19 October CCAC Meeting Wrapup

I’ll update this story, but wanted to get the tweet recap out tonight.

Not much of an update.

Highlights from last night’s CCAC meeting:

  • Dave Oberg, White Hall school board member, talked about schools and the upcoming bond referendum
  • Public hearing about the relocated cabin and lot parceling on Crozet Ave (next to Greenhouse)
  • Discussion about proffers and Community Advisory Committees.

There were two handouts, both from the Joint CAC meeting on 10/6, which all of the materials from are posted here.

Strategy for Consideration

Proffer Policy Guidance for CACs

Read the tweets. Really.

Continue reading “19 October CCAC Meeting Wrapup”

CCAC Meeting – 19 October 2016

From the CCAC discussion email:

“While we have a number of potential things to cover, I thought it may also be good to at least start a discussion about what we think the CCAC’s “top 3” priorities/goals/actions should be for each focus area, as we discussed a couple meetings ago.  Would focus area liaisons please have a think about that between now and next week, and come prepared to discuss those (or better yet circulate your suggestions in advance)?  We won’t get to all of them but maybe we get through a few, and finish in Nov.  I attach the updated focus areas and liaison list, FYI.  I’d also suggest you each review the implementation section of the Master Plan as that’s a good, albeit dated list of priority “to do’s” in each of these areas.”


From the CCA site:


Crozet Library, 2020 Library Avenue, Crozet
Wednesday, October 20 19, 2016 from 7:00 to 9:00 PM

Click here for PDF (printable) version of the agenda.


1. Agenda Review. (David Stoner – CCAC chair)

2. Approval of Minutes (Draft minutes of September 21, 2016 meeting)

3. Albemarle County Schools Bond Referendum on Nov. 8 (TBD–15min)

4. Public Meeting– Freetown Cabin Relocation to 1278 Crozet Ave (Matt Lucas–20 min)

5.  Update from All-CAC Meeting (Lee Catlin – 20min)

  1. Potential Public/Community Meeting Changes
  2. Proffer Policy Issues

6.  Discuss Focus Areas Priorities (All–30min)
(Focus area liaisons please come with thoughts on “top 3-4” priorities/goals/actions)

7. Items not listed on the agenda

8. Announcements

9.  Future Agenda Items

Crozet Schools, Growth, Population

I’m happy that Charlottesville Tomorrow is dedicating more time and resources to covering Crozet. Make time to click through and read these stories in their entirety; this is important stuff.

School officials look west as Crozet growth continues

The county’s Crozet Master Plan calls for a 2030 population of 12,000. County staff in February estimated that Crozet has 6,854 residents and could have 7,786 by 2020 if current building trends hold.

For White Hall District School Board member David Oberg, that is not a good sign.

“I see a train wreck, honestly,” he said. “All you have to do is walk up to Old Trail after Henley Middle School lets out and see the 50 or 60 kids who are walking between Henley and Grit Café to see how many kids are in that neighborhood. It is packed.”

That isn’t lost on school division planning officials, said Dean Tistadt, county schools’ chief operating officer.

Continued development puts pressure on Crozet’s master plan

As Albemarle officials wrestle with increasing population trends, many are watching to see if Crozet’s future will match the vision within its master plan.

One major completed element of the Crozet Master Plan is the new Crozet Library, which recently celebrated its third birthday. Since then, more than 439,000 people have visited.

“As you have probably noticed, there’s a lot going on in downtown Crozet since the library opened,” said John Halliday, director of the Jefferson-Madison Regional Library. “Is it a coincidence?”

Across Library Avenue, construction crews are working on the four-story Piedmont Place, which is being built by developer Drew Holzwarth across the street.

The two buildings complement the completion of both a Crozet streetscape and improvements to Jarmans Gap Road that are intended to make the downtown area a walkable or bikeable destination from neighborhoods like Old Trail and Grayrock to the west.



Re-Store n Station Denied by Albemarle BoS

This chapter of the Re-Store N Station is closed. For now.

Charlottesville Tomorrow* reports:

Albemarle County Board of Supervisors denied a Crozet gas station’s plan to build additional office space, a drive-thru doughnut restaurant and an auto retail business and repair shop on its 4-acre lot.

