Front Steps Project Photos for Loaves and Fishes

A cool fundraiser benefiting Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry, Inc.. by Simple Will Photography.

read it all here, and contact them to set up an appointment.

Like everyone, Crozet and Charlottesville residents are doing their part to stay at home. Starting today, I’m offering five minute “Front Steps Portraits” of Crozet and Charlottesville residents. You’ll know when I’m coming, and you can step outside, where I will be a safe distance (at least 10 feet) away and snap a few portraits. Don’t worry- there will be no physical interaction, and no contact during these sessions- but nothing will stop us from being able to smile and laugh.

Continue reading “Front Steps Project Photos for Loaves and Fishes”

Crozet Market (Great Valu) offering Delivery + Curbside Pickup

Reminder: these folks are essential to our community.

via email:

I wanted to reach out to let you know in case you think it worthwhile to share with the community—Crozet Market/Great Valu has had a number of Crozetians call to ask about grocery delivery, and finally got the site fully up and running this morning. We’re now able to do contactless grocery delivery within a five-mile radius of the store and curbside pickup through

The store partnered with NorCro Delivery (formerly a local team of temporary fencing folks who had all their races/events cancelled because of the pandemic) to get things up and running. Stay healthy!

We have teamed up with NorCro Delivery, which will deliver groceries to your doorstep. $14.99 delivery fee for orders under $50; $12.99 for orders $50-100; and $9.99 for orders over $100. Order online here:

Crozet Library Closing (COVID-19)

via email:

It is with heavy heart that I relay to you that all JMRL locations go to Tier 5 of our COVID-19 Response starting at 6pm on Monday, March 16, which will result in full closure of all locations through the end of March.

  • On Monday, March 16, the Crozet Library will be open from 1pm-6pm. 
  • You can still come in and get materials until then – please see our tips for visiting the library below.
  • All items due in March will be now be due on April 6th.
  • During the weekdays, there will be limited staff on duty to process library returns and answer phone calls.
  • Find ebooks, audiobooks, streaming videos, magazines, and comics in the eLibrary or check out JMRL’s databases to do research, find online classes, and more
  • You can find excellent resources about COVID and about online resources that you can access with your JMRL library card on the JMRL blog at

I wish you all the best, and if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. I’ll see you on the other side of this! Stay well and safe.

*i’m going to tag these posts with COVID-19, so the archives reflect this closing was due to a crisis, and not closing for good.

COVID-19 and Crozet

via facebook :

I am a family doctor and I am terrified for the vulnerable members of our community. These are the numbers. In our small community of Crozet, VA, approximately 10K people, estimated between 40 and 238 deaths from covid-19 coronavirus, unless we as community members enact drastic social distancing measures immediately. If we wait until we have a documented case we have missed our chance to #flattenthecurve. That first case will represent many, many undiagnosed cases that may have been circulating for weeks. Please protect yourself and our most vulnerable and do not go to school, work, or other activities. You can transmit this virus unknowingly to someone who can die from this. Someone please tell me that my math is wrong?

I want to clarify that I am not terrified for myself, my husband, or my children. If any of us contract this virus, especially the kids, we will most likely have a mild case that we will recover from without much difficulty. As a physician, I am terrified for the most vulnerable members of our community who will not recover so easily. I am terrified that we know this data, yet it is not getting out to the public. We should learn lessons from Italy, Washington state, California, where very good hospitals are becoming overwhelmed, without enough ventilators to keep patients alive or enough protective equipment to prevent the doctors from getting infected. This virus is very contagious and people with mild cold like symptoms can easily spread it to others. The only known way to reduce deaths in a community is for all of us to stay home. Including those who feel fine.   I don’t want everyone else to feel terrified. But I do want everyone to take this extremely seriously. 

Continue reading “COVID-19 and Crozet”

Reminder: Follow RealCrozetVA on Twitter

I wrote this after the derecho in 2012.

Every day brings further affirmation that Facebook is, for events such as this, fine (albeit evil and terrible) for conversation. For disseminating timely information. twitter is infinitely better.

Now that we’ve all learned what a derecho is, this is as good a time as ever to remind you to follow RealCrozetVA on Twitter – I’m posting there much more often than I can here, in part because it’s much, much, much easier to post tweets from my phone than it is to write a blog post. I’m trying to post on the RealCrozetVA Facebook page, but that app is so remarkably slow and dysfunctional that it drains my iPhone’s battery super-fast. *and, I no longer have the FB app on my phone

So – follow RealCrozetVA on Twitter or simply keep refreshing that page if you’re not on the Twitter.

Twitter is also good for following CCAC meetings. Here are the tweets from the March 2020 CCAC meeting.

Be nice to each other.

CCAC March 2020 | Little Explorers, Wireless Service Facility


Via email: (bolding mine)

The Crozet Community Advisory Committee will meet this Wednesday at 7 p.m. at Crozet Library. Hope you can join us. There will be two special use permit application presentations.


Crozet Library 
Wednesday, March 11, 2020 from 7:00 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. 

1.    Introductions and Agenda Review (Allie Pesch – CCAC chair) 
2.    Approval of Minutes 
3.    Little Explorers Discovery School Special Use Permit Presentation (Christi Gillette –40 minutes) 
4.    Wild Turkey Lane Tier III Personal Wireless Service Facility Special Use Permit Presentation (Lori Schweller – 40 minutes) 
5.    Items Not Listed on the Agenda 
6.    Announcements 
        a.    *Special CCAC Meeting* Crozet Master Plan Revision Discussion: Wednesday, March 25, 7 – 8:30 p.m. at the Meadows 
        b.    Crozet Master Plan Community Workshop: Wednesday, April 22, 6:30 – 8 p.m. at WAHS 

Continue reading “CCAC March 2020 | Little Explorers, Wireless Service Facility”

Yancey Mill Special Exceptions

Remember the noise and discussion about the Yancey Mill noises at the November CCAC meeting? Looks like the conversation with Albemarle County is ongoing.

The following email from Bill First with Albemarle County was forwarded to me by a neighbor of Yancey Mill about the upcoming County meetings about the Mill, which has been in its location for decades.

As an aside, I’ve found the County to be quite good at communicating with citizens and doing all that they can to keep people informed, about this, and almost anything else.

Planning Commission – Tuesday March 24.  The staff report and agenda will be available approximately one week prior to the meeting.  If you would like comments included in the report please provide them to me no later than March 13.  Comments received after that date will be forwarded to the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors they just won’t be included in the Planning Commission report.

Board of Supervisors – Wednesday April 15.  The staff report and agenda will be available approximately one week prior to the meeting.  All information received for the Planning Commission meeting will be automatically forwarded to the Board of Supervisors.  You do not need to resubmit comments.  However, if you did not provide comments for the Planning Commission or have new comments please send those comments to me no later than April 1st.  Again, if you provide comments after that date they will be forwarded to the Board they just won’t be in the report packet.

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