Bigger Crozet Park & More of Old Trail

Claudius Crozet Park - initial site plan

Neither of these is (or should be) a surprise to Crozetians.

Background (please take the time to read these as well)

via email

PROJECT LEAD REVIEWER: Andy Reitelbach [email protected]

PROJECT: SDP202300010 Claudius Crozet Park – Initial Site Plan


TAX MAP/PARCEL(S): 056A2010007200; 056A20100072A0; 056A20400000A4

LOCATION: 1075 Claudius Crozet Park, Crozet, Virginia 22932

PROPOSAL: Request for approval of an initial site plan to construct a community center, with a fitness center, pool, and meeting space, along with additional parking spaces and pedestrian connections, on three parcels that total approximately 22.806 acres. No dwelling units proposed. In accordance with approved special use permit SP202000016.

ZONING: RA, Rural Areas – agricultural, forestal, and fishery uses; residential density (0.5 unit/acre in development lots); and R-6 Residential – 6 units/acre


OVERLAY DISTRICT(S): EC – Entrance Corridor; Steep Slopes – Managed; Steep Slopes – Preserved

COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Public Land – public parks, open space, environmental features; in the Community of Crozet Master Plan area.

My comment on Twitter last year

Reminder that the Special Use Permit for Crozet Park changes were approved in November 2021.

Timeline, as provided by Andy Reitelbach with the County

Review comments will be available from County staff and partner agencies around March 23rd, and final action (either approving or denying the initial site plan) must be taken by staff by April 7th.

Once an initial site plan has been approved, a final site plan must also be submitted for review and approval before construction could commence.

Continue reading “Bigger Crozet Park & More of Old Trail”

February CCAC Recap – Comprehensive Plan

New Foothills construction; who knew a leaf blower was more upsetting than construction?

Thanks to Crozet Gazette for the recording.

A Few Takeaways

(there’s a lot of value in live-tweeting, but I’m finding great value in noting the meeting along with timed links to the video)

update: PDFs.

How we grow has been broken for a long, long time.

But … We are going to grow. Period.

What are the direct consequences of growth? Limiting growth? What are the unintended consequences? We are not going to stop growing. Stop allowing people to move here? It’s America! What are the consequences when we reach some arbitrary “hard” population limit? Draw straws to see who moves out? Restrict pregnancies? Arguing from the extreme is but one step. Recognizing the extreme and negotiating from there is where successes can be gained.

Shutting down development is not a viable solution – it is reactionary, unnecessarily and unreasonably extreme. Permitting unfettered growth is equally unreasonable.

  • I’ve been writing for years that we need to think generationally. This is from 2016.

A great place – between Park Ridge and Hill Top – that would be an ideal spot for no cars, and only people on foot or scooter or bicycle

A great place - between Park Ridge and Hill Top - that would be an ideal spot for no cars, and only people on foot or scooter or bicycle

Just me finding a fun new tool in WordPress.

CCAC Meeting – 8 February 2023 | AC44

Greenwood sunrise

Y’all know what AC44 is right? Albemarle County is in the midst of Phase 2 — “Goals, Objectives, and ‘Planning Toolkits'” of the updating of the 2015 Comprehensive Plan.

From my perspective, Albemarle County have done an amazing job of outreach about the Comp Plan, and it’s incumbent upon us as citizens to participate, and to think generationally. Realistically, many if not most of those who are voicing opinions won’t be in Albemarle County is 20 or 30 years … think about those who come after us, and think about where and how our kids and grandkids will live (and if they’ll be able to afford living in Crozet).

Spend some time educating yourself, and taking the County’s survey (I have), before being “for” or “against” a part of the plan or process.

I suspect there will be a large audience Wednesday night; here’s hoping for open minds and conversation.

One thought: if the County and VDOT would build infrastructure along with housing, Crozet would be more livable, accessible, and would likely defeat the calls of people to stop change.

disclosure: I’m a member of CCAC, and a Realtor.

CCAC agenda, via email

Crozet Community Advisory Committee Wednesday, February 8, 2023

7:00 P.M. – 8:30 P.M.
Crozet Library Meeting Room | 2020 Library Avenue


  1. Call to Order, Agenda Review, Introductions (5 minutes)
  2. Approve Meeting Minutes (2 minutes)
  3. Announcements and Updates (5 minutes)
  4. Community Concerns (10 minutes)
  5. Scheduled Presentations (45 minutes)

• Presentation: AC44, the update to the Albemarle County Comprehensive Plan, Allison Wrabel, Community Connector – Albemarle County
o A high-level overview of the Comprehensive Plan update’s process to date with a

preview of the next phase and a community discussion

6. Committee Business (10 minutes)

  • Website content and development project updates, Joe Fore
  • Virtual meeting practices, Joe Fore
  1. Other Business
  2. Adjourn

Next Meeting: March 8, 2023

Monthly Albemarle County Check-In – February

The new Public Engagement folks at Albemarle County are going to be sending out these monthly check-ins to the Albemarle County CACs. Much of it is relevant to those of us in Crozet, so I’ll post when I receive them.