Crozet Re-Store ’N Station, located at the intersection of Rockfish Gap Turnpike and Freetown Road nearWestern Albemarle High School, currently consists of 2,775 square feet of retail space, with an additional 1,000 square feet of office space on the second floor.

The owner proposed amendments to its special-use permit in December that would have cleared the way for a 20,000-square-foot addition. The board rejected the amendments by a unanimous vote Wednesday, bringing an end to a tumultuous review process.

Supervisor Ann H. Mallek recalled that Re-Store ’N Station’s original proposal for a larger building was denied by the Board of Supervisors in 2010.

“It should stay denied today,” Mallek said. “The developer has failed to make the case … that [this addition] is compelling or even warranted.”

For background on Re-store N Station, start searching here.

* Seriously. Local journalism matters. Consider donating to Charlottesville Tomorrow; without them, we’d not know an awful lot about what happens in Crozet, Charlottesville, and Albemarle.

** I really wish they’d named the gas station something different. Typing “Re-Store ‘N Station” is hard.

Crozet Arts & Crafts Festival – October 8 and 9

From the CCA newsletter:

Crozet Arts and Crafts Festival!

Join over 100 juried fine Art and Craft Exhibitors at Claudius Crozet Park for the 36th Annual Crozet Fall Arts and Crafts Festival, a family-friendly celebration of Art, Craft, and Community on October 8 & 9. With great food, Virginia wine and draft beer, live music, and entertainment for the kids, this award-winning Festival is the place to relax and enjoy time with friends and family over the long weekend.

Sidewalks on 250 Near Harris Teeter?


Sidewalks on 250?


From the Albemarle County page:

The Rockfish Gap Turnpike/Rt. 250 W sidewalk construction will take place on both sides of the Rockfish Gap Turnpike from Clover Lawn Lane to Radford Lane, and on the north side of Rockfish Gap Turnpike from Radford Lane to Cory Farm Road, and along the east side of Cory Farm Road from Rockfish Gap Turnpike to Little Fox Lane.

Forecasted Schedule

Public Hearing: October 10, 2016

Right of Way Authorization: February 2017

Right of Way Acquisition Complete: October 2017

Ad for Construction: March 2018

Construction Activities: Spring / Summer 2018

Targeted Construction Completion: Fall 2018





Chalk Kindness at Brownsville Elementary

Sent by email:

Here are a couple of photos from Kindness In Chalk at Brownsville this morning.
Holly Grimm brought it to our school last year and we fell in love with it. This year, she and Kim Nicoletti chaired the event. It’s such minimal effort for maximum benefits to the students. It was started in 2014 by a mom in Minnesota. You can find more info here.
There is nothing more rewarding than seeing the faces of the kids light up as they get off the bus. I watched a 4th grade boy walk slowly down the sidewalk, reading aloud each positive message. That boy walked into the doors this morning with a smile on his face. Letting these kids know how loved they are and surrounding them with messages of encouragement was what this was all about. 🙂

Think of Businesses in Crozet, Too

via email, in response to the Snob Zoning story:*

I am a business owner in Crozet. I am not regularly active in Crozet affairs, and so am not as knowledgeable about the Crozet Master Plan as the folks, like Tom, who have put many, many hours into its development.

From where I sit, the biggest omission in the CMP (Crozet Master Plan) (and perhaps the County’s planning) is the dearth of space allocated for businesses like mine – a trade business that needs affordable space to park vehicles, store supplies, and maintain an office. Further, those same trade businesses need suppliers in the area – a B2B arrangement that helps them do their work without traversing the county for materials and services.

Crozet’s current economy is largely driven by construction, and will be for years to come. Yet, there are few contractors located in Crozet. It makes sense to me that if we have contractors framing, roofing, wiring, plumbing, and landscaping the new and existing houses here, then we should have a place for those businesses to house themselves here in Crozet.

Contractors and related trade businesses will buy supplies, fuel, parts, repair services, groceries, medical care, bookkeeping services, insurance, etc. – which will further boost the economy. It seems to me we are missing an easy source of tax revenue by not accommodating trade businesses and their suppliers. If they are going to build here, why not set up shop here, hire here, buy here, and pay their taxes here?

