I posted a version of this on the RealCrozetVA FB page.
Think of how many people you know associated with UVA, UVA Medical, research, etc. These cuts are going to affect all of us. Think about how many people you know who have suffered from cancer – and other diseases.
If people suffer, and the real estate market is affected – we are all affected. This is not a partisan issue.
I know that many of the people I represent when buying or selling homes in the Crozet, Charlottesville, Albemarle – and wider central Virginia region – touch UVA Medical in some cpaacity.
— from Charlottesville Reddit —
“Just heard from a friend pursuing her PhD at UVA that hiring freezes and job cuts are hitting the school and affiliated biomedical research labs hard due to sudden grant funding issues. Postdocs and some some faculty positions are on the chopping block, leaving ongoing projects in limbo. Some labs are already scaling back research, and the uncertainty is spreading fast. Zero idea to what extent, but was wondering if any one else has experienced the same thing?”
Call your reps.
This is not a partisan issue. If NIH is eviscerated, cancer wins and we lose.
If NIH is eviscerated, the Charlottesville and Albemarle region, and all Virginians, will suffer.
“Cville/Albemarle friends – please call Rep. McGuire at 202-225-4711 today and ask him to oppose the Trump administration’s cuts of billions of dollars in NIH funding for life-saving biomedical research, including for pediatric cancer. “
I called, and spoke with a staffer. Hopefully more calls make a difference.
From the NYTimes:
“The nation’s universities and academic medical centers were reeling on Saturday from a directive by the Trump administration to slash funding for medical research, a decision that doctors and scientists said would have a devastating effect on studies aimed at finding treatments for diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease.”
The NIH contributes nearly $2B to the Virginia economy.
“Every dollar spent in NIH funding generates $2.46 in new economic activity. That is a phenomenal return. Phenomenal.
“Top NIH-Funded Institutions (Grouped by System):1
University of Virginia
Virginia Commonwealth University
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech)
VigNet, Inc.
ICF International, Inc.
American Type Culture Collection
MITRE Corporation
Booz Allen Hamilton
George Mason University
American College of Radiology
Everything should be examined for waste, fraud and abuse. We are running a significant national deficit which continues to grow unchecked. Some institutions, especially in academia, have far too much overhead so I believe it’s right to take a deep look into all of this spending.
“Take a look” – sure, absolutely. But do so in a responsible, professional, accountable and ethical way.
You say, “Some institutions, especially in academia, have far too much overhead” — which ones? Which programs? Please cite your sources.
Genuine question – are you ok with people dying who have cancer, or who might benefit from clinical trials?
Safe to assume you’re against this?
“House Republicans released a budget plan Wednesday that sets the stage for advancing many of President Donald Trump’s top domestic priorities, providing for up to $4.5 trillion in tax cuts and a $4 trillion increase in the debt limit so that the U.S. can continue financing its bills.
“The budget plan also directs a variety of House committees to cut spending by at least $1.5 trillion while stating that the goal is to reduce spending by $2 trillion over 10 years.”
Strange that all the narratives say the same thing. Cut my money and people will die. Billions later they are still dying. In the 90’s Clinton shrunk the Federal workforce by 200,000 did you notice? Try to call the IRS and then tell me how it is working. People die of cancer. It is terrible and so far, money has not changed that fact. What are you saying, all drug company research will stop? There is a university real close to you that has a multibillion-dollar endowment What should it be used for? State of Virginia has a surplus this year. Are they going to give back to the people that caused this to happen? Govt. has gotten away from the fact that it accountable to the people that pay for it. Since it is deeply in debt when do you think that something should be done about it???
1 – what they are doing is illegal.
2 – Yes, people die of cancer. Fewer people die of cancer, et al thanks to the money invested in medical research, clinical trials, etc.
3 – I know you know that UVA is not able to use their endowment as a checkbook
4 – Our economy – local, state, national – benefit from the investments made in our research institutions.
5 – Our society benefits by having more a more educated and healthy populace.
Come on you sound like CNN. It is not illegal until the courts say so.
Cancer research is not only done by the federal Govt. UVA does what they want with whatever they want. Our economy and Country do not gain any benefit from having over a trillion dollar deficit. And, we make ourselves sick. You really think that keeping a bunch of federal employees employed is going to fix that? I know that you can do better than to parrot the same old talking points. Item #5 is RFK’s tag line. I guess you like him???
If I watched CNN, you might have a point. 🙂
If we cared about making Americans healthier, our built environments would reflect that, we’d have more fresh foods, fewer chemicals, fewer food deserts, etc. The deficit is something that increases, and is set to increase another $4T.
The pain and suffering will continue, grow, and more humans will be negatively affected. Such is life.
I see you are censoring comments Mr. Duncan. That is certainly not neighborly of you. As my deleted comment previously stated, UVA is running at a 61% overhead rate which is totally unacceptable. It’s excellent that for the first time in years someone is looking into this enormous waste, fraud and abuse.
It is NOT ILLEGAL. Are activist judges going after these efforts? Sure. Will they succeed? No. And I find it interesting that your party does not deny some of the unbelievable expenditures being uncovered. Instead they are crying about Musk. Ridiculous.
They will continue to do deep dives into wasteful spending and it should be welcomed by all reasonable people.
Are you talking about this comment that is still up there? There is no other comment; I search spam, pending, approved, trash.
I don’t have a party.
Being pro-cancer and pro-disease is certainly a position to take. Waste is bad and a thoughtful approach to cutting it, sort of like with a scalpel would be a reasonable path. Cutting legitimate research, clinical trials, and healthcare is not reasonable.
Your vocabulary of “activist judges” is telling, and I appreciate that.
Your party affiliation and lack of understanding shines through loud and clear, so thank you for that as well.
Did you really say “pro-cancer and pro-disease”? I hope a real estate agent is not really saying such outrageous things on social media. That can’t be good for business as people should be looking for agents who are reasonable and can understand key points. Being condescending is certainly not a good look either.
You never responded at all to the exorbitant overhead that I referenced so I can only assume you are ok with 61% overhead. I really hope you don’t run that high in your business.
Nothing has been deemed illegal. I hope this attack on outrageous and wasteful spending continues.
You’re welcome, and thank you for the dialogue.
I don’t affiliate with a party.
“You never responded at all to the exorbitant overhead that I referenced so I can only assume you are ok with 61% overhead.”
I’ve not seen this fact referenced, so don’t have an informed opinion on this.
I do know that cutting grants and research will directly affect those with cancer and those who will have cancer and other diseases, and
laying people off en masse is not a reasonable or thoughtful tactic. When the scientists and the researchers say, “The deep cuts to the program have horrified those in the public health sphere.
“The country is less safe,” Dr. Anne Schuchat, a former top-ranking CDC official and alumna of the program, told CBS News. “These are the deployable assets critical for investigating new threats, from anthrax to Zika.””
I believe them.
Time will tell. And truly, thank you for your time and candor.
There is nothing more pitiful that a bureaucrat defending his job and his money. What do you expect them to say? Did you even know that Bill Clinton trimmed the Federal Workforce by 200,000 in the 90’s??? How many people died because of it? How long can this Country survive being Trillions in debt? This is now the age of gross exaggeration. I am sorry that you have joined it…