Wyants Store *Not* Closing

Wyant’s Store is Closing.

From the comments (which contradicts what I was told when I called the store):

Wyants store is not closing. LArry and John wyant will no longer be running the business. The store was left to my oldest brother David wyant who will be running it until he finds a suitable tenant. If it closes that will only be for a short time till it can be stocked.


Original story

Sent in by Janie Perrone, the folks at the store say they are closing tonight, and gas is $1.99/gallon as they try to empty the tank.

I called the store and confirmed that they are closing, no later than Thursday.

5 Replies to “Wyants Store *Not* Closing”

  1. If this is true.. I am very sad to see it close. It is a icon and historic community gathering place … Lots of history … Can we save it ?

  2. Wyants store is not closing. LArry and John wyant will no longer be running the business. The store was left to my oldest brother David wyant who will be running it until he finds a suitable tenant. If it closes that will only be for a short time till it can be stocked.

  3. Thanks, Kimberly. I called this afternoon and was told they were in fact closing. Glad to hear they won’t be.

    I’ll update the story.

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