It’s always interesting (to me at least) to dig into the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors agenda, when I remember, and when I make the time. See: Being a Citizen Takes Effort. And Sacrifice.
Notable as ever is the VDOT Quarterly Report
Under the “Preliminary Engineering Heading”
- I-64 Exit 107 Park and Ride — to be advertised in Fall 2024
- Rte. 680 Browns Gap Turnpike Bridge Replacement over Lickinghole Creek — to be advertised in June 2025
- Rte.151/250 Roundabout – Under construction. Expected completion Spring 2023 (I’d argue it’s nearly complete?)
Under the “completed studies” heading
- 250/1815 Old Trail | Crosswalk markings have been installed.
- 1815 Old Trail at Bishop Gate Ln. | ADA ramps installed. Mid-block crosswalk to be installed Summer 2023.
Studies under review:
- Route 240 at Music City Today and Starr Hill Brewery | Pedestrian Crossing | Field investigation complete; Plans have been finalized, estimated cost approximately $153k — seriously, why has this taken so long? It’s not that hard.
Looking at the ACSA & RWSA reports, a few Crozet-centric things
- Crozet Phase 4 Water Main Replacement – This project replaces aging and undersized asbestos-cement and PVC water mains along Rockfish Gap Turnpike, Crozet Avenue, Hillsboro Lane, and the neighborhood streets of the Park View subdivision. The final easement was recently acquired, and we are working to secure plan approval from Albemarle County before bidding the project later this summer.
- Risk Assessment Improvements – As part of an on-going emergency preparedness program, the ACSA is in a multi-phase effort to reduce risk and increase resilience. Projects include additional security measures, fencing and access gate enhancements, cybersecurity measures, and additional tank protection. Work is focused on our tanks and pump station locations.
- The production of drinking water for the Urban area (Charlottesville and adjacent developed areas of Albemarle, not including Crozet) averaged 9.48 million gallons per day (MGD) in May 2023 (FY 2023), which was similar to the five-year average for May (9.49 MGD),
- Urban wastewater flow for May 2023 (9.55 MGD), including flows from Crozet, was below the five-year average for May (10.47 MGD),
- Crozet Wastewater Pump Stations Rehabilitation
- Scope: Replacement of pumps, valves and electrical gear in four pump stations constructed in the 1980’s which convey wastewater from Crozet to the Moores Creek Treatment Plant. Completion: January 2025 – December 2026
- Cost: $10.3 million; 52% ACSA / 48% City
- K. Beaver Creek Dam, Pump Station and Piping Improvements
- Scope: Replace the spillway which protects the reservoir dam along with the water pump station and piping which convey water to the Crozet Water Treatment Plant.
- Completion: April 2025 – June 2028
- Cost: $43 million; 100% ACSA
Clicking around VDOT’s site, I find the Route 240/US 250 Intersection Improvements. Looks like *maybe* completed in 2027? What am I missing?
Update: thanks to this comment, I revisited the 240/250 roundabout bit … I guess the answer to, “when will the 240/250 roundabout happen?” is “Never.”?

Can someone explain why:
- There are no consequences for not building needed infrastructure?
I don’t make the time to attend meetings as I should, but I do my best to read as much as I can that’s relevant to be an informed citizen, and to best represent my clients.
Infrastructure is Expensive. Nobody wants to pay more in taxes or usage fees. However, Everybody wants to complain. Pay up or shut up.
Interesting details on the Route 250 / 240 / 680 Roundabout. I found this project on the VDOT Project Development Detail Portal (Project ID: 111729) and do not see a forecasted completion date of 2027.
Select “Development” > Select “Fiscal Year”, then pick “Select All” > under “UPC” search for Project ID 111729.
From the looks of the information within this Dashboard, the “Determine Requirements” Milestone has a “Planned Finish Date” of 2032.
Hmmm … Thanks, Eric. Post corrected to state the roundabout will never happen. 🙂
No problem, Jim. I do feel sometimes (from reviewing the VDOT Dashboard) that it will never happen. ?