Another Hotel (attempt) in Crozet?

In 2013, the results of a very-unscientific survey showed that a lot of Crozetians recognized the need for a hotel in Crozet.

Early in 2013, a hotel was announced to be coming to Old Trail.

Then, the hotel plans stopped in 2014.

I’ll ask this – for those of you who’ve been here for six months, six years, or sixty+ years, please, try to not have a knee-jerk reaction one way or the other to the hotel.

Yes, traffic and infrastructure needs to be addressed. Yes, the market seems to show that we need/can support a hotel. And yes, and Crozet is going to grow.

Now, the Downtown Crozet Initiative is asking for the community’s thoughts on a boutique hotel in Downtown Crozet.

There’s a great conversation on the RealCrozetVA facebook page about this.

What do you think? Hotel in downtown Crozet?


Crozet Cycling Club – Now with More Options


Crozet Cycling Club

We live in an amazing place

The Crozet Cycling Club has been pretty successful so far.

Now, upon request, we’re offering a few more options. (noted on the Crozet Calendar earlier this week)

Mondays and Thursdays, the Crozet Cycling Club will ride between 5-10 miles at a comfortable pace around Crozet.  We’ll meet at Mudhouse at 9am and leave by 9:02.

Continue reading “Crozet Cycling Club – Now with More Options”

Crozet Area Election Results – 2015

White Hall have a new school board representative in David Oberg. It was nice and refreshing to have a contested election for a change.  Candidate forums, blog posts, discussions … kinda nice.

And, with only 3,912 people voting in the White Hall School Board election, if you voted, your vote actually mattered!

Images below thanks to Smart Cville.

Central Virginia 2015 Election Results | Smart Cville

Jonno Alcaro won the At-Large School Board seat.



Central Virginia 2015 Election Results | Smart Cville-3

Interestingly, while Steve Landes won the election, he lost Crozet White Hall.

Central Virginia 2015 Election Results | Smart Cville-1

Ann Mallek won, unopposed. 209 write-ins? I’d love to see who was written in!


Central Virginia 2015 Election Results | Smart Cville-2



Ways to Stay informed in Crozet + a New Entry

There’s more than one way to stay on top of news and happenings in Crozet.

Halloween in Crozet – Trick or Treating in the Square

Today, 30 October – Trick or Treat in the Square from 4 to 6pm.

This year with Halloween being on Saturday, I suspect the Crozet neighborhoods will be full – of kids and parents from the neighborhoods  trick or treating and kids and parents coming from less-dense neighborhoods to enjoy the fun.

And from last year:

What day is trick or treating in Crozet?

I will add this question: which are your favorite neighborhoods for trick-or-treating?


Answer for 2015: Saturday. 🙂

CCAC Meeting Recap | 10/21/2015 | Infrastructure & Downtown Crozet

Really interesting Crozet Community Advisory Council meeting tonight. Downtown Crozet is going to change. Traffic is going to get worse different. Businesses will hopefully come to downtown Crozet.

Quick notes:

  • I persicoped. Live-streamed on Twitter. I think it was useful, and next time, so long as we’re at the Crozet Library with Wifi and outlets, I’ll do it again … but with a tripod most likely and my computer so I can tweet as well. But really, are they useful for you? (I really thought the iPhone should have been horizontal. Clearly that was wrong) Periscope 1YouTube version here – , Periscope 2Periscope 3 (parking discussion).
  • Discussion about the WAHS Environmental Academy (I was late, but @CrozetCommunity tweeted!)
  • Big discussion about the future of downtown Crozet, Barnes Lumberyard, commercial, phasing of the development and more. You really shoulda been there.
  • Discussion about parking in downtown Crozet, the coming Piedmont Place, and I spoke up (which I never do at these meetings)
  • Milestone Partners will be launching a new website to convey the message/brand of their project and downtown Crozet.


Click through, scroll to the bottom, and read the tweets.


Continue reading “CCAC Meeting Recap | 10/21/2015 | Infrastructure & Downtown Crozet”

CCAC Meeting 21 October – Updates on Barnes Lumber, Infrastructure & Downtown

These meetings are among the better ways to learn about what’s happening and what’s coming in Crozet.

Anyone available to tweet the meeting? Hashtag – #CCAC1015

via email – 


Wednesday, October 21, 2015 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

The Crozet Library, Crozet


1. Agenda Review. (Jennie More – CCAC chair)

2. Approval of Minutes.

3. Project Updates/Information:

– Reminder about change in location for the November Meeting- It will be at The Meadows.

– Introduction of Adam Mulchay (sic) – Environmental Studies Academy (15minutes)

– Update on Former Barnes Lumber Property- Frank Stoner- (45minutes)

– Discussion about parking and DCD zoning. (20 minutes)

– Discussion about infrastructure specific to roads and connectivity. (20 minutes)

Crozet Cycling Club – Now with Kits!

“Who knew when we started riding together once a week, we’d end up riding 6 days a week?” — said last week after one of our rides.

It started nearly a year ago with a blog post and a standing ride, leaving at 6am on Wednesdays at the Crozet Mudhouse. Our first ride was 22 April 2015; happily, more than one person showed up!

Then a group on Strava and a Google Group. — If you want to join us, please ask to join the Google Group.

And we rode.

And we enjoy the extraordinary landscape of Western Albemarle (and surrounding areas).

Now we have a logo.

Crozet Cycling Club


And … if you’re interested, you can order Crozet Cycling kits! (the store closes on 26 October) We’re pretty excited about these!

Crozet Cycling Club Jersey
Crozet Cycling Club Jersey


Personally, riding with this group has made this year better, made my riding more fun, and has better connected me to Crozet.



Continue reading “Crozet Cycling Club – Now with Kits!”

Crozet Real Estate Conversation – 3rd Quarter 2015

The experiment continues. David Ferrall and I have launched a new effort to educate folks, and satiate our own desires to talk about real estate. We had our first conversation in July; this time we’ve been a bit more brief.

We’re going to be at a Crozet coffee shop – for the next couple months, the Crozet Mudhouse – the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month from 9 to 11 if you’re curious about the market and want us to buy you a cup of coffee.