Crozet Library Events – Remainder of 2017

Yet another example of why the Crozet Library is tremendous … so many events!

I suspect there will be more events added as the year progresses, but the fine folks at Crozet Library have just published on the Crozet Calendar a slew of cool events.

Check out the full list here.  And download/print the Crozet Library Calendar for September 2017 .

A couple highlights at Crozet Library (there are so many more; dig into them all)

  • Teen Advisory Board

    We need your ideas! The Crozet Library Teen Advisory Board helps the library plan and lead teen programs, displays, and activities. Members enjoy snacks and receive volunteer hours. It’s your library—make a difference! Grades 6-12. First time visitors always welcome; TAB application required thereafter.

  • A Night at the Movies

    Join the Crozet Library for a night at the movies with theater-style popcorn and drinks. Refer to ratings for age restrictions. September 18: Salam Neighbor (2016) & Discussion October 30: Passengers (2016) November 27: Wonder Woman (2017) December 18: It’s a Wonderful Life (1946) & Cookie Exchange* (starts at 6pm)

  • R.A.D. (Read And Discuss) Teen Book Club

    The Crozet Library leads a diverse range of book clubs for teens. Snacks are served at each meeting. Free copy of the book included on a first come, first served basis. Please check each listing for age requirements. Registration required September 26: Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff. An epistolary sci-fi thriller. Grades 6-12. Required registration begins September 1. November 28: My Lady Jane by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows. A historical comedy. Grades 6-12. Required registration…

  • NaNoWriMo Kickoff Party

    Devote the month of November to working on that novel you’ve always wanted to write. Tackle the full NaNoWriMo 50,000-word goal or set your own. Experienced writers will be on hand at all events to answer questions. No writing experience necessary. For more information, visit Head to the Crozet Library for helpful techniques, motivation, and resources to get your writing challenge off to a great start. Find a corner and hunker down to focus, or challenge others to writing…

  • Paws to Read

    Improve your reading skills and make a new friend by reading aloud to Lucy, a therapy dog. Lucy is a registered therapy animal with The Alliance of Therapy Dogs. Along with owner/handler Ellen, the team volunteers as part of the Charlottesville-Albemarle SPCA therapy dog program. Sign up for a 15-minute appointment and bring a favorite book to read.  For any young reader. Registration is required. Contact the Crozet Library for more details.


  • It’s Bin Fun: Sensory Play for Infants and Toddlers

    Captivate your little scientist with open-ended, child-led play which engages the senses. The children will explore bins containing a variety of sensory materials. Things will get messy, so dress appropriately. Ages 6-35 months.
    Registration is requested and begins September 22 and November 24 respectively. Drop-ins are always welcome.

Facing Terror Together

Sent to me by a fellow Crozetian:

What: Face Terror Together: A website is being created by a Charlottesville native to give people around the world a unique tool to respond to terrorism. This website let you take your picture and match your face with a stranger on the other side of the world in the face of terror. This will be a simple message to show that terrorism will no longer divide us

This is the current landing page for people to sign up for the launch:

Why Important: In lights of recent events, people around the world are looking for ways to help. With only a few clicks of a button, Face Terror Together will allow anyone in the world to make a statement. There will also be a list of charities fighting terrorism on the website that people can donate to.

Why will your audience find exciting: Two reasons why important:

(1) Charlottesville has become ground zero for the national and global discussion of hate crimes and terrorism. Launching this effort from Charlottesville will help show this city’s response.

(2) Gives residents an easy but important way to contribute and start a global movement.

Background: Jake Van Yahres is visual artist from Charlottesville and his grandfather was former mayor Mitch Van Yahres. His design agency, JVY Creations, has been actively working with many local businesses. Recently his Cville Love Shirts were distributed at Fridays after Five and due to popular demand now available through online stores.

Thank you

Jake Van Yahres

Take the Crozet Community Survey – by 20 August 2017

Only a couple days left to take the Crozet Community Survey. Link to the survey can be found here.

After a delay in the mailing of a survey to gauge the Crozet community’s thoughts on growth and development, both the public and a scientific sample of households are being invited to submit their responses by Aug. 20.

Tolson said he hopes the Crozet survey results can be used to frame town hall meetings in the fall.

The 39-question survey covers a range of topics, from development near the U.S. 250-Interstate 64 interchange at exit 107 to whether the boundaries of the Crozet growth area should be expanded.

Tolson said two important areas covered in the survey are growth along the U.S. 250 corridor and in the downtown area of Crozet.

Density along U.S. 250 previously has proven to be a contentious issue. Earlier this year, the Board of Supervisors denied a proposed rezoning near the Cory Farm neighborhood that would have allowed for a new development with 80 residential units. Some community members opposed the development, known as Adelaide, on the grounds that density should be limited on 250. A 35-unit development known as Sparrow Hill is now being planned for the property by-right.

As for the survey, Tolson said, “We’ve had a really good response so far. We’ve had about 780 [responses] … on the scientific sample, and about 500 or so on the public sample.”

They were aiming to get at least 600 responses for the scientific sample. Tolson said they want to collect more responses to lower the margin of error of the results.

Some background on previous master plan surveys. And a letter from a reader in March regarding wariness about the Crozet Master Plan.

