CCAC February 2020 Recap | Crozet Sports, Bamboo Grove

A big meeting. A big conversation about a big project in Crozet, the Crozet Sports facility, and a big conversation about a tiny rezoning for 6 great houses along Jarmans Gap.

Read all the tweets. Please.

Video at the bottom of this post.

The agenda for the meeting is here.

  • Bamboo Grove
    • Small project, rezoning from R2 to R4; it would be 6 single family housing units
    • Chris Fuller’s slide deck. For posterity, the PDF is here, too.
    • This was a great discussion about more than a simple rezoning (just do it; it’s a small and great project), it was an informative lesson about housing affordability, and how greater density leads to greater affordability.
      • And also how building smaller, more efficient houses is part of the solution

CCAC  February 2020
Bigger than usual attendance

Everything changes.


When Did Crozet Become a Growth Area?

Crozet Comp Plan from 1977

Crozet is growing, and it’s going to continue to grow. It’s been planned that way for nearly 50 years.

Q: When Did Crozet Become a Growth Area? (before a lot of people in Crozet were born)

A: 1971.

Fun fact: The average year built of a home sold in Crozet in 2019 was 2003

From Cvillepedia

Crozet was first designated as a designated growth area with the 1971 revision of the county’s comprehensive plan[1].

Old Comp Plans

Continue reading “When Did Crozet Become a Growth Area?”

CCAC Meeting – 12 February 2020 – Crozet Sports, Bamboo Grove

via email, bolding mine. #CCAC0220

Crozet Library 
Wednesday, February 12, 2020 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. 


1.    Introductions and Agenda Review (Allie Pesch – CCAC chair) 
2.    Approval of Minutes 
3.    Crozet Sports Zoning Map Amendment Community Meeting (Valerie Long, Williams Mullen and Justin Byrd, Crozet Sports Owner – 40 minutes) 
4.    Bamboo Grove Zoning Map Amendment Community Meeting (Christopher Fuller – 40 minutes) 
5.    Crozet Master Plan Update Phase 2 Check-in (Andrew Knuppel, Albemarle County Community Development – 15 minutes) 
6.    Items Not Listed on the Agenda 
7.    Announcements 

Thank goodness Crozet Library closes at 9; I suspect with two Zoning Map Amendments (Bamboo Grove and Crozet Sports) this meeting could go long.

Continue reading “CCAC Meeting – 12 February 2020 – Crozet Sports, Bamboo Grove”

Rooftop Closing; Will now be Event Space

via their Facebook page:

In recent weeks, the owner of Piedmont Place approached us with an idea of an event space conversion to accompany the hotel concept for the 6 apartment suites at Piedmont Place that will be opening in March. After much debate and consideration, we have decided that a new event space would best serve the community and its growing needs, and allow us to focus 100% of our attention on Smoked Kitchen and Tap, which has always been the greatest passion of both Justin and myself.

Effective immediately, The Rooftop will be shutting its doors to make way for the new event space.

We want to express our sincere gratitude to those of you who have supported us through our journey. The decision to pass the baton to another business owner was exceptionally difficult. Ultimately, we feel like stepping aside for this event space is what serves Piedmont Place, the Smoked Kitchen and Tap patrons, and the Crozet community the best. We have many deep relationships and friendships in the Crozet community and hope to be able to continue to deepen those through our greater focus and better service at Smoked. We have trust and confidence that this will be a huge highlight to an already exceptional development in Crozet. A sincere thank you to all of our loyal patrons, community members, and staff that served us over the years. 

Crozet Sports’ Proposed Facility Near Henley

As I said in 2018, My quick thought: Crozet needs this. “Where” is going to be an interesting challenge.

Today, brings a long and thorough story from the Crozet Gazette (read the whole thing)

Crozet Sports, a youth sports academy founded in 2018 and owned by local residents Justin and Jessica Byrd, has unveiled an ambitious proposal to build an 85,000-square-foot indoor sports facility in Old Trail.

Citing local demand for additional training and educational space in Crozet as well as his desire to create a vital and active community hub, Justin Byrd is passionate about this project. “We know there’s a need in this area for indoor space for sports fields, health programming, and educational programs, and we’re excited to be able to fill that void,” he said.