Perhaps most importantly is the Albemarle County Comprehensive Plan bit … this will affect the community greatly (and hopefully we’ll get more and more dense housing! as well as functional infrastructure!


Traffic Townhalls

You are invited to attend upcoming town hall events focused on traffic issues in our area. These events will provide an opportunity for residents to learn more about current traffic concerns, ask questions, and provide feedback. Each event will include the same primary information, with a short segment focused on the area where the event takes place.

View the Budget Presentation

County Executive’s Presentation to the Board – Recommended Budget and Capital Improvements Program. There is a virtual option to watch, and the video will be available after the meeting.

Continue reading “Monthly Albemarle County Check-In – February”

A New Blog – “About Crozet”

Just noticed the new blog that Tom Loach has put together, ostensibly to advocate against Albemarle County’s work-in-progress Comprehensive Plan, “AC44.

Take some time to dig in and learn about their perspective.

Well, if the disaster the county created for Crozet when it destroyed the existing Crozet Master Plan wasn’t enough, they’re up to even more mischief with the upcoming Albemarle County Comprehensive Plan update. You don’t have to look very far into their plan called AC44, to realize that several segments, if approved, will be an unmitigated disaster for Crozet. Here’s a link to the AC44 site where you can get the overview of the county’s options for the future growth in Albemarle County. Take a look below at each of the options found in the plan and vote how you feel.  Additionally, you can add a comment on your response to the plan.

Crozet is still a great place to live, and we need a lot – more housing, more and more appropriate infrastructure, more businesses.

After you’ve looked around Tom’s site, spend some time at Albemarle’s truly comprehensive Comprehensive Plan site. Learn more, get educated, and get involved.

The decisions made now will affect your kids and grandkids, if they choose to and are able to live in Crozet.

I saw the original post about the blog on Nextdoor; just below the anti-growth post was one seeking for housing ideas for a parent/grandparent seeking to move to Crozet.

We need more and more dense housing options.

Looking Towards Crozet’s 2023 Real Estate Market

There is a lot to consider when looking at Crozet’s real estate market. I’ve never hidden that I’m a Realtor who represents sellers and buyers in Crozet, and I’m writing this post as much for me as for you.

One important note: when looking back at past years, I’ve typically broken down Crozet and Brownsville Elementary school districts. (see the bottom of this post) Those school districts were shaken up in 2022, so for this post I’m looking at Crozet + Brownsville.

The average sales prices for homes in Crozet is eye-popping. Average sales price for a single family home in Crozet in 2022 was $739,053.

Click to embiggen

Some additional notes on the Crozet Market

  • This redistricting will necessarily change how I analyze properties for clients.
  • Buyers should ensure that they know which district the house they are considering is in; often, Realtors will copy the previous listing without double checking. (we’re all human)
  • I think the 2023 Crozet real estate market will be fine; likely not mid-2020 to mid 2022 busy, but a good market for sellers. And a hard one for buyers.
  • For those who advocate for fewer homes in Crozet, please think about our kids who want to move back to be close to (grand)parents, and grandparents who want to move to Crozet to be closer to the (grand)kids. And consider the people who we ostensibly want to live and work in Crozet …
  • From a volume perspective, I think we’re going to be closer to 2019 numbers than 2020-2022. We’ll see.

As we start to close out the end of January, a few quick numbers

  • 303 homes – attached + single family – sold last year via the Charlottesville MLS
    • 81 attached; average price was $474,190. 40 of the 81 were new construction; average price was $554,891.
    • 222 single family homes; average price was $739,053. 88 of the 222 were new construction; average price of these homes was $846,320.
    • Of the 303 homes that sold in Crozet last year, 29 were under $400K.
      • 24 of the 29 had at least 3 bedrooms.

Inventory remains a challenge for buyers; and keeps a strong market for sellers.

  • Last January, 19 non-new construction homes were listed in Crozet.
  • It’s 27 January 2023, and so far, 5 non-new construction homes have been listed in Crozet. 2 of the 5 are under contract (one of those two is my listing)
  • There is not much land left in Crozet to develop for new residential construction.

If you’re thinking about selling your home in Crozet, now is still a good time to do so, and still requires proper preparation, pricing, and representation.

If you’re thinking about buying a home in Crozet, please reach out if you are looking for buyer representation; it’s going to remain a challenging market in which to buy, but it’s doable.

If you have questions about the market, or are curious about a development you saw that might be coming, please call or email me anytime.

Read more: Looking Towards Crozet’s 2023 Real Estate Market

I’m going to be writing in my February monthly note about Albemarle County assessments; if you’re interested, you can subscribe here.

