Crozet Board of Trade asking for Donations

via email:*

Dear Crozetians,

I’m writing to ask your help in an important community driven effort that will help shape the future of Crozet.   As you may have read, there is a volunteer committee that consists of Crozet Community Association president Tim Tolson; retired planning commissioner Tom Loach (and new/current CCAC member);  current planning commissioner Jennie More; White Hall Supervisor Ann Mallek; Tom Guterbock, the director of U.Va’s Center for Survey Research; Shawn Bird, a political polling expert; Crozet Board of Trade president Mike Marshall; and county senior planner Elaine Echols. Other interested Crozet citizens have also attended meetings.  This committee has been developing a survey on Crozet growth issues for presentation to the public in May.

The committee has prepared a scientifically valid survey with neutral questions. Some 2,000 households inside the Crozet Growth Area and another 1,000 in nearby areas will be sent letters asking them to participate in the online survey. The goal is to get at least 500 households from this random representative sample to respond, with the heavy majority being from inside the growth area.

The same survey will also be available to anyone in the public online or in a paper form published in the Crozet Gazette and also available at Crozet Library. But these responses, while valid and sought after, will be analyzed and reported separately.

The committee has made diligent efforts to be thrifty about the cost of the effort. The expense, including sample purchase, comes down to less than $2 per invitation for the 3,000 letters and follow-up postcards should the letter not get the needed 500 participants.


The Crozet Board of Trade is undertaking to raise $6,000 to cover the cost of the survey. We believe this information is worth getting. The results will be publicly available.


The Board of Trade is a civic nonprofit that traditionally has raised funds for Crozet’s Independence Day fireworks show. We also raised the funds to create the Crozet Historic District. Your contribution is tax deductible and will be acknowledged.


This is a worthy cause. I hope you will send a contribution made out to the Crozet Board of Trade to P.O. Box 261, Crozet, Va. 22932. You can also donate online at this address: (Please note that 3% of your donation is kept by Network for Good as its fee.)


Thank you for supporting your hometown and believing that our caring can make its future prosperous and bright.



Michael Marshall, President, Crozet Board of Trade

The Crozet Board of Trade is a 501(c)3 charitable organization.

One more thought: this survey has been put forth as being “unchallengeable” by the organizers. “With a scientific survey we have unchallengeable results that will be valuable for many purposes.” – Mike Marshall, via email 11/19/2016. 

If they are “unchallengeable” results, are they saying that they are infallible as well?


*edited to add links to CCAC story about Tom Loach and link to CCA.

CCAC Meeting – April 2017

via email:

Attached please find the agenda for the April Crozet Community Advisory Committee meeting to be held at Wed April 19 at 7pm at Crozet Elementary School cafeteria. Note the change in meeting location!

Agenda will primarily focus on prioritizing previously identified projects as part of the Neighborhood Improvement Funding Initiative by the County, further described below. Plus welcoming our new CCAC members!

UPDATE – Here is the current list of project ideas for the Neighborhood Improvement Funding Initiative

Continue reading “CCAC Meeting – April 2017”

CCAC Meeting Recap – Transportation, Transportation, Transportation

Lots discussed in last night’s CCAC meeting.

Rather than pull highlights, please read all the tweets, after the jump. This meeting highlighted more than many the value of being present, having a voice, and choosing to make the time to attend.

Continue reading “CCAC Meeting Recap – Transportation, Transportation, Transportation”

CCAC Meeting – 15 February 2017

Local government, folks.

I suspect this will be a lot of conversation about how to make transportation in Crozet better. I’ll start:

  • Better infrastructure that supports current and future traffic
  • Sidewalks and bike lanes to make walking/riding less intimidating
  • Parking plan for downtown Crozet
  • Trails interconnecting neighborhoods should be a requirement. Even retro-actively. (interconnectivity is part of Albemarle’s plan)
  • Bring in companies/jobs to encourage business development in downtown Crozet
  • Stop referring to Crozet as a “town.” Words matter. We aren’t a town.  We could be.


The Crozet Library
Wednesday, February 15, 2017 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Continue reading “CCAC Meeting – 15 February 2017”

CCAC Meeting Recap – 18 January 2017

Short agenda, relatively short meeting, punctuated by post-meeting beer at Smoked. Good meeting last night, despite the very few members of the public in attendance.


While short, a lot of good information and context was shared. Please take the time to click all the way through to the end, and read the tweets to the top.

Continue reading “CCAC Meeting Recap – 18 January 2017”

CCAC Meeting Recap – Robotic Cars, Property Rights, Trails & More

CCAC meeting - December 14, 2016
CCAC meeting – December 14, 2016

Last night’s Crozet Community Advisory Committee (CCAC) meeting at the Meadows covered lots of ground, as always.


Please. Click all the way through, start at the bottom, and make your way back up.

If you’re interested, you can find all of the CCAC meeting recaps here.

Continue reading “CCAC Meeting Recap – Robotic Cars, Property Rights, Trails & More”

CCAC Meeting – 14 December 2016 | Proffers, Barnes, Growth

1 – This CCAC meeting is at the Meadows, without wifi. Boo.

2 – Lots of stuff on the agenda. If you’re interested in Crozet’s growth & development, please come.

3 – Because this is at the Meadows, and there is no time limit on the meeting, come prepared to be there well past 9.



The Meadows
Wednesday, Dec 14, 2016 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Update: these four files were sent to the CCAC google group at 11:33 this morning.



Continue reading “CCAC Meeting – 14 December 2016 | Proffers, Barnes, Growth”