CCAC Meeting – April 2017

via email:

Attached please find the agenda for the April Crozet Community Advisory Committee meeting to be held at Wed April 19 at 7pm at Crozet Elementary School cafeteria. Note the change in meeting location!

Agenda will primarily focus on prioritizing previously identified projects as part of the Neighborhood Improvement Funding Initiative by the County, further described below. Plus welcoming our new CCAC members!

UPDATE – Here is the current list of project ideas for the Neighborhood Improvement Funding Initiative


1. Neighborhood Improvement Funding Initiative (NIFI)

(Lori Allshouse & Emily Kilroy, Albemarle County ~60+ min)

Review and prioritize the project ideas generated at the last meeting, online, and previously:

a. Call to Order (2 minutes)

b. Introductions (5 minutes)

c. Agenda Review (5 minutes)

d. Program Review (10 minutes)

e. Project Lists (5 minutes)

f. Prioritization Exercise (20 minutes)

g. Report Out (10 minutes)

h. Next Steps (5 minutes)

i. Adjourn this segment

2. Other CCAC Business (~30 min & time permitting)

a. Agenda Review (David Stoner – CCAC chair)

b. Welcome New CCAC Members

c. Approval of Minutes

d. Further Discussion of NIFI Project Proposals for Potential Follow-up

e. Items Not Listed on the Agenda

f. Announcements & Future Agenda Items

Something to say?