Batesville Store – 10 Minutes from Crozet

I’ve been showing property in and around Batesville quite a bit for the past several weeks; thanks to this I’ve had occasion to re-acquaint myself with the Batesville Store.

A reminder: it’s outstanding. If you’ve been recently, what do you think?

Albemarle Farmer likes the Batesville Store.

Batesville Store

From their most recent email blast:

Our featured musicians this Saturday evening are Laura Wortman and Kagey Parrish, aka The Honey Dewdrops, who won first place in The Prairie Home Companion’s “People in Their Twenties” National Talent Show in 2008. Laura grew up in Batesville, and she and Kagey now live in Scottsville when they aren’t touring the country. We’d like to celebrate these true local favorites by putting out a buffet of Batesville Store local favorites—and I’m hoping that you will help us decide what to serve.

So I’m writing to you with a simple question:

What are your two favorite food items at the store?

You can nominate anything that can be eaten: a deli sandwich, a comfort food dish or smoked meat, a particular dessert, a deli side or variety of soup, a kind of bread, a flavor of ice cream . . . .

It’d also be great if you’d be willing to write a few words letting us know why each is a favorite. If we feature your comment at Saturday’s buffet, you will receive a $5.00 store credit.

Thanks so much for your help!



Charlottesville Pie Fest in Crozet – 3 October 2009

You may remember the original, spontaneous Pie Down from earlier this year. Now, the Pie Down has grown to become bigger, badder and better – proceeds benefiting PACEM.

Before you go to the Crozet Music Festival, stop by the Pie Fest!

Celebration of pie and community will benefit PACEM

WHAT:             The first-ever C’ville Pie Fest, a celebration of pie and community, will present a multiple-baker pie competition, musical entertainment from The Honey Dewdrops and a silent pie auction to benefit PACEM, the area’s winter homeless shelter.

WHO:               Judges for the pie competition include Charlottesville notables:

§         Coy Barefoot, director of communications for the Sorenson Institute; bestselling author and host and producer of WINA’s “Charlottesville Right Now.”

§         Mollie Cox Bryan, essayist, columnist, freelance writer, and bestselling author of Mrs Rowe’s Little Book of Southern Pies.

§         Jim Duncan, real estate analyst and REALTOR® with Real Central VA and RealCrozetVA.

§         Amy Eastlack, managing editor of SuzySaidCharlottesville.

§         Brian Geiger, The Food Geek, food science writer for Fine Cooking Magazine, and the current “Best Pie Maker” in Charlottesville.

§         Barbara Hutchinson, executive director of Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport.

§         Elizabeth McCullough, member of the Board of Directors at Writerhouse.

§         Delegate David Toscano, delegate for the 57th District in the Virginia House of Delegates.

§         Brian Wheeler, director of Charlottesville Tomorrow and chairman of the Albemarle County School Board.

This event is free and open to the public.

WHEN:             Saturday, October 3, 2009

                        12 noon – 2pm

WHERE:           Mudhouse

5793 The Square
Crozet, VA 22932

(434) 823-2240

Crozet Town Meeting – Master Plan and More

Mark Your Calendars!

The Crozet Town Meeting
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Western Albemarle High School Cafeteria
6:30-7:00 p.m. – Meet & Greet
7:00-9:00 – Program

Download the flyer here.

Come and learn how the Crozet Master Plan is taking shape in your community.

Projects include the New Crozet Library, Streetscape and other downtown enhancements, the Crozet Master Plan 5-Year Update, a new affordable housing project at The Meadows, community efforts to initiate the Crozet Historic District, and Albemarle County Police programs in the area.

1st Annual Crozet Health Fair and 1 Mile Family Fun Run/Walk

Bring your family and friends to the 1st Annual Crozet Health and Wellness Fair.

On Sunday, October 18th, the Crozet Business Networking Group is sponsoring the 1st Annual Crozet Health Fair from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm. at Crozet Baptist Church on St. George Avenue (near Downtown Crozet). This free event is promoting healthy living for all ages, with over 20 Crozet health care professionals providing free health screenings, education, assessments and other services.

The event will also have a 1 Mile Family Fun Run/Walk starting at 2:00 at the church.

The Crozet Health Fair will feature free flu shots for children without insurance, cholesterol checks, child fingerprinting, massage, glaucoma tests, oral cancer screenings, body mass index (BMI) measurements, blood pressure screenings, audiogram, orthodontic screenings, energy field screenings, posture analysis, and sleep disorder screenings. There will be local food vendors and activities for children. Meet your local health care providers and find new resources right in Crozet.

Starting at 2:00 p.m., presentations and demonstrations on topics such as first-aid, stress management, and healthy cooking/nutrition, will take place every 30 minutes.
No appointments or pre-registration are needed; attendees will be seen on a first come, first served basis.
Continue reading “1st Annual Crozet Health Fair and 1 Mile Family Fun Run/Walk”

Streetscape Concerns in Crozet

Perfection is the enemy of the good.
Gustave Flaubert
French realist novelist (1821 – 1880)

The Daily Progress has a good article about the stalling of the Streetscape project. Please read the whole thing.

“We don’t want the charm of downtown to die away,” Trigo said. “That’s why we have to keep the businesses alive and work together.”

The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors already has appropriated the money as part of its capital improvement plans, but Marshall said he and other CCAC members are worried the money will be spent on other county projects if property owners don’t get on board.

“Downtown needs this to happen and time is slipping away,” Marshall said. “This is a project that will benefit everybody, [but] the county needs to find a way to reassure [property owners] they are going to hold contractors to a schedule and stick to it.”

My question is this – if we don’t take advantage of this opportunity now, when will we? We’re not going to get a perfect plan – but we need to insist on getting this started and finished as soon as possible. What better time than the midst of a recession to prepare for the other side?

Secondly, I’m going to borrow tfjtolson’s comment from the Daily Progress in its entirety:

I want the business owners of Crozet to know that while they build it (the streetscape) we will keep coming. I want them to stay in business and I want Crozet to have the improvements.
Therefore, as a Crozet resident, I pledge to keep patronizing their stores during the construction.

Who will join me in this pledge?

Update: More at C-Ville.

Walking to School in Crozet

It’s really not that far from home to Crozet Elementary, and while I wish there were sidewalks the entire way, it’s a pretty good little walk. Better yet, my small one and I stopped at Mudhouse on the way back home …

Personally, I’m grateful to live in such a walkable place.

Do you walk your kids to school?

Even better, I had my camera with me and took a few shots along the way:

** If you take pictures in or of Crozet, upload them to flickr and tag them with “crozet” – then they will be displayed in the slideshow on the homepage of RealCrozetVA.**

View Larger Map

Continue reading “Walking to School in Crozet”

Crozet Community Association Meeting Thursday 10 September

At the Old School House this Thursday from 7:30 pm to 9 pm. Anyone who wants to write a story for RealCrozetVA will be thanked loudly, roundly and I’ll buy you a cup of coffee from one of the three local coffee shops.

One suggestion – if we really want to and intend to invite Old Trail into Crozet, we (really the CCA) should put signs at the entrances to Old Trail as well as at the intersections of Crozet Avenue and 240 (and Jarman’s Gap Road).

Photowalking between Crozet Elementary and home