Western Park Survey

There is a meeting on 18 October at 7pm at Crozet Elementary to discuss the new Albemarle County Park that is supposed to be developed within the Old Trail neighborhood.

From the linked google form: (line breaks & bolding  added by me)

Western Park is envisioned to be a community park for the greater-Crozet area. The land for the future County park is 36-acres located within the Old Trail development in Crozet. In 2008, a Master Plan was developed for the park, which outlined a vision for future programming.

However, a fuller understanding of the environmental constraints on the site make implementing that vision a challenge – 18.50 acres are in the floodplain/floodway, 3.80 acres are in wetlands, 4.46 acres in critical slopes and 1.83 acres in storm water facilities, leaving 7.54 acres as buildable. Albemarle County Parks and Recreation is beginning the process of creating a new Master Plan for Western Park to better reflect today’s community priorities, as well as any new environmental constraints on the site.

On October 18, project consultant Anhold Associates and County Staff will hold a community input session at Crozet Elementary School at 7 pm. Using that input, a few design concepts will be brought back to the community for consideration in early 2018. Please consider joining us on Oct. 18, or weigh-in now by answering the questions below. This input form will be open through October 14.

6 Replies to “Western Park Survey”

  1. Hi Jim,

    I had completed the survey and then was just reviewing the results. I’m confused as to why tennis courts didn’t make the list of top amenities on the PowerPoint that was sent out? It was the #1 priority for the second largest group of respondents? And, it should have been above garden plots for the total overall number of respondents? Are those summary results being utilized for the design concepts?

    Amy Nolasco

  2. Western Park was the subject of some discussion at the annual OT Community Meeting hosted by Dave Brockman at Restoration last night (6 Dec). Several attendees had gone to the CCAC meeting on the topic; and most had completed the online survey. I did not find the survey results terribly informative. At some point, AC is going to have to publish a detailed plan for the park. (Brockman said that March Mountain had prepared a plan recently and given it to AC.) Until the County publishes a plan and dedicates some amount of funding to its execution, we remain in speculation mode.

  3. To me I find the survey to be rigged since it assumes that everyone wants to spend tax payer money on it.
    Old Trail wants to get some benefit from basically unbuildable land.
    Gives to County. Gets developed at no expense to them. Then is able to claim as a perk to the overall property to enhance value and sale ability . An overall win for them. Now, what is in it for us??

    Another so called freebie, (park), in our future is the superfund
    cleanup site right outside Newtown. Once the EPA is satisfied
    that it no longer glows in the dark it will also get donated to the County. It is a pretty place but things appear to be free for a reason…

Something to say?