Crozet Town Hall Recap

Welcome to the Crozet Town Hall

The Crozet Town Hall, #CTZBarnesHall as captured on Twitter, was interesting.

A few notes before diving into the recap … if you see errors, please let me know):

– Probably at least 125 people were there – many of whom I knew, but had never before seen at a Crozet meeting. Awesome. An involved and informed community like this is a tremendously valuable thing.

– I think the childcare was a huge offering by the developer and helped to get folks out.

– Thanks to the developer and the team for setting all that up.

– Tremendous conversations were had, I heard a lot of great feedback and look forward to the followup meeting on 11 June in which results/recap will be presented.

– Common themes/desires I heard – walkability, economic vitality, greenspace, infrastructure

– It was hot in the Field School – and, as far as I could tell, everyone stayed.

Sean Tubbs’ Charlottesville Tomorrow story is great.

– What did you think? What questions did you hear? What answers did you like/dislike?

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Crozet Town Hall Meeting – 27 May 2015 – Kids invited!

via email from the Town Hall facilitator – 

Dear Crozet parents and youth!

Help shape downtown Crozet – we welcome your ideas!

Please join us for a community meeting for the Downtown Crozet Initiative:  A Vision for Barnes Lumber on the evening of Wednesday, May 27, 2015 from 6:00 – 9:00 pm, with registration at 5:30.

The purpose of this meeting is to gather ideas and feedback from the Crozet community.  This feedback will be used in the transformation of the Barnes Lumber into an accessible, successful and vibrant center for downtown Crozet.  Information on the Downtown Crozet Initiative Planning Committee, the Barnes Lumber site, Crozet master planning and Downtown District, and other key items is available at the Crozet Community Association website:

The meeting will be on May 27th with registration, refreshments, and an opportunity to view design examples at 5:30 pm, and the Community meeting from 6:00 – 9:00 pm.

The meeting will be held at the Field School – Auditorium, 1408 Crozet Ave, Crozet, VA 22932.

Please RSVP to:

Walk-ins are still welcome at the meeting. Childcare and food will be provided (please RSVP to reserve childcare). 

Town Hall on Development of Downtown Crozet – 27 May 2015

This is important, folks. They’re offering food and childcare; please, take advantage of this opportunity to learn and voice your opinion.

From the Crozet Gazette (be sure to go there and read the whole thing):

The public is invited to a town hall meeting sponsored by the Crozet Community Association and Milestone Partners, the new owners of the 20-acre former Barnes Lumber Company property in downtown Crozet, that will be held Wednesday, May 27 at The Field School at 1408 Crozet Avenue to solicit community views on how the property should be designed and economically developed. The effort is tagged as the Downtown Crozet Initiative: A Vision for Barnes Lumber.

Refreshments and design examples will be offered beginning at 5:30 p.m., with the meeting starting formally at 6 p.m. and lasting until 9. Child care and food (probably pizza) will be provided. A follow-up meeting that will show a response to input from the May 27 meeting is set for Thursday, June 11.

If you plan to attend, the organizers ask that you RSVP by May 24 to: Walk-ins are welcome, however.

Other key background information on the subject is available at the CCA’s website,

The Newsplex has a good story today about the upcoming town hall meeting.

Christine Gyovai is leading a town hall meeting at the end of the month to gather community that community insight. Gyovai says the planning commission hopes to generate realistic ideas to make the area more accessible, and economically viable.

“What kind of economic development do the folks what to see in Crozet in the future? What kind of businesses? Where will kids be able to hang out if there are in high school? Where do they want to be able to take their families to in five years or 10 years. It’s chance for people to come together and share those ideas,” Gyovai said,

Several business owners say, like Dabney, they have concerns the lumber yard will become a either residential or massive commercial development, and the local small businesses would be priced out.

A simple request – if you’re going to meeting, or participating in the conversation, please spend a few minutes reading these stories and comments – a lot of our neighbors have already expressed opinions and thoughts there.


