This will be exciting, and likely a bit inconvenient at times. And we need infrastructure — above and below ground. That left turn from Tabor though …
via email:
Dear ACSA Customer,
The Albemarle County Service Authority (ACSA) is getting ready to start construction on our Crozet Phase 4 Water Main Replacement project. We have contracted with Valley Earth and Pipe for this project and they, along with their subcontractors, will be completing the work. The project involves replacing existing water mains, water services, water meters and fire hydrants along the following roads:
• Hillsboro Lane from Half Mile Branch Road to Route 250
• Route 250 from Hillsboro Lane to Crozet Avenue
• Crozet Avenue from Route 250 to Tabor Street
• Portions of the Park View subdivision including Locust Lane, Pine Lane, Maple Street, and Oak Drive
We will be sending out regular updates on the project status via email. If you would like to be on the distribution list for these emails, please send me an email at [email protected].
When there is a planned interruption in your water service, you will receive advance notice of the outage. This notice will typically be a door hanger left at your front door a day or two ahead of the outage.
You may receive a similar letter in the mail from me about this project. You do not need to respond to both the letter and this email.
We regret the inconvenience you will experience, and we appreciate your patience as we work to make these improvements to the water system. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at [email protected] or 434-977-4511, ext. 158. Thanks.