via email: (bolding mine)
CULPEPER — The Virginia Department of Transportation invites the public to attend an upcoming design public hearing on the proposed replacement of the Route 250 (Ivy Road) bridge over Little Ivy Creek in Albemarle County.
The hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 10 from 5 to 7 p.m. at Mount Calvary Baptist Church, 3045 Morgantown Road, Charlottesville.
Update from VDOT/Facebook
$500K. Closing for two weeks is $500K cheaper than single-laning for months.
The Facebook post accompanying this post was useful, and engaging. Thank you so much to VDOT for listening & responding on Facebook & Twitter. Their being where many of the people were was great.
Update 2

Great picture from Matt Talhelm with NBC29 of the bridge.
At the open house-style hearing, VDOT staff will be available to discuss the project and answer questions. The public can review project plans, ask questions and obtain information about the project’s timeline, cost and travel impacts, as well as provide feedback on the project orally or in writing.
VDOT proposes to replace the existing substandard bridge, located 0.25 mile west of Route 637 (Dick Woods Road) with a four-cell box culvert. VDOT is presenting two construction alternatives for public input:
- The first alternative proposes to expedite construction by closing Route 250 at Little Ivy Creek for two weeks. Traffic would be detoured to Interstate 64 or could use alternate secondary routes.
- The second alternative involves a phased approach to construction. The bridge would be reduced to one lane and two-way traffic would be controlled by temporary traffic signals for at least three months. Motorists should expect delays, especially during rush hour.
Written comments can also be submitted by mail to Howard Tomlinson, Project Manager, 1601 Orange Road, Culpeper, VA 22701 through Jan. 20. Email comments can be sent to [email protected].
Anyone requiring special assistance to attend and participate in this meeting may contact VDOT at 540-829-7500, 800-367-7623 or TTY/TDD 711.
More information about the projects can be found on VDOT’s website at
Two weeks. Three months of one-lane in Ivy would be brutal.