Re-Store ‘N Station Trying Again for Longer Hours

Alison Wrabel at the Daily Progress reports (read the whole thing)

The owner of the Re-Store ‘N Station in Crozet has appealed the latest Albemarle County Board of Supervisors decision regarding the hours of the gas station.

In July, the Board of Supervisors approved part of an amendment to the station’s special-use permit amendment that would allow for two additional fuel pump stations at the site on U.S. 250, but did not approve requests to extend the hours of operation of the convenience store and to allow fuel pumps to be operational around the clock.

Jeffries II LLC, which owns the property, filed an appeal in Albemarle Circuit Court in August, arguing the board “improperly considered whether the underlying by-right use of the property as a convenience store/service station was consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, instead of limiting its analysis to the impacts arising from water consumption.”

Background, if you’re interested, going back to at least 2010.

I should have made Restore N Station its own category for easier reference.

Upcoming Albemarle County School Board Meetings

Last week’s CCAC meeting yielded some interesting and, candidly, troubling, thoughts about the future of Crozet schools. If you haven’t read the linked story and tweets, please do so.

If you don’t have kids in the schools, you’re still impacted as property values are directly tied to (perceived) quality of schools. 

Economically, we would say that above average school quality as a flow of service is capitalized into value, just like an income stream. There is a broad consensus in the academic literature that school quality matters (Black, 1999, Brasington, 1999), and it seems that elementary school may matter even more than high school in driving locational preferences of home buyers with children. Empirical research has found that a one standard deviation increase in school quality (measured by test scores or school rankings) increases the value of a single family property by 1 to 3 percent. (source; bolding above is mine)

Get educated, and get involved

The next meetings (with the exception of joint Board meetings and meetings with Legislators) are September 27; October 11 & 25; November 8; and December 6 & 13.

Here is a link to the meeting calendar, that might be helpful, as it takes the scheduled meetings out further.

Related posts

CCAC Recap – 19 September 2018

Some big and heady discussions at tonight’s CCAC meeting.  I encourage, and darn near implore you, to read the tweets. And get aware and involved.

Continue reading “CCAC Recap – 19 September 2018”

CCAC Meeting – 19 September 2018

via email:


Crozet Library
Wednesday, September 19, 2018 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.


1. Introductions and Agenda Review (Allie Pesch – CCAC chair)
2. Approval of Minutes
3. Discussion of Community Advisory Committees (Ann Mallek – 15min)
4. School Board Updates (David Oberg, Albemarle County School Board Member, White Hall District – 45 min)
5. Crozet Trails Crew Update (Terri Miyamoto, CTC President; Dan Mahon, Albemarle County Parks and Recreation Outdoor Recreation Supervisor – 20 min)
6. Discussion on Continuing All CAC Meetings (All – 20 min)
7. Items Not Listed on the Agenda
8. Future agenda topics
– Frank Stoner/DCI update – October or November

Crowdsourcing Community Survey

via Nextdoor: (posting in part because no login is required here, so hopefully more people will see and respond)


Hey neighbors,

My name is Devin Harris and I am a Professor at UVA. My background is Civil Engineering and we are researching concepts related to quality of life within communities. I have been part of the Crozet community for the past six years and thought this might be a great place to get some informal feedback on our work. I was reaching out to assess potential interest in our study that focuses on opportunities to understand and improve quality of live in neighborhoods and communities. In brief, this study aims to use a crowd-sensing approach by encouraging community members to take and share data (specifically pictures and descriptions) of issues of concern in their neighborhood/community such as congested streets, sidewalks in disrepair, flooded streets, fallen traffic signs, potholes, etc. These data (primarily images) would then to be used to create models that will automatically detect the issue and report them to decision makers. Such models are expected to help decision makers and members of the community with necessary information for solving the issues. The schematically demonstrates this idea (Note: This is only illustrative of the concept and not real data).

Survey Link


At this point we are not soliciting any participation, but I would like to assess potential interest. If you would so kind as to fill out the attached survey about your potential interest in such an idea, I would really appreciate your input.  We are not collecting any information about those participating in the survey, only gathering some basic numbers on who might be interested and how they might be willing participate. The survey is four simple questions and will probably not take more than 30 seconds to complete.

