Crozet Schools Redistricting update

Via Schoolmatters.

Boundary Adjustments – The first phase of adjustments will examine different options for moving students from Crozet Elementary to Brownsville Elementary for the fall of 2009. Staff is currently reviewing 5-year projections, numbers of students at each grade level, current location of students, and predicted growth to develop viable options to be presented to the community in May. After the community presentation. a web-site will be developed to receive input through the summer. Staff will then consider the input, look at September 30th enrollment numbers, and finalize options to be brought forward to the Superintendent and ultimately to the School Board.

Over the next year, staff will toke (sic) a comprehensive look at capacity, projected enrollment numbers, and anticipated growth to address capacity issues for the entire Division. Topics of discussion will include the current structure of K-5, 6-8, and 9-12, assumptions regarding feeder patterns, and routing of buses.

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BOS still hasn’t met a subdivision it didn’t like

On Wednesday evening, the Board of Supervisors approved a zoning change for the Patterson subdivision in Crozet, from R-1 to R-6, allowing for the potential of up to 6 homes per acre on the approximately 3.5 acre lot (althougth the developer agreed to build not more than 10 homes). The BOS approved this change despite the Planning Commission’s recommendation against the rezoning (twice) and the objections of the surrounding community. Among the concerns of the planning commission and the surrounding community are that the proposed development is out of character with the existing Grayrock and Grayrock North communities and that the infrastructure is not suitable for the increased traffic along Lanetown Road and Lanetown Way,

Specifically, both the planning commission and the Grayrock HOA expressed concern that the only entrance to the new development is through the existing Grayrock North community, rather than directly from Lanetown Road. The Grayrock North community consists of 26 homes on a rural section of road (18 feet wide, no sidewalks). The concern is that the roughly 30% increase in traffic through the community will increase the danger to the families and over 40 children in the community who have no choice but to use the street for walking, biking, baby strolling, etc.

In fairness to the developer, a number of changes were incorporated into the plan to make it more acceptable. However, the concerns expressed above were not addressed. Instead of focusing on these issues, the BOS chose to engage in an inane discussion of exactly what was intended by the word “edge” in the “Development Edge” area on the Crozet Master Plan and finally voted 5-1 in favor of the rezoning. The only voice of reason on the Board come from Ann Mallek, who actually took the time to visit the community so she could understand the concerns raised.

One has to wonder a) what the purpose of the Planning Commission is, and b) what it would take for a subdivision request to be deemed unsuitable for the Crozet community.

Matt from Blue Mountain Brewery responds to comments

Pulled from a comment

“I just wanted to respond to Lonnie’s suggestions. I am one of the owners of Blue Mountain Brewery and I’m glad you made it out to the brewery and I appreciate your suggestions.

1.) We are changing our hours starting April 1st. We will be open from 4pm to 10pm during the week…and 12pm to 10pm on the weekends.

2. Sorry you found our seating akward. We had our large oak tables built to give the brewery a kind of european brew hall feel. We have benches, bar stools, folding chairs, leather chairs, and couches….so hopefully people can find something comfortable.

3. As for our menu…. unfortunately expanding it is just something we can’t do at the moment. Our vision of the brewery was to be more in the lines of the wineries in the area. A place people could come in to sample the beers, sit on the porch and enjoy the view, maybe go on a tour of the brewery, and get some light food. What happens is that when people think of a brewery the first thing they think of is a full fledge restaurant … which we understand … but we just are not able to do at the moment. We are flattered that people enjoy our food so much and we will continue to offer a light menu and we hope to expand our kitchen in the future.

Thanks so much for coming out to the brewery and we hope to see you out there again. We have some great beers on tap and coming on tap soon. Our Belgian triple will be released next week. We will have our wheat beer back on tap and in bottles in a few weeks … along with the very popular Imperial Porter.

Matt Nucci
Blue Mountain Brewery

Thanks, Matt for stopping by and for commenting. You’ve got great beer. Folks, they’re only 14 minutes away!

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*editor’s note – I cleaned up some of the spelling and formatting in the above comment.

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This week in Crozet – 17 March – 23 March

“The meeting on March 11 was held at Henley — and was really lively and worthwhile!

Her next Town Hall meeting, this coming Tuesday, March 18, will be held at the White Hall Community Center. Same time:  6:30-9:30 pm.

The final one will be on Tuesday, March 25, at Broadus Wood Elementary in Earlysville.

All White Hall district residents are welcome!”

Thanks to a reader for sending this in. Are there any comments or feedback from the meeting? As always, if you have an announcement, please let me know.

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Henley Middle School is run by militants? has some recent reviews of Crozet’s schools, some positive, some negative. Is Henley really run by militants? This seems like something that school officials should respond to. They are marketing a product – education – and this type of review potentially damages their credibility and marketability.

Also the new administration this year runs the school in a military fashion. We had a bullying issue with my honor roll student and the pricipal’s solution was to suspend the students if they made eye contact. We suggested mediation and he would not even entertain the idea.

Parents (and non-parents) – this site is used by potential homebuyers and sellers. For many people, school district is the number one choice they make – everything else is almost irrelevant. If these opinions are not fact-based, school officials would do well to respond. If they are truthful, homeowners and tax-payers would do well to get involved and fix things.

Contrast the above with this review of Henley –

This school is an amazing school. The teachers are really interactive and get you ahead of the other schools. That way, there is not as much stress in the next couple of years.

Is there recent data available that could verify the alleged suspensions?

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This week in Crozet 10 March – 16 March

Tuesday, March 11, Crozet Fire House – Supervisor Ann Mallek

The core meeting agenda, from 7-9 PM will focus on Supervisor Mallek’s report to constituents on recent decisions by the Board of Supervisors, in-depth discussion of tax and budget issues, and open discussion time for White Hall residents and communities to voice their questions, opinions and ideas on local issues.  Before and after the core meeting, constituents are invited to talk with Supervisor Mallek about individual matters of concern.

Mallek invites all White Hall district residents to attend.  “It is my responsibility to be open, accessible, and accountable to the voters.  Many people find it inconvenient or even intimidating to attend Board meetings.  I hope White Hall residents will see this as a good opportunity to meet with me and with their neighbors, so we can talk together about how we can make our community stronger and our local government more responsive to people’s concerns.”

Light refreshments will be provided.  For further information, please contact Ann; phone 434-978-1150.

Thursday, March 13, Crozet Fire House

Mr. Fredericks of Rivanna Solid Waste will brief the Crozet Community Association on RSWA’s recent proposal to the city and county for expanding recycling efforts in the region.  Good timing to give him feedback from Crozet.  I am not quite sure about the time he will speak, but approx. 7:30 or 8:00 he’ll start.

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This week in Crozet 3 March – 9 March

“Are you interested in making a difference, helping your community, or just lending a hand?  We at Tabor Presbyterian would like community members to help in our effort to host “Soup on Sundays” (the 1st Sunday of each month, from 5-7 p.m.). In this way, we hope to feed and build community. Call Rev. Marie Hulme Adam @ 434-882-2518 if you’d like to help.  April 6 will be our first Companion Soup Sunday.”

Crozet is a community that sticks together.

If you have an event in Crozet, please let me know.