via email:
I know. The formatting stinks when I copy/paste, but it is what it is. Their email does look nice.

Crozet Master Plan Phase 2 Begins with Character & Land Use Workshop Monday, January 13th from 6:30 – 8 pm Western Albemarle High School Cafeteria All are welcome and invited to participate in this important community conversation. |
The Purpose of the Event During this workshop, we’ll work with community members to review and update the 2010 land use recommendations for Crozet’s centers of activity (such as Downtown, ACME/Starr Hill, Old Trail and Clover Lawn) and Crozet’s boundaries. Together, we’ll work to clarify how these areas should look and be used over time. What Will We Talk About? We’ll look to Crozet community members to respond to these questions:After reflecting on the 2010 Master Plan’s recommendations for each center, should anything be added or updated to reflect Crozet today? How should Crozet’s centers of activity relate or transition to the neighborhoods around them? How should Crozet’s centers of activity be used in the future? What should they look like? What are the appropriate uses and intensities of development along Crozet’s Route 250 edge? Should any adjustments be made to Crozet’s Development Area boundary? How Will We Use Your Input? Staff will utilize community feedback to update land use designations and supporting recommendations for areas in and around Crozet’s Centers of activity. Any potential Development Area boundary adjustments will be included for review at the February workshop. If you are unable to attend this workshop, we will have an online opportunity for you to provide feedback. We will send out an email and a facebook notice when that is available. |
What’s Next In Phase 2? Phase 2 of the Master Plan Update (Focus Areas & Design Strategies) will run through June with a number of opportunities to get involved. The goals for this phase include workshopping focus areas and specific topics, identifying an implementation framework and strategies, and designing the Master Plan’s policies and projects with the community. Upcoming Community WorkshopsThursday, February 6th — Character & Land Use Workshop #2: Housing & Residential Land Use, from 6:30 – 8:00 pm at Western Albemarle High School CafeteriaWednesday, April 22nd tentative — Connectivity Workshop (TBD)May — Conservation Workshop (TBD)June — Implementation and Summary Recommendations Workshop (TBD) Upcoming Focused ConversationsWednesday, January 29th — Downtown Crozet Focused Conversation #1 (TBD)February — Housing Focused Conversation (TBD)March — Architecture & Historic Preservation Focused Conversation (TBD)April — Downtown Crozet Focused Conversation #2 (TBD) |
Waiting on the website link to post my responses to the questions.
“Imagine Crozet”. Hmmm. When I “imagine” Crozet, I think of the Crozet of about 20 years ago. Old Trail was a gorgeous farm. There were lots more trees and open space and the cheaply built, yet overpriced cookie cutter houses going up on Rt 240 and Rt 250 were only a twinkle in some developer’s eye.
And while we’re at it, let’s tally up how many businesses have come and gone in the relatively short amount of time the Harris Teeter and Clover Lawn strip malls have been there?