A Fit Crozet

Crozet is a fit place.

As frequently happens, I was answering a question for a buyer client moving to Crozet – “where are the gyms and yoga in Crozet?” I started rattling off the a litany of such places; that led to my asking the question on the Crozet FB page.

Crozet, while not a town, is becoming more and more self-sufficient; going to Charlottesville is less necessary (unless you know, for a job). I’m hoping that Perrone Roboticsmove to downtown Crozet will be a big jumpstart for the “needing jobs in Crozet” aspect.**

That said … (let me know what I/we missed!)

Fitness/workout/healthy things to do in Crozet

*I know some people do new year resolutions, so hopefully this will help fulfill some of those!

**Maybe next time Crozet/Albemarle have a shot at a Deschuttes or Stone brewery, they won’t flub that opportunity. 


Read Part 2 of “Fit Crozet” – Crozet Transforms from Suburban Outpost to Health and Fitness Epicenter

Reviewing Crozet in 2016 through the RealCrozetVA lens

2015 was interesting. 2016 continued the interesting.  Through November, 140 stories were posted here on the blog. A lot more throughout the RealCrozetVA ecosystem. I’ve done this recap for a couple years and I find it useful, informative, and helpful for me; I hope it is for you as well.

What do you think were the biggest stories of 2016 in Crozet?

These are a few, but by no means the only, or biggest, 2016 Crozet stories


Crozet is and will remain a wonderful place to live. Let’s see how we can work together to grow wisely, keeping as much as we can that makes Crozet a special place to be.

The RealCrozetVA ecosystem is: The RealCrozetVA blog, RealCrozetVA Twitter, RealCrozetVA facebook, and RealCrozetVA Instagram. The RealCrozetVA home is and will always be the blog, because I own it … and the rest likely can and will change. I’ve found the archives here invaluable.

Questions? Comments? Email or call me anytime.

January (11 posts)

Mint Springs sledding
Mint Springs sledding

Continue reading “Reviewing Crozet in 2016 through the RealCrozetVA lens”

Small Changes Coming to Great Valu

Since Great Valu sold a few weeks ago, small and not-so-small change have been taking place.

Notable changes

  • New produce shelves
  • New wine shelves
  • Moved the eggs
  • Suggestion box
  • Perhaps my favorite – near the suggestion box is the Great Valu timeline and the already-submitted suggestions.

There are surely more changes I didn’t notice in my quick trip through, and more to come.

Continue reading “Small Changes Coming to Great Valu”

Crozet Trails Crew Assists Blue Ridge Tunnel Foundation

by Teri Kostiw:

Pictured: Standing – John Smith, Colleen Carew, Clover Carroll, Bevin Cetta Boisvert, Gene Locke, Terri Miyamoto, Teri Kostiw, Joe Abbate, Mike Fox, Robert Kavanaugh. Front Row – Linda McNeil, Ellen Groth, Allen Hale, David Miyamoto. Not pictured: Bob Dombrowe, Tom Guterbock, Steve Kostiw.


On Saturday, December 3, and Saturday, December 10, members of The Crozet Trails Crew assisted in clearing an area for The Blue Ridge Tunnel Foundation where a fence will be constructed.  The fence will prevent access to the current active train tracks which run beside the new access path to the Tunnel.

Allen Hale, President of the Blue Ridge Tunnel Foundation and Nelson County Supervisor, along with Bob Dombrowe, Tunnel Board member and Crozet Trails Crew Vice President, spearheaded the workdays in an effort to reduce costs associated with the fence installation.  The group cleared brush and removed trees blocking the pathway as well as removing trash from the site.

Following the completion of this work, The Trails Crew members were given a personal tour of the Nelson County portion of the tunnel as a thank you for their efforts.  The tours of the Eastern Portal have proven very popular and when offered are sold out very quickly so the Crew appreciated this special opportunity.

Please look for further updates on the progress of the Blue Ridge Tunnel project; you can stay in touch with the project by going to www.blueridgetunnel.org.  The Foundation would like to remind everyone that “for purposes of ensuring safety and eliminating liability, there is currently NO public access to either the west portal or east portal (including no access to the Blue Ridge Tunnel itself) during the reconstruction phases of the tunnel.  “No Trespassing” signs have been posted on both the Nelson County and Augusta County sides of the project, and a gate now blocks entrance to the eastern trails parking lot.  Violators are subject to prosecution.”


CCAC Meeting Recap – Robotic Cars, Property Rights, Trails & More

CCAC meeting - December 14, 2016
CCAC meeting – December 14, 2016

Last night’s Crozet Community Advisory Committee (CCAC) meeting at the Meadows covered lots of ground, as always.


Please. Click all the way through, start at the bottom, and make your way back up.

If you’re interested, you can find all of the CCAC meeting recaps here.

Continue reading “CCAC Meeting Recap – Robotic Cars, Property Rights, Trails & More”

CCAC Meeting – 14 December 2016 | Proffers, Barnes, Growth

1 – This CCAC meeting is at the Meadows, without wifi. Boo.

2 – Lots of stuff on the agenda. If you’re interested in Crozet’s growth & development, please come.

3 – Because this is at the Meadows, and there is no time limit on the meeting, come prepared to be there well past 9.



The Meadows
Wednesday, Dec 14, 2016 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Update: these four files were sent to the CCAC google group at 11:33 this morning.



Continue reading “CCAC Meeting – 14 December 2016 | Proffers, Barnes, Growth”