CCAC – 13 November 2024 – Beaver Hill Mobile Home Park

A round up of things regarding this Wednesday’s CCAC meeting at Crozet Library at 7pm

My quick thoughts

We need housing, in Crozet, in Albemarle, in the US. We need infrastructure, too. This seems an opportunity to at least provide affordable housing for people who need it.

CCAC (and many other County boards, committees, and commissions) needs volunteers to serve. Find out more here.

Part of the CCAC Agenda

Community Meeting: ZMA202400007, SP202400021, and SE202400020 Beaver Hill Manufactured Home Park

(45 minutes)

David Benish, Albemarle County Community Development
TAX MAP/PARCEL(S): 05700-00-00-00800
LOCATION: 4783 Beaver Hill Lane
PROPOSAL: Rezone 24 acres from Rural Area to R4 Residential with a special use permit to bring existing manufactured
home park into compliance and to add 53 additional units.

PETITION: A request for a special use permit under section 18- for a manufactured home park on a 49.38-acre
parcel. The property is currently a non-conforming manufactured home park with 47 units. The proposal seeks to bring the
property into conformance and to add a leasing office and 53 additional units for a total of 100 manufactured homes at a
gross density of 4.17 units/acre. Associated with the request are several special exceptions to the manufactured home park
regulations outlined in Section 18-5.3.
ZONING: RA Rural Areas – agricultural, forestall, and fishery uses; residential density 0.5 units/acre in development lots
COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Rural Area – preserve and protect agricultural, forestal, open space, and natural, historic and
scenic resources; residential (0.5 unit/ acre in development lots) in Rural Area 3 of the Comprehensive Plan.

4. 5. Board of Supervisors/Planning Commission Liaison Updates (15 minutes) – this is time reserved for liaisons to
share community announcements and project/policy updates
Supervisor Ann Mallek and Planning Commissioner Lonnie Murray
Other Committee Business (10 minutes)
a. All-CAC Review
6. Community Concerns (10 minutes)

Charlottesville Community Engagement

(always a must-read, and well worth the annual subscription)

Crozet CAC to review rezoning request for expand Beaver Hill mobile home park

Albemarle expects over 150,000 residents by the year 2050 and one of the biggest questions is where everyone will live. Another is how to preserve existing affordable housing and how to expand the number of subsidized units? 

Those questions are answered application by application. 

Shimp Engineering is leading the way on a rezoning for 24 acres from Rural Area to Residential-4 to allow for expansion of the Beaver Hill Manufactured Home Park to add 53 additional units to have a total of 100. The property is technically in the rural area.

The Crozet Community Advisory Committee will have a community meeting for these applications at the November meeting at 2020 Library Avenue in Crozet. This begins at 7 p.m.  (meeting info)

Location of the Beaver Creek Mobile Home Park in Crozet (Credit: Shimp Engineering)

April 2024 CCAC Recap – Lots of Questions, Few Answers

The CCAC meeting on 10 April 2024 was an open house at Brownsville.

Spend some time going through the slides. The transportation section is particularly interesting.

A few highlights:

The Square Improvements are Moving Forward

From the CCAC meeting last week (thanks to Crozet Gazette for the video below!)

If you have an hour, please watch the video. If you don’t, please read or skim the information below.

My notes from watching the video

The PDF of the presentation is here.

From Charlottesville Community Engagement on 20 February 2024

Albemarle report provides details into Crozet’s Square project

In June 2012, Albemarle County acquired a 0.36 acre parcel in downtown Crozet from CSX Transportation in a transaction in which no money changed hands. The strip of land is known as The Square and spans between Crozet Avenue and Oak Street on the western edge of the Barnes Lumberyard. 

Continue reading “The Square Improvements are Moving Forward”

CCAC Wrap-up – November 2023 | Transportation & Land Use!

Downtown Crozet with winter morning sun on the mountains

As ever, thanks to Crozet Gazette for the recording. If you can find the time to watch the meeting, I think it’s an instructive background into growth in Albemarle and Crozet going forward. Start or continue your learning about Albemarle’s Comprehensive Plan at Engage Albemarle.

I missed the meeting, and it looks like it was sparsely-attended, despite transportation and infrastructure being such important parts of our community conversation.

A few things jumped out as I watched the meeting

  • 12:07 multi modal planning approach; focusing growth within development areas
  • 15:50 centers and destinations of activity – Crozet is a bit ahead of other development areas
  • 16:55 jobs & people densities — this is really interesting
  • 21 modes
  • 25:00 — urban design conversation, context, vocabulary are too complicated for an an average citizen to understand? Planning and development are meaty topics that affect us all, and the November CCAC meeting is an example of why it’s important to consistently pay attention to local government.
  • 45:00 — AC44 future land use and planning designations; this is important (and technical) stuff that affects how we live and grow. There are 24 land use designations (confusing) across 5 master plans.

January’s meeting will be about the Crozet Square!

Via email from the County

(me: I always forget there’s a Crozet CAC folder on the County’s site.)