A retail oriented downtown will not provide the tax base or job opportunities that supports the town. Retail pays low wages. Trade businesses (for the most part) do pay not professional level wages, but they pay better than retail. And they buy a lot more local goods and services than your average retail store.

Our economy is increasingly becoming service-oriented. Service businesses will want to locate here if the market is strong and they can find a place to live. If they can buy plumbing supplies, stone, electrical supplies, and the like here – even better. More business activity, more tax revenue.

The LI (Light Industrial) sections of 240 are prohibitively expensive for small business of this nature. And the idea of additional commercial truck traffic on 240 seems both undesirable and dangerous. The proposal for an industrial park behind Yancey Lumber made sense on a lot of levels. Perhaps that is not the place for it, but I think the revised master plan needs to reckon with whether and how it is making Crozet available and attractive to trade and service businesses.

There is a potential downside of failing to accommodate service businesses: increased prices. As businesses have to travel farther for supplies and to reach their customers, prices will rise to reflect the increased costs. This has happened to locales in Northern Virginia, where housing was given a preference over business, and business was pushed out as a result. This could well happen here in Albemarle.

Albemarle makes it very tough for service businesses to make their home here (e.g. Faulconer Construction, and my own personal experience). Crozet has the opportunity to provide a more inclusive facet to its plan, and buck the current trend of business-unfriendly zoning.

Thank you for the opportunity to offer my opinion.


Scott Watkins


*Jim’s note: only edits made were for clarification and line breaks; edits identified in italics

** I offered the RealCrozetVA forum for rebuttals, and I’m thankful for the two responses to the Snob Zoning story, and the time folks take to keep Crozet a wonderful place to live. We have something special here, and we need to work to grow well, and maintain what we have. 

About that Snob Zoning Story

A couple days ago, I posted a story on the RealCrozetVA facebook page linking to a story written by Neil Williamson with the Free Enterprise Forum titled, ‘Snob Zoning’ Crozet Master Plan in the Works?

Read. What are your thoughts on a volunteer group re-writing the Crozet Master Plan?

“Perhaps the question should be “After millions of dollars of planning and infrastructure spending, should Crozet residents be allowed to stifle population and economic growth by hijacking the master planning process?”

We’ve recently learned such a plan is in the works. And it is a bad idea. Please let me explain.”

An interesting discussion ensued, and I offered (as I have for 10 years) this page to anyone who wanted to write a rebuttal. So far, only Tom Loach has taken the time to do so. Thanks, Tom.

One thing that I’ll set forth (again, and I shouldn’t have to as most of you are reasonable adults). If you want to discuss this, do so thoughtfully. Agree/disagree – fine. Emotionally – fine.  Nasty – not fine. From here on out, I’ll be more liberal with my block/delete powers both here and on the Facebook page. 🙂 We’re neighbors. Most of us are nice.**

The floor is Tom’s* –

Since Mr. Duncan has welcomed responses to Neil Williamson’s article and since I’m the person Mr. Williamson seems to have the most problem with I thought I should respond, first to Mr. Williamson and then to some of the responses on the Facebook page.

To start with Mr. Williamson is incorrect when he states the community is re-writing the Master Plan.  What we’re going to do is to update the Master Plan. The reason for the update is

  1.  The Master Plan was scheduled to be updated in 2015, but the county told us they don’t have the money to do it.  We’re now told it may be 2018 before the county gets around to it.  
  2.  Obviously with some of the more recent development issues there is clear evidence that the plan needs to be updated as soon as possible to insure a number of clarifications are made so there is no ambiguity in the language.

As for Mr. Williamson’s quote from me  “he could not ever see a circumstance where he would vote in favor of a project that the CCAC did not support”, italics and bolding courtesy of Mr. Williamson, I can only respond by saying “YES”, I said it and the reason I said it is because I have explicit trust in my neighbors who have volunteered their time and talents to Crozet to make the right decisions.   Continue reading “About that Snob Zoning Story”