The proposed site is Block 19, a 9.76-acre parcel at the northeast corner of Rt. 250 and Old Trail Drive. In the site’s preliminary architectural renderings, the two-story building is situated 750 feet away from Rt. 250, and maintains a tree-lined buffer along Old Trail Drive. “We’re trying to hide the facility as much as possible so it’s not intrusive from a visual standpoint and also helps preserve the Rt. 250 scenic byway,” said Byrd. “The plan is to keep as much vegetation as possible, and of course we’ll preserve and maintain the stream buffers and trails on the north side of the property.”

The facility will host a plethora of activity spaces, including multi-purpose turf fields, hard courts, and training areas for baseball, softball, and sports performance, plus student-athlete classrooms. There will be a children’s play area and rental space for parties or gatherings as well as for services such as physical therapy, massage, and sports medicine. “It’s going to be an amenity that provides ample space for hosting community events, camps, and weekend sports tournaments in our area,” said Byrd, “and we hope to offer health and wellness programming for adults as well.”

CCAC January – Wednesday, January 8, 2020, 7 p.m.

via email. I appreciate the optimism about the length of the meeting. Bolding below is mine.

Should be a shorter meeting with lots of information on growth capacity analysis from our neighborhood planners and an update on phase two of our master plan revision process. (Please mark your calendar for the next master plan meeting as well–Monday, January 13, at 6:30 at WAHS!) 

Hope to see you then! 



Crozet Library 
Wednesday, January 8, 2020 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. 


1.    Introductions and Agenda Review (Allie Pesch – CCAC chair) 
2.    Approval of Minutes 
3.    Growth Management Report & Demographics Presentation (Andrew Knuppel/Albemarle County Community Development– 30 minutes) 
4.    Crozet Master Plan Phase 2 Process Update (Andrew Knuppel/Albemarle County Community Development – 10 minutes) 
5.    Items Not Listed on the Agenda 
6.    Announcements 
7.    Future Agenda Items 
        – Bamboo Grove Rezoning Application Community Meeting 
        – Crozet Sports SUP Application Community Meeting 

I did the googling for you.

Crozet Master Plan Phase 2 Begins with Character & Land Use Workshop

via email:

I know. The formatting stinks when I copy/paste, but it is what it is. Their email does look nice.

Crozet Master Plan Phase 2 Begins with Character & Land Use Workshop

Monday, January 13th from 6:30 – 8 pm Western Albemarle High School Cafeteria
All are welcome and invited to participate in this important community conversation. 
Continue reading “Crozet Master Plan Phase 2 Begins with Character & Land Use Workshop”

2019 in Review through the RealCrozetVA lens

It was a year.

What do you think were the best and worst things to have happened in Crozet in 2019?

If you’re interested: 2018, 2017, 2016, 2014.

As a reminder, I’m a Realtor. My career and profession are representing buyers and sellers. I write/manage RealCrozetVA, now entering its 14th year, as a service to the Crozet community, and because I think RealCrozetVA comprises a “good thing.”

Continue reading “2019 in Review through the RealCrozetVA lens”

Crozet Sports Seeking to Build 85,000 Square Foot Facility

Old Trail and Crozet Sports

Remember Crozet Sports? In August 2018, I posted their about their Crozet Indoor Sports Facility.

A request – If you comment, please comment here, rather than on Nextdoor or Facebook.

Now, it appears that they’re looking to build the facility in Old Trail, per the zoning application at Albemarle County. I’d encourage reading the Special Use Permit Application Narrative before concluding/commenting either way.

Crozet Sports Indoor Recreational Facility

Read the entire application for yourself.

YMCA Out, ACAC in, at Crozet Park

Update: Crozet Gazette has a story.

Update 2: Good conversation, lots of questions, and some answers, at Nextdoor. This is a great example of how detrimental these platforms are that are locked behind walled gardens that require membership/login. These discussions should be freely available.

As of 1 March, 2020 things change at Crozet Park.

Read the letter from Crozet Park.

The RealCrozetVA facebook conversation.

The letter from Crozet Park posted on their page.

Crozet Park Aquatic & Fitness Center 

The Claudius Crozet Park Board of Directors is pleased to announce their partership with the Atlantic Coast Athletic Club (ACAC) to begin operating the Park’s aquatic and fitness center starting April 1, 2020. Although we are stlll working out many of the details preparing for this transition, we are providing this Q&A to help answer many of your questions. More information can also be found by reading the latest article in the Crozet Gazette. Until March 1, 2020 members should continue to use the Crozet YMCA website to find out about current programs and schedules. 