Thank you in advance for participating in this effort.

Devin K. Harris, Ph.D.
Associate Professor – Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Director – Center for Transportation Studies
Faculty Director of Clark Scholars Program


Being Prepared is Good (In General, but this time it’s Florence)



Oh, Yay. Wind.

There’s a great discussion on Twitter about this storm.


Might as well get prepared, folks.


A few thoughts about RealCrozetVA twitter during storms

Continue reading “Being Prepared is Good (In General, but this time it’s Florence)”

9th Annual Crozet Trails Crew 5K – 6 October 2018

via email:

The 9th annual Crozet Trails Crew 5K Trail Race and Kids 400-meter Fun Run is only one month away! Come out on Saturday, October 6 to run, walk, or jog through woods, grassy fields, along streams, and over bridges (more info below).

Many are already working behind the scenes planning the race route, painting bridges, collecting prizes, etc.

Please support our primary fundraiser of the year by joining our

  • Workday on Saturday, Sept. 29 to prepare the trail for the race. Meet at 9 am at the trail entrance off Park Ridge Drive. Drive down Park Ridge through Western Ridge into Foothill Crossing, and look for the trail entrance on the left.
  • Help at the race on 10/6 by setting up, staffing registration, giving out prizes, and cleaning up after the race. Sign up to volunteer here, and thank you!
  • Register to run/jog/walk the race here.
    • The Kids Fun Run is at 8 am, with the adult race beginning at 8:30 and award ceremony at 9:30 with lots of prizes, including bridge naming rights to the male and female first place finishers! Registration and packet pick up will be Friday evening 10/5 from 6 to 8 pm in front of Crozet Library, as well as Saturday morning 7-8 am at Crozet Park. Fee is $20 online in advance or $25 in person. Registration includes a race tee shirt plus admission to the Crozet Arts and Crafts Festival immediately following.
  • The Crozet Trails Crew helps our parent non-profit, the Crozet Park, by staffing the wine and beer tent at the Arts for and Crafts Festival. Sign up for a shift as bartender here.

Help get the word out by posting the attached flyer at your workplace, church, or school.

And that’s not all! A team from Albemarle County Parks & Recreation has begun to make major improvements to the muddy and rutted trail just outside the dog park at Crozet Park. We are looking forward to a smoother, drier trail in that section. Thanks to all who helped them!

Our monthly meeting has a NEW date (third Thursday) and location this month! It will be Thursday, Sept. 20 from 6:30 – 8 pm at Crozet Pizza. Hope to see you there for final race planning!

Crozet’s Water Pump Station Coming Online Today



1 – if your water becomes discolored, run the water.

2 – Context on Crozet’s water projects at Crozet Gazette (bolding mine)

Currently, there are two sets of water system improvements underway: (1) three ongoing projects at the Crozet Water Treatment Plant (WTP), and (2) three interrelated projects at the Beaver Creek Dam. Upgrades to the WTP on Rt. 240, first described in detail here in February, have progressed according to schedule. Those upgrades include the installation of granular activated carbon filters for cleaner water, now operational, at a cost of $3.4 million, and the construction of a new finished water pump station, now 90 percent complete and expected to be online by September, at a cost of $2.6 million.

Jefferson Madison Library – 5 Year Plan Survey

We love the library, right? Ours is the Crozet Library, but the system extends throughout the region. Just look at the number of events they have upcoming!

via email

The Jefferson Madison Regional Library (JMRL) has always relied on the support of community partner organizations such as yours to help bring services to all of the citizens of Charlottesville, Albemarle, Greene, Louisa, and Nelson.

JMRL is undergoing a year-long process to develop a strategic plan to guide the library through 2024, and is seeking community feedback in this process. Outreach to library users and non-users alike is bringing in a world of suggestions for improvement to services.

The Jefferson Madison Regional Library is seeking community feedback to help guide the future of library services in the area. Please take a moment to fill out a brief survey on Thank you for your support.

Survey form in English.

Survey form in Spanish.

If you would like paper copies of the survey to hand out, JMRL would love to provide some! The survey will be open until the end of September.