17 December 2014 CCAC Meeting Recap


The 17 December 2014 CCAC meeting was a meeting where:

Click through, scroll to the bottom, and read all the tweets. Then comment, ask questions, come to the next meeting.





Continue reading “17 December 2014 CCAC Meeting Recap”

CCAC Meeting 19 November 2014

Should be fun well, interesting (and hopefully Storify will work this time for the recap).


The Crozet Library, Crozet Wednesday,

November 19, 2014 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.


1. Agenda Review. (Meg Holden – CCAC chair)

2. Approval of Minutes.

3. Project Updates/Information:

– Introduce Emily Kilroy and new CCAC members

– Streetscape updates/issues and celebration, safe walks to school, Harris Teeter Crossing

– Update on Barnes lumber closing – Frank Stoner

– Discussion of CDC presentation and brainstorm development issues and ideas per email I sent earlier from Dave Stoner (Jim’s edit: read that email)

– Wind energy business update and overview – Rich Pleasants

4. Items not listed on the agenda.

5. Announcements.

6. Future Agenda Items.


September 2014 Crozet Gazette is Out

This month’s Crozet Gazette is out, and it’s chock full of great stories. Some highlights (read the whole issue!):

– From the Editor: 100 and Counting

An awesome letter to the editor from someone who just moved from Crozet. Truly a must-read.

– Crozet Park Launches Campaign to Build Amphitheater & Pavilion

– QuickStart Tennis Courts Open at Crozet Elementary

Crozet Welcome Sign Vandalized.  Degenerates.

– Wind Turbine Parts Company Eyes Crozet for New Manufacturing Plant (This could be big. And good for Crozet)

– Old Trail Plans Focus on Housing First – lots of changes; Anna’s is closing, Trailside is getting new owners, ”

“Entertainment-based commercial tenants will be our focus” for filling the new buildings, (the Developer) said.”

CCAC Meeting 3 July 2014 Recap

– Lots of motions and debate in last night’s CCAC meeting.

Finally a resident from one of the adjacent neighborhoods came and spoke; we need more of that involvement.

For those at the meeting last night – what were your key takeaways?

– It might not be fair to pull out this one tweet, but I’m going to do it anyway as it’s a critical point made by a CCAC member:

Click through to read the tweet from last night’s meeting.

Update 3 July 2013
The CCAC emailed out this morning the CCAC’s List of Issues and Positions Barnes property final (PDF)

Continue reading “CCAC Meeting 3 July 2014 Recap”

CCAC Special Meeting – 26 June 2014

It feels like we’re getting to the point where if you want to voice your opinion – pro or con – regarding the Barnes Lumberyard project, you’d better do so nowish. Better to be educated and complain than the alternative .. Who’s coming to tweet the meeting?

Crozet Community Advisory Council

Notice of Special Meeting And Agenda

SPECIAL MEETING: The Crozet Community Advisory Council will hold a special meeting on Thursday, June 26, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at The Meadows conference room, at 5735

Meadows Drive, Crozet, Virginia 22932.


1. Agenda Review (Meg Holden – CCAC chair)

2. Project Updates/Information:

? Barnes Lumber company property; rezoning and special use permit requests

3. Announcements

4. Future Agenda Items


CCAC Meeting 6-16-14 Recap – Barnes Lumberyard

Last night’s CCAC meeting was extremely well attended , and big thanks to Tim Dodson and Tim Tolson for the live tweets.

Parking, residential vs commercial, phasing, traffic, impact on schools, walk and bike ability – lots was discussed last night that will (may) have an impact on the future of downtown Crozet.

– CCAC passed a resolution – Page 1 and Page 2 of the draft resolution (would be nice to have that distributed publicly prior to the meeting)

Charlottesville Tomorrow provides a great summary as well.

As with all of these CCAC recaps, click through, scroll to the bottom and work your way up. Grab a cup of coffee and get informed … and then consider going to tonight’s Planning Commission meeting.

Continue reading “CCAC Meeting 6-16-14 Recap – Barnes Lumberyard”