This Friday, September 18th is Walk to School Day at Crozet Elementary.
I talked about walking to Crozet Elementary a few weeks ago here on RealCrozetVA.
Will you be walking to school this Friday?
Related: Walk to School Day from March 2006.
This Friday, September 18th is Walk to School Day at Crozet Elementary.
I talked about walking to Crozet Elementary a few weeks ago here on RealCrozetVA.
Will you be walking to school this Friday?
Related: Walk to School Day from March 2006.
Perfection is the enemy of the good.
Gustave Flaubert
French realist novelist (1821 – 1880)
The Daily Progress has a good article about the stalling of the Streetscape project. Please read the whole thing.
“We don’t want the charm of downtown to die away,” Trigo said. “That’s why we have to keep the businesses alive and work together.”
The Albemarle County Board of Supervisors already has appropriated the money as part of its capital improvement plans, but Marshall said he and other CCAC members are worried the money will be spent on other county projects if property owners don’t get on board.
“Downtown needs this to happen and time is slipping away,” Marshall said. “This is a project that will benefit everybody, [but] the county needs to find a way to reassure [property owners] they are going to hold contractors to a schedule and stick to it.”
My question is this – if we don’t take advantage of this opportunity now, when will we? We’re not going to get a perfect plan – but we need to insist on getting this started and finished as soon as possible. What better time than the midst of a recession to prepare for the other side?
Secondly, I’m going to borrow tfjtolson’s comment from the Daily Progress in its entirety:
I want the business owners of Crozet to know that while they build it (the streetscape) we will keep coming. I want them to stay in business and I want Crozet to have the improvements.
Therefore, as a Crozet resident, I pledge to keep patronizing their stores during the construction.Who will join me in this pledge?
Update: More at C-Ville.
Thanks, Charlottesville Tomorrow for the reporting!
Albemarle Supervisors have approved a permit for Crozet Music Festival at Misty Mountain Camp Resort on October 2-4
Follow on Twitter:
Charlottesville Tomorrow
Crozet Music Festival
And, learn about and buy tickets to the Crozet Music Festival here.
It’s really not that far from home to Crozet Elementary, and while I wish there were sidewalks the entire way, it’s a pretty good little walk. Better yet, my small one and I stopped at Mudhouse on the way back home …
Personally, I’m grateful to live in such a walkable place.
Do you walk your kids to school?
Even better, I had my camera with me and took a few shots along the way:
** If you take pictures in or of Crozet, upload them to flickr and tag them with “crozet” – then they will be displayed in the slideshow on the homepage of RealCrozetVA.**
At the Old School House this Thursday from 7:30 pm to 9 pm. Anyone who wants to write a story for RealCrozetVA will be thanked loudly, roundly and I’ll buy you a cup of coffee from one of the three local coffee shops.
One suggestion – if we really want to and intend to invite Old Trail into Crozet, we (really the CCA) should put signs at the entrances to Old Trail as well as at the intersections of Crozet Avenue and 240 (and Jarman’s Gap Road).