In this quick summary of reading, and copy/pasting — Bakery, more homes in Old Trail, Mobile Home Park adding homes, Misty Mountain expanding.
Update: the 11 January County BoS meeting will be interesting and relevant to Crozet.
- Notably, the Transportation Planner Quarterly Report and the VDOT Albemarle County Monthly Reports. Click through, then search the pages for “Crozet;” you’ll find interesting stuff.
This morning’s Albemarle County Development Department email has some interesting information.
- Praha Bakery coming to the little brick building on 240 near downtown Crozet!
- 62 more homes coming to the northwest corner of Rt. 250 West and Old Trail Drive

And from Sean Tubbs’ always-excellent Week in Review
(you really should subscribe, and pay for his work!)
Crozet group to hear details about manufactured home park
The Crozet Community Advisory Committee will meet at 7 p.m. in the Crozet Library. (meeting info) (agenda)
After a period called “Community Concerns,” there will be a community meeting for a special use permit for an expansion of an existing manufactured home park near Claudius Crozet Park. There are 73 units currently and the request to become compliant with zoning also comes up with a request to add 14 new units on site. (SP202200029)

The third is for a proposal for Misty Mountain Camp Resort to amend an existing special use permit to add 53 campsites for a total of 158, to increase the number of cabins to 18, and to allow the resort to operate year-round. Guests would be restricted to 30 days stay.
The county’s Agricultural-Forestal Districts Advisory Committee found no issue with the expansion and neighbor concerns about noise and trespassing are to be worked out on site.
“The existing campground contains six wells, and a new seventh well has been drilled at the southeast corner of the property,” reads the staff report. “The applicants have stated that the new well yields seven gallons per minute, which is sufficient for the new camping area.”