Have a Question or email comment?

Subscribe to RealCrozetVA

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January 2023 CCAC Recap – Mobile Home Park Meeting

Read or skim the recap here in this PDF of the thread with all the tweets from the meeting. But first, please watch this part of the meeting in which one of the residents laments the lack of affordable housing in Albemarle County. And then advocate for more housing in Albemarle, even if it’s in your backyard.

This tweet tried to capture the comments from the speaker.
Continue reading “January 2023 CCAC Recap – Mobile Home Park Meeting”

Praha Bakery in Downtown Crozet to Open

Update 26 April 2023 – They are open, and it is fantastic.

Monday I noted that a bakery was coming to Crozet.

Today, Alice Berry at the Daily Progress reports

Plans are in the works for a new bakery in downtown Crozet.

Owner Marketa Johnson said she plans to open the doors to Praha Bakery in early April. Johnson’s business will occupy what used to be Patterson’s Flower Shop at 5778 Three Notch’d Road, which shuttered in 2009.

Johnson, who was born and raised in Prague, or Praha in Czech, said she intends to serve a selection of pastries and baked goods from her hometown.

“Prague is my favorite city, and it always will be. Every Czech woman is a baker,” Johnson said.

The project was a long time in the making, she added.

“This has been quite a project, because my husband and I started looking for a spot more than a year ago,” Johnson said.

Click through to read the whole thing.

I’ve said and written countless times.

Subscribe to the Daily Progress, and the Crozet Gazette, and Charlottesville Community Engagement. Please.

We need journalists. To watch, to be present, to digest, to piece together threads and stories to that we the people can understand what is happening in our community.

I — and we all — can see a story that needs telling, but we need local journalists to do the investigating, the watching, the telling.

Things break down when we lose local journalism to tell stories like Alice does.

62 More Homes in Old Trail, & a Bakery in Downtown Crozet?

Browns Gap Turnpike

In this quick summary of reading, and copy/pasting — Bakery, more homes in Old Trail, Mobile Home Park adding homes, Misty Mountain expanding.

Update: the 11 January County BoS meeting will be interesting and relevant to Crozet.

This morning’s Albemarle County Development Department email has some interesting information.

  • Praha Bakery coming to the little brick building on 240 near downtown Crozet!
  • 62 more homes coming to the northwest corner of Rt. 250 West and Old Trail Drive

And from Sean Tubbs’ always-excellent Week in Review

(you really should subscribe, and pay for his work!)

Crozet group to hear details about manufactured home park

The Crozet Community Advisory Committee will meet at 7 p.m. in the Crozet Library. (meeting info) (agenda)

After a period called “Community Concerns,” there will be a community meeting for a special use permit for an expansion of an existing manufactured home park near Claudius Crozet Park. There are 73 units currently and the request to become compliant with zoning also comes up with a request to add 14 new units on site. (SP202200029)

A photo from the presentation on existing conditions at the manufactured home park (Credit: Shimp Engineering)

Misty Mountain

The third is for a proposal for Misty Mountain Camp Resort to amend an existing special use permit to add 53 campsites for a total of 158, to increase the number of cabins to 18, and to allow the resort to operate year-round. Guests would be restricted to 30 days stay. 

The county’s Agricultural-Forestal Districts Advisory Committee found no issue with the expansion and neighbor concerns about noise and trespassing are to be worked out on site. 

“The existing campground contains six wells, and a new seventh well has been drilled at the southeast corner of the property,” reads the staff report. “The applicants have stated that the new well yields seven gallons per minute, which is sufficient for the new camping area.”

This is the kind of sign that will be installed to keep guests on the resort’s property (Credit: Line + Grade)

CCAC Meeting – January 11 2022 | Mobile Home Park Expansion

Park Road Manufactured Home Park Site Location

via email:

Crozet Community Advisory Committee Wednesday, January 11, 2022

7:00 P.M. – 8:30 P.M.

Crozet Library Meeting Room | 2020 Library Avenue

AGENDA (pdf)

1. Call to Order, Agenda Review, Introductions (5 minutes)

• CAC Staff Liaison, Allison Wrabel & Serena Gruia

2. Approve Meeting Minutes (2 minutes)

3. Announcements and Updates (10 minutes)

• Meeting formats and calendar, Joe Fore – CCAC Chair

4. Community Concerns (10 minutes)

5. Scheduled Presentations (40 minutes)

• Community Meeting: SP202200029: Park Road Manufactured Home Park, Kevin McCollum – Senior Planner & Rebecca Ragsdale – Planning Manager

6. Committee Business (10 minutes)

  • Help with website content and development project updates, Joe Fore
  • Virtual meeting practices, Joe Fore

 • •

7. Other Business

8. Adjourn

  Next Meeting: February 8, 2022