Lots of people showed up for the issue that mattered to them – Yancey Lumberyard seeking special exceptions.
Short summary of the meeting – Yancey Lumberyard is asking for some special exceptions for noise, vibration, boundaries. Neighbors are upset. I missed the part about Crozet schools as that was first. Crozet Master Plan update.
As soon as it’s up, I’ll post the video that Crozet Gazette took.
A few of the tweets
- Allison Wrabel with the Daily Progress has a great and detailed story – Yancey Lumber requesting exemptions for noise, setbacks.
- David asks question – how much land is left in crozet growth area that is developable? That is important to know where to focus infrastructure. #ccac1119
- Here’s the Albemarle County capacity analysis; thanks, Allison. Might need to print this out to review.
- Max population for crozet is likely ~16k. #ccac1119 more on capacity analysis next month, I think.
- No good short summary but, Valerie Long, representing Yancey, has been detailing the regulations under which Yancey has been operating, setbacks, proposals, etc. #ccac1119
- CCAC member asks what would be the alternative- if they don’t get the exceptions, what would be the result? Rezoning for some kind of commercial? #ccac1119
For the Yancey discussion. After the Yancey discussion