Q: What will happen to my current Crozet YMCA membership?
A: Your current YMCA membership will not change between now and March 1, 2020. Following March 1, 2020, members will be offered the opportunity to retain their Crozet facility membership by joining the Crozet Park Aquatic & Fitness Center operated by ACAC. ACAC will offer membership at the same Crozet YMCA membership rates.

Q: Can I still use the Crozet Park facility during the month of March?
A: Our understanding is that the YMCA will begin reducing services as early as March 1st. The Park Board and ACAC are preparing to step in and cover any degradation in services caused by the YMCA’s departure in March.  This will likely include group exercise classes in the Community Building (aka radio building) on the northwest side of the Park and use of ACAC’s facility in Old Trail.

Q: What will happen to current fitness programs and staff?
A: Popular programs will continue, e.g., aquatic aerobics, and ACAC will attempt to maintain key instructors and personnel. 

Q: Will my child have after-school care through June and options for summer camp?
A: Yes. The Crozet Park Aquatic & Fitness Center operated by ACAC intends to offer after-school care and summer camps under the ACAC brand and we are really looking forward to seeing how creative they can get to maximize the use and benefit of our 22 beautiful acres. The Park Board will work to ensure that there is no interruption in after school care for those families currently enrolled in the YMCA afterschool care program at the Park.

Q: What will happen to swim programs including year-round competitive swimming?
A: The Crozet Gators Swim Team and the Western Albemarle High School Swim Team will not be affected by this change in operator. And, it is our intent that year-round swimming will be offered without interruption.  Whether that is an expansion of the ACAC program, a continuation of the CYAC program, or an entirely new Crozet based year-round team, or some combination of the three, is yet to be determined.  

Q: Should we build a competitive swim program based in Crozet?
A: Crozet based CYAC swimmers eventually age out of the Crozet program and must swim in downtown Charlottesville if they wish to continue to compete in high school.  This can put a lot of strain on kids and families trying to balance school and family time with competitive swimming and several hours a week of driving into Charlottesville.  A Crozet-based program that allows our local teens to continue to swim year-round in Crozet would be an added benefit the community.

Q: Will the Crozet Park Aquatic & Fitness Center operated by ACAC offer needs-based scholarships?
A: Yes. We are currently working on details to offer the same or more scholarships to those who qualify.

Q: Will the Crozet Park Board continue to pursue a facility expansion?
A: Yes. The Park Board will continue planning this facility over the next 12 -18 months. Because we are requesting County funding to build this facility, the Park Board is committed to a competitive bid process to choose an operator for this facility. When the time is right, the Park Board will issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) and welcomes all organizations to bid including, the Piedmont Family YMCA and ACAC. 

Q: Why did the YMCA elect not to renew their lease to operate the current facility?
A: The YMCA was unwilling to operate the current facility without a long-term commitment from the Park to operate a new facility when built.  That long-term commitment entailed a multi-decade ground lease similar to what the YMCA has with the City and County for their Brooks facility at McIntire Park.  From the Park’s perspective, this was an unreasonable demand. The YMCA wanted the Park to take on all the debt and fundraising for a new facility and then lease it to the YMCA for decades for a nominal amount like their Brooks facility at about $1 a year, without any competing bids from other operators.  From a financial perspective, that is just not feasible for the Park and from the perspective of our Charter, it would not be the right thing for the community.  The Park Board was willing to entertain other arrangements, but the YMCA refused to negotiate further.  

Q: Why can’t the Park Board offer a ground lease similar to McIntire Park to build Brooks?
A: McIntire Park is a public park funded entirely with taxpayer dollars.  The YMCA built the Brooks Family facility and is now servicing the debt on that construction through revenue from membership and other programs.  Claudius Crozet Park is not a publicly owned park. It is a non-profit organization with a charter to provide low cost recreational amenities to the community. If the Park builds a new facility, it too will need to service debt through revenue earned in the facility.  To give all of that revenue to the YMCA and receive only nominal rent for an extended ground lease would make servicing the construction debt impossible.  What the construction will cost, how it will be structured and what the income stream requirements will be to maintain this new facility are not yet known.  The YMCA’s requirement that the Park commit to a long-term structured ground lease before the effects of that structure can even be assessed would pose an unreasonable risk to the financial solvency of the Park and therefore would violate the fiduciary responsibilities of the Park Board.