) — this should be interesting.

a. Barnes Rezoning Presentation (Frank Stoner, Milestone Partners)

b. DCI Update (Mary Beth Bowen and Dave Stoner, DCI)

6. Follow-up on CCAC Priorities and Master Plan Update Discussion (All-time permitting) 

7.   Items not listed on the agenda

8.  Announcements

9.  Future Agenda Items

The CCAC’s role and “charter” docs are found here: Continue reading “CCAC Meeting 17 August 2016 | Police Substation, Downtown Crozet, CCAC Priorities”

CCAC Meeting Recap – 20 July 2016

So much discussed tonight about the Crozet Master Plan, state of growth, population, infrastructure, accusations against County Staff, lamentations about being blindsided by developers, a few new faces from the public, absence from those whose neighborhoods aren’t *directly* impacted by things on the agenda … I tried Facebook live, but the sound was awful (and it’s hard to hold a phone in one hand and tweet in the other).

Tweets below.

Continue reading “CCAC Meeting Recap – 20 July 2016”

CCAC Meeting 20 July 2016 – What Are CCAC Roles & Goals?

Sorry for the late-ish notice; just got this via email last night: (bolding mine) — please read the CCAC 2016 Goals & Priorities Discussion Draft (PDF), and weigh in in the comments.

The Crozet Library
Wednesday, July 20, 2016 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.


  1. Agenda Review (David Stoner – CCAC chair)
  2. Approval of Minutes
  3. Review of CCAC Fact Sheet and Introduction/Overview/Duties (10 min)
  4. CCAC Priorities Discussion (90 min)
    1. What are the most important issues facing Crozet? Should we advocate more for certain of these stated in the Master Plan? Which? How?
    2. Master Plan Monitoring, Review, and Update – should we do more?
    3. Public Meetings and Project Reviews – are we spending our time wisely?
    4. Are there other Issues, county processes, or things we should focus on?
    5. Need to update Committee Liaisons (Aug 2016)
    6. Are there ways we conduct business that can be improved upon?
  5. Items Not Listed on the Agenda
  6. Announcements
  7. Future Agenda Items (August?)
    1. Update Committee Liaison Roles
    2. Barnes Lumber Rezoning Presentation (tentative)

CCAC 2016 Goals & Priorities Discussion Draft (PDF)