More on the Future of Downtown Crozet

Charlottesville Tomorrow reports: (I’m glad to see Charlottesville Tomorrow expanding their focus on Crozet.)

“Most people in my industry think I’ve lost my mind.”

Frank Stoner of Milestone Partners shared that assessment at a recent visioning session for the Downtown Crozet Initiative. The meeting was the second community gathering to discuss design ideas for the former Barnes Lumber and CSX sites indowntown Crozet. The sites are owned by Crozet New Town Partners and are represented by Stoner’s development firm.

Stoner is taking the path less traveled in the design process. While most real estate developments create designs behind closed doors, Stoner said he believes that local support and involvement are essential to making the site a financial and community success.

“We opened this up to the public and said this needs to be a public-private partnership,” he said. “Without that, I don’t think we can be successful, but with it, I think we can.”

Read the whole thing.


CCAC Meeting 17 June 2015

From the Crozet Community Association:

3. Project Updates/Information:

  • Greg Harper, Water Resource Manager- Initial Review of Water Resources Program
  • Mary Miller – Garage Gym – Local business seeking location
  • Faith McClintic, Director of Economic Development – Introduction and Overview
  • Information and discussion regarding CDBG Planning Grant – Dave Stoner and Ann Mallek
  • Initial review/discussion about Community Meetings- (This will be a carryover item)
  • Information about developers holding public meetings at CCAC – Jennie More and Emily Kilroy
  • Overview of GIS web – Emily Kilroy

Can anyone tweet this meeting? I’m going to be with clients. #CCAC0615

Old Trail was Rezoned Nearly 10 Years Ago

Hard to believe that nearly 10 years ago, Old Trail was rezoned (that was the 2nd post on RealCrozetVA!).

A few thoughts:

  • It’s a shame that the Daily Progress’ archives are no longer available — note the broken links in my story.
    • I’m glad I quoted a reasonable part of their story.
  • Reading the BoS Executive Summary from that meeting, I’m hard-pressed to see how anyone ever thought that Old Trail was going to be more of a retirement community, as I’ve heard many people say over the years as a means by which to excuse not planning better. 
  • Harder to belive that it’s been nearly 10 years since the rezoning!

The story remains the same. This could have been written today:

Most of the frustration, though, has been directed at the county for not funding long-term improvements outlined in Crozet’s master plan, such as parking, better roads and sidewalks.

That said:

2nd Downtown Crozet Initiative Meeting – 11 June 2015

via email:

The second community meeting for The Downtown Crozet Initiative: A Vision for Barnes Lumber. 

Residents and business owners of Crozet are invited to the second community meeting to review possible designs for the Barnes Lumber civic space and transportation infrastructure, and discuss next steps for the downtown initiative. The designs that will be presented were based on ideas and feedback received at the May 27 community meeting, which was held at the Field School.

Walk-ins will be welcome. Childcare will be provided, but families needing this service must RSVP at

WHEN: Thursday, June 11, 2015

5:30 p.m. – Registration and Refreshments

6:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. – Community Meeting

WHERE: Crozet Elementary School

(Note: This is a new location. There will be air conditioning!)

1407 Crozet Ave.

Crozet, VA 22932

WHY: These public meetings were created to gather feedback and generate ideas relating to transforming the Barnes Lumber site into an accessible, successful and vibrant center for downtown Crozet. Attendees are invited to share thoughts and ideas to help grow the heart of Crozet.

June 2015 Crozet Gazette is Full of Great Stuff

June’s Crozet Gazette is jammed full of great stuff. A few highlights:

Homework for the Next Crozet Town Hall – 11 June 2015

We all have some homework to do.

*** Update: this has been moved to Crozet Elementary ***

I could attempt to summarize the 25 page recap of last week’s Crozet Town Hall, but really, if you’re interested, please take the time to read (or at least, skim) this excellent summary. It’s a PDF. Download it. Read it. Print it if you have to.

This will give you a taste of what’s included.

After presentations and discussion, meeting participants broke out into five small groups to share their ideas and feedback for the site. Discussion was guided by a facilitator and a designer sketched ideas into a drawing of the site. After each of the small groups met, the group reconvened in a large group. Each group presented to the large group their top three ideas for the site. The designers will use these ideas to create design options that will be presented at the June 11th public meeting.

Below are summaries from each of the small group designs and discussions. A summary of the individual concerns, feedback and questions from individual participants in a Appendix A, a list of meeting participants in Appendix B, and the Planning Committee overview document that was referred to at the meeting in Appendix C. The next Public Meeting will be on Thursday, June 11th from 6-9 pm to review and provide feedback on draft plans based on community input designs. Meeting participants are welcome to contact Reed and Christine of Dialogue + Design Associates with any questions or feedback at [email protected] or [email protected].

If you’re going to be vocal, might as well do the homework to be informed.