A lot of homes will come on the market in 2017 in Crozet, but how many will fit you?

Q: When should a buyer or seller start the “I’m serious about buying or selling a home next year” conversation?
A: As early as possible. (same advice goes for Crozet area sellers)
Some perspective on the Crozet market … if you are looking to purchase a resale home, best start targeting your micro market now.
From January 2016 to 25 September 2017
- 533 homes sold in Crozet via the Charlottesville MLS
- 331 homes sold for less than $500K
- 43 of these were new construction (13%)
- 206 sold for more than $500K; 135 were new construction (66%!)
- 111 were attached homes; 421 were single family
- 331 homes sold for less than $500K
- Of the 331 that sold for less than $500K
- 114 had at least 4 bedrooms
- 111 with at least 2 bathrooms
- 108 with at least 1,700 finished square feet
- 91 within 2 miles of The Square
- 38 sold for less than $400K
- 12 homes sold in Crozet + Brownsville for less than $350K
- Days on market for these 12? 0, 5, 11, 12, 19, 36, 41, 55, 76, 81, 116, 127
- Schools matter; luckily, Crozet schools are pretty darn good, with great leaders in each.
Short story – it may look like a lot of houses sell every year, but when you start drilling down, determining your locational and life triangles, there may be fewer homes that come on the market in Crozet than you might think (or want/hope).
Disclosure: I’m a real estate agent. But you knew that, right?

Group promoting affordable housing options has polled Virginians on attitudes towards the issue https://t.co/MGMTqIfVC2 @CHACEVirginia pic.twitter.com/s0PfgoxL76
— seantubbs (@seantubbs) September 28, 2017
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