Albemarle County Police Department and Nextdoor

A forthcoming announcement from Nextdoor & Albemarle County Police:

We are excited to announce that Albemarle County Police Department has shown interest in using Nextdoor to provide important updates and information to neighborhoods in your area. As part of this effort, you may see periodic updates from Albemarle County Police Department staff in your neighborhood. The purpose of these updates is to share alerts, news, and other notifications that are relevant to your neighborhood. It’s important to note that Albemarle County Police Department staff can only see their own posts and replies to these posts. They will NOT be able to access or view any information that you and your neighbors have shared in your neighborhood. Communicating with Albemarle County Police Department staff is entirely voluntary, and you can see more information here. You may choose to unsubscribe from all Albemarle County Police Department posts, as explained here. Please visit our Help Center if you have any questions.

Nextdoor has proven to be quite useful for communicating within the Crozet area; I remain firm in my belief (and practice) that the open internet is a far better space in which to have community conversations, rather than walled off behind closed sites. Not everyone wants to create a Nextdoor or Facebook account, and this is a furthering of the siloing of the internet.

Continue reading “Albemarle County Police Department and Nextdoor”

A Sunday in Crozet

Bike ride past Beaver Creek followed by polo at King Family Vineyards (and then I showed a lot in Crozet)


Some days, things work out, thoughts about traffic, crowded schools and roads, and other worries temporarily fade away.

All told, Crozet is a great place to live.

Traffic in Crozet (letter from a reader)

via email:

I’ve lived in Crozet, down the street from Crozet Park most of my life. I understand my small town is going to grow. But I don’t get how we can continue on the path without fixing some problems?

Westlake is continuing to build and now more land across from the park is being developed. After being promised for the last eight years we’re getting another way out of our neighborhood I’m beginning to think it will never happen.

Between construction vehicles, school buses and your everyday commuter we are at our max. When a bad storm hits and we are stuck waiting for debris to be cleaned up before we can leave our home. Also all traffic is going out of Tabor Rd on to Park Ave, at this point we need a light at that intersection because no one wants to let each other out of Tabor Rd.

The lumber yard is going to be developed and with places such as Piedmont Place and others coming to Crozet Ave is continuing to see more congestion that it can’t handle. At what point will something finally be done? Are we going to wait like the county did with 29 North?

We should plan to fix problems like water use, schools and roads before it gets out of hand. Crozet is growing at a rate to fast for anyone to keep up. People in Brookwood, Westhall, and Westlake deserve another way out! The road from Parkside Village to 240 will not solve our problems either.

I’m hoping you will take my email serious, cause this effects many families.

*edited to add line breaks

The corresponding Facebook post (with lots of traffic & comments).

Perrone Robotics Bringing Great Things to Crozet

via C-Ville (read the whole thing)

Crozet residents are aware that big things are happening in their town. Foremost among these has been Perrone Robotics Inc.’s move to invest in the construction of a new multimillion-dollar downtown complex. While the logistics of the project are still being hashed out—for instance, an estimated $3.15 million in funding for Crozet Plaza, a central park and greenspace, has yet to be secured—in December 2016, PRI struck a deal with developer Milestone Partners and, in early July, cut the red ribbon on a temporary 5,000-square-foot office and testing facility located on the site of the proposed construction. Once the plaza goes in, and surrounding offices, residential apartments and restaurants are installed, Perrone plans to build a permanent office and testing facility.

What’s significant about this move? PRI is bringing top-tier Silicone Valley innovation to the Charlottesville area.

Positioned at the forefront of the autonomous car revolution, PRI is seeking to play a key role nationally and globally in its development and implementation. “It’s not often that you get the opportunity to go to work for a company that’s doing things this exciting, and is located in an area that’s this beautiful,” says Chief Operating Officer Greg Scharer.

For PRI founder Paul Perrone, that’s exactly the point. Contrary to the volatility of the Silicon Valley workplace—where talented employees are constantly jumping ship, chasing the highest bidder—Perrone has built a company culture devoted to long-term stability and family values. “The people that come to work for us are some of the best and brightest in the world,” he says. “We want them to be invested in the company’s future, love where they live and feel confident they can raise their families in this community.” With its proximity to the mountains and Charlottesville, Perrone says Crozet is a perfect fit.

Sk8Crozet Skate Park Coming to Fruition

Very cool. #lovecrozet #crozet

A post shared by RealCrozetVa (Jim Duncan) (@realcrozetva) on


via the Daily Progress (read the whole thing)

A bored teenager will always find something to do — either constructive or destructive. But with a newly planned skate park in Crozet, young skaters soon could have a place of their own creation.

When a group of young teens was caught setting small fires and painting graffiti at the former location of Barnes Lumber a few months ago, police and fire investigators didn’t see malicious future criminals. Instead, they saw a need to help young people develop a sense of community.

Not wanting the teenagers to go through the court system, Albemarle County police Officer Andy Gluba instead sought a way to help the young skaters build their own skate park in Crozet. Little did he know, Sk8Crozet — a group dedicated to making Crozet a more skater-friendly place — also was interested in creating a park.

The future skate park — which will be a non-permanent pilot park at first — will be located in a small square of the parking lot by the back basketball court in Crozet Park. Along with Sk8Crozet, Gluba also reached out to the park’s board to see if the skate park could be put there because of its central location.

For the time being, the park will consist of small, easily moved components — such as rails and other small obstacles. By gathering data about who uses the park and how they use it, the park’s board can determine whether a permanent park would be appropriate, according to the board’s president, Kim Guenther.

“By permanent, it doesn’t mean it would be at Crozet Park,” Guenther said. “I don’t know if we have room. It could be somewhere else in Crozet. But this pilot will allow us to just do a little data gathering.”