Here are the individual links

Crozet CAC AC44 Presentation

Crozet Modal Emphasis Map

Draft Updated Land Use Designations for AC44

And, just a reminder, questionnaires are open online for the following chapter draft goals and objectives:

CCAC – 13 September

via email – (see the end of the post for meeting norms)

“The Crozet Community Advisory Committee will meet on Wednesday, September 13, at 7 pm in the large meeting room at the Crozet Library. (If you can arrive a few minutes early to help set up the room, it will help ensure that we can start promptly at 7.) I’ve attached the agenda. 

We will hear a short presentation from Matthew Slaats about a project he’s pursuing to create a Crozet community orchard, which was inspired by a similar project in Bloomington, Indiana. We’ll also hear updates from our Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors liaisons. We may have a presentation from the Crozet Volunteer Fire Department, but I’m still waiting for final confirmation about whether they’ll be able to join us. 

I’m hoping that we’ll have plenty of time for some committee business, including reviewing the development-tracking effort that we started earlier in the year, discussing our possible role in the upcoming budget and Capital Improvement Plan cycle, and brainstorming topics for our upcoming meetings.

I look forward to seeing you all next Wednesday.”

Continue reading “CCAC – 13 September”

CCAC – 9 August 2023 – Long Range Transportation

Long-range transportation. We are so good at long range planning, it seems that often we neglect to actually execute and build. This is a long post, but worthwhile.

CCAC – 9 August 2023 at 7PM at Crozet Library.

From Joe Fore, CCAC Chair

The Crozet Community Advisory Committee will meet next Wednesday, August 9, at 7 pm in the large meeting room at the Crozet Library. (If you can arrive a few minutes early to help set up the room, it will help ensure that we can start promptly at 7.) I’ve attached the agenda. 

Our main agenda item will be a presentation from the Charlottesville-Albemarle Metropolitan Planning Organization, which is updating the region’s long-range transportation plan, Moving Toward 2050. After the presentation, we’ll discuss transportation needs in the Crozet area. The project’s website includes a survey where you can share your opinions about necessary improvements to our roads, transit system, and bike/pedestrian infrastructure. I strongly encourage everyone to take the survey before our meeting.

We’ll also hear updates from our Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors liaisons and debrief July’s All-CAC Town Hall meeting. Time permitting, we’ll also discuss the proposed update to the County’s stream buffer regulations–a topic that came up last year in our discussions about the Montclair project. The County is seeking feedback on the current draft, which you can read here. Please read through the draft before the meeting, if you can.

From the Week Ahead:

If you’re not a paid subscriber to Sean’s work, please consider becoming a paid subscriber. Dollar for dollar, it’s one of the best investments you can make in ensuring that you and your neighbors are well informed about local growth, development, transportation in Albemarle and Charlottesville.

Crozet CAC to review plans for long-range transportation plan 

The Crozet Community Advisory Committee will hold their monthly meeting at the Crozet Library beginning at 7 p.m. with a scheduled ending time of 8:30 p.m. That’s to give enough time for attendees to help break down the room before the library closes. (meeting info)

There are three items on the agenda.  The first is a presentation from the Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission on the long-range transportation plan that is currently in development. 

“The purpose of this plan is to identify priority transportation needs for the City of Charlottesville and urbanized portions of Albemarle County,” reads the agenda.

Participation in transportation decisions is fairly low. This stuff is all very confusing. Another purpose of Charlottesville Community Engagement is to try to change that from a third-party, non-government perspective.  I believe democracy needs information and context to survive and thrive. Here are some stories about the Long Range Transportation Plan process:

The CAC will also have a discussion of the proposed Riparian Buffer Overlay District that is under review.  This is an outcome of Albemarle’s stream health initiative. 

“Albemarle County is developing a Riparian Buffer Overlay District to protect and improve vegetation along rivers and streams, strengthen buffer requirements that were narrowed in 2014, and be more consistent with Virginia’s Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act,” reads the description on the Engage Albemarle site

Input is being taken on the Engage Albemarle site through August 13. There are 39 responses so far. 

Finally, the CAC will discuss the recent virtual meeting on the AC44 process. I have a summary of that here

  • The James River Water Authority’s Board of Directors will meet at 9 a.m. in the Fluvanna County Administration Building in the Morris Room. That’s at 132 Main Street in Palmyra. There will be a discussion of the status of the project to build a waterline between the James River and Zion Crossroads. A draft permit from the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality will soon be ready for public review. Property acquisition for right of way is underway. (agenda packet)

CCAC Meeting – 14 June 2023 – Broadband Update

Climate change-fueled haze from the Canadian fires - 8 June, 2023

We need infrastructure – not just roads, sidewalks, bike lanes, but internet as well.

From Joe Fore, CCAC Chair:

“Our main agenda item will be a discussion with the Albemarle County Broadband Accessiblity and Affordability Office about broadband internet use and needs in the Crozet area. I haven’t received any materials that they’d like us to review ahead of time, but if I do, I’ll circulate them before the meeting. We’ll also hear updates from the Crozet Trails Crew and from our Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors liaisons.

Two other Crozet-related items that I wanted to pass along:

  • In April, we heard from Tim Tolson of the Crozet Community Association about the Crozet Independence Day Celebration, which will take place on Saturday, July 1. Details about the day’s events are available here. Of course, this phenomenal community event doesn’t occur by magic; it relies on Crozetians who are willing to contribute their time and money to help make it happen. The above link includes information about how to donate and how to volunteer for a 1-hour slot to help with set-up and clean-up. I hope you’ll all consider doing both.”

Agenda and draft minutes after the break

Continue reading “CCAC Meeting – 14 June 2023 – Broadband Update”

CCAC Meeting – 10 May 2023

Morning in Crozet

Last month’s CCAC meeting was interesting. I’m curious how many people will attend this week’s meeting.

Water is a big topic, and one that will become of greater interest in the coming years.


via email, from Joe Fore, CCAC Chair:

The Crozet Community Advisory Committee will meet next Wednesday, May 10, at 7 pm in the large meeting room at the Crozet Library. (If you can arrive a few minutes early to help set up the room, it will help ensure that we can start promptly at 7.) I’ve attached the agenda and the April meeting minutes. 

Our main agenda item will be an update from the Rivanna Water & Sewer Authority about their Crozet-area projects. I’ve asked them to share their meeting materials ahead of time, but they’re not quite ready. I’ll circulate those when I get them.

We’ll have time for some committee business. We’ll debrief the Oak Bluff community meeting and talk, more generally, about our procedures for holding future community meetings. We’ll also have time to discuss our summer meeting schedule and potential topics for those meetings. We will also circle back to an idea we discussed several months ago: tracking previously discussed development projects. I’ve attached a PDF version of a document we can use to divvy up and track those projects.

Lastly, we’ll be electing officers for the upcoming year. We have three positions available: Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary. Please let me know before Wednesday’s meeting if you’d be interested in taking on any of those roles–or if you have any other items you’d like to add to the agenda.

Attachments below

In a near-first, we have a copy of the presentation *before* the meeting.

Oak Bluff at the CCAC – April 2023

One of the best things about the CCAC holding meetings at the Crozet Library is the hard stoppage time. It’s one of the worst things also when we have meeting for a big proposed development. More people attended this CCAC meeting at the Library than I recall ever having attended.

Would be great if all of the people who attended the meeting, and who read this post, or live in Crozet, gave a few dollars to the Crozet Fireworks fund.

Read the Tweets here.

I’m sure the Crozet Gazette will have a story next month, but for now …

Watch the meeting.


Timeline for Oak Bluff

    • Community meeting: 12 April 2023
    • Staff Review Comments: Due to the Applicant April 24, 2023
    • Applicant can proceed to Planning Commission or request deferral to work on revisions
    • Planning Commission Public Hearing: To be scheduled
    • Board of Supervisors Public Hearing: To be scheduled

Everyone should watch Tim Tolson’s background and history of the Crozet Community Association; they have done remarkable work for our community

Continue reading “Oak Bluff at the CCAC – April 2023”

Oak Bluff at the CCAC – 12 April 2023

This image of morning light against the mountains has nothing to do with this post; I just like the picture.

This should be fun, and likely the first CCAC meeting for many of the people who will attend.

For background on Oak Bluff, start here. Rather than reiterate my personal thoughts about the development, please read that post. At last month’s CCAC, several residents of Westlake came to speak against new homes. Read the tweets here. Like this one, or this one.

via email:

From Joe Fore, CCAC chair, to the CCAC

The Crozet Community Advisory Committee will meet next Wednesday, April 12, at 7 pm in the large meeting room at the Crozet Library. (If you can arrive a few minutes early to help set up the room, it will help ensure that we can start promptly at 7.) I’ve attached the agenda.

Our main agenda item will be a community meeting for the proposed Oak Bluff development. You can find all of the materials relating to the project here, but I’ve attached some of the most pertinent ones. Please review them before Wednesday’s meeting, if possible, so we can have a thorough discussion with the applicant.

We’ll also hear a short presentation from the Crozet Community Association about their group and about the plans for the Independence Day Celebration.

Lastly, we’ll be electing officers for the upcoming year. We have three positions available: Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary. Please let me know before Wednesday’s meeting if you’d be interested in taking on any of those roles.


  1. Call to Order, Agenda Review, Introductions (5 minutes)
  2. Approve Meeting Minutes (2 minutes)
  3. Announcements and Updates (5 minutes)
  4. Community Concerns (10 minutes)
  5. Scheduled Presentations (60 minutes)
    • Crozet Community Association, Tim Tolson
    • Community Meeting: ZMA202300002 Oak Bluff Development Zoning Map Amendment
  6. Committee Business (10 minutes)

• Officer Elections

  1. Other Business
  2. Adjourn


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