I love this time of the month – a new Crozet Gazette.
A few of my favorite stories (make sure to pick one up at a local store, and buy something while you’re there!) –
- Fourth of July Thank you
- “One of the wonderful privileges of living in Crozet is how freely and generously so many give of their time, talents, and resources to make this event a success.”
- Back to Fitness: Finding Time
- Gators Take Second at JSL Championship
- New Commercial Space Coming to Old Trail Village Center this Fall
- CCAC Backs Master Plan Update
- Related: CCAC meeting 20 July 2016
- My opinion: before the CCAC starts down the path of updating the Crozet Master Plan, it would be prudent to spend some time focusing on what jobs/businesses they would support/encourage coming to Crozet … and where said businesses might go.
- Also