Update 27 July 2020

Most of us want more and better internet and cell coverage.
Albemarle County’s Annual Survey says so.
(note: surely someone else can do a better report/story on this)

If you’re in support or opposition of the tower, say so here at the County’s site.
PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION: This is an application to construct a one hundred and eight (108) feet tall monopole tower with two (2) antenna arrays and related ground equipment. A special exception has been requested to exceed the flush mount distances to the tower (SE202000006).
APPLICATION PLAN: https://tinyurl.com/y8tq84rq
VISIBILITY ANALYSIS: https://tinyurl.com/y728glnj
To find out more information and view other documents associated with this proposal, click https://tinyurl.com/yb5gbtf9
To learn more about Albemarle County’s development review process, click https://tinyurl.com/yx5g5wdm
To review regulations and policies applicable to this project, click https://tinyurl.com/y8b4dz46 (18-5.1.40 Personal Wireless Service Facility regulations) or https://tinyurl.com/ybfh9dvt (18-33 Special Use Permit regulations).
via Nextdoor …
… which is unavailable to those without accounts, so I’m posting it here for those Albemarle County residents who don’t have Nextdoor accounts with access to this post.
(go for the comments, but stay for the conspiracy theory)
Tall Verizon Cell Tower Plan near Septenary Winery. Verizon Wireless is proposing to construct a huge cell phone tower directly adjacent to the entrance to Septenary Winery, and Albemarle County is moving to review/approve at a closed hearing in the first week of August.
The wine industry is a major benefit to the County with low impact. If you love the views and the history of properties like Seven Oaks Farm both will be negatively impacted by this project. The proposed tower is 108 feet high with a 30 foot by 30 foot base and a large concrete pad to accommodate additional equipment – all starting just feet away from the vineyard entrance! Time is short and there will not be a public hearing on this due to COVID-19 restrictions.
So how can you help? You can go to: https://tinyurl.com/y7jo6bk9 to comment or you can email the lead reviewer – Christopher Perez, with your comments at [email protected]. Please let the County of Albemarle know if you think the tower at the entrance to the vineyard would diminish your enjoyment of the property’s views, serenity and history as well as that of neighboring properties in Greenwood. If you visit the vineyards regularly, or bring family and friends, please let the County know that too.
The proposed site is part of a much larger property and it would seem reasonable to ask the County to consider it be moved to another part of that farm making it far less obtrusive to the small business of the winery.
One of the best comments on that post
The real question is do you want better cell reception/telecom in western Albemarle? I would assume that you do. This whole NIMBY BS is just that, BS… Stop being entitled/nostalgic and grow up. We’re in 2020 so guess what, there will be cell towers and (especially if you want 5G) they will literally be everywhere.
Did you know that if you agree to have a tower on your property you actually get paid?
Did you know that if you want 5G in Old Trail there will be dozens of towers required to cover the area?
Did you know that our local businesses need this infrastructure development to survive post COVID?
If anything in this COVID world has taught us, it’s support your community and think from a community perspective. Who cares if there is a tower at the entrance because guess what, you’ll have better service, the ability to be contactless and better reception when you’re surfing your phone while patronizing the winery in question. Not to mention the additional benefits for everyone in the area.
Educate yourself rather than be offended by technology. If you want unobstructed views of whatever then guess what, you wont have access to the world that we live in. Move out of Old Trail to BFE to be a luddite if you care that much. Thanks Roger for setting me off on this.
There’s another tower planned in Crozet
And likely more, but this is referencing the one proposed near Wild Turkey Lane (see the not searchable PDF below), and was also discussed at the last in-person CCAC meeting.
This is a good, timely, and related podcast
Intelligence Squared U.S. Debates
Agree to Disagree: Broadband for All?