CCAC Meeting – 18 January 2017

CCAC Meeting. 18 January at Crozet Library. Play our cards right, and we could go to Smoked after the meeting. Who’s going? #CCAC0117

via emails:

Attached please find the agenda for next week’s CCAC meeting to be held at 7-9pm at the Crozet Library.  Primary discussion topics are:
  • Discussing the potential Community-Driven Implementation projects program per Emily Kilroy’s email on this (Jim’s edit: at bottom of post).  The County is asking us for suggestions of projects we’d like to see funded.
  • Continued discussion of priorities – this discussion focused on our “regional” CCAC Liaisons (attached) – what that means, and ideas for each region.  Please come with your ideas.
  • Several members terms expire in March 2017 so those who want to re-up must reapply, and all please all be thinking about encouraging possible new members to apply.


The Crozet Library

Wednesday, Jan 18, 2017 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.


1. Agenda Review (David Stoner – CCAC chair)

2. Approval of Minutes

3. Ideas for Community-Driven Implementation Projects (All – 45min)

4. Discuss Regional Focus Areas Priorities (Al l– 45min)

a. Overview and definition of Regions

b. What does it mean to be a “Regional Liaison”?

c. Specific Considerations for each Region:

i. Downtown (Dave, Lisa, Leslie, Kostas)

ii. North (Beth)

iii. East (John)

iv. South (Jon)

v. West (Mary)

5. Member Appointments and Officer Elections – March 2017

(John Savage -10 min)

6. Items Not Listed on the Agenda

7. Announcements

8. Future Agenda Items


Many of you have heard that the Board of Supervisors is currently considering a one-time initiative to seek input from the Community Advisory Committees on appropriating surplus revenues from the past fiscal year towards implementation projects in your development areas. I wanted to send out an update to let you know a little more about the process.

The Board first raised this idea in early December. Staff provided a basic skeleton framework for the Board’s consideration a week later ( – begins at minute 8:20) and received direction to develop a proposed process at the February 1 Board of Supervisors meeting.

The premise is that a total of $1.4 million in one-time funds be divided among the 7 CAC areas to fund capital projects that support the implementation of the master plan. Each CAC will receive at least $75,000, with funds allocated by a formula currently under development. Projects can be drawn from the Master Plan Implementation List, Transportation Priority List, Capital Needs Assessment, or other projects not yet identified that have demonstrated community support. Staff will provide the projects identified on these lists for your area in February, as well as details of the community-driven process.

While I don’t have many details just yet, please feel free to contact me with any questions you have. We’ll be in touch with more information as it’s available following the Board meeting on February 1st. A great first step to prepare for the initiative is to pull out your copy of the master plan and review the implementation section. You can also view your master plan online at:


Emily Kilroy
Community Engagement Specialist | Albemarle County, VA
(434) 296-5841 ext. 3422 | [email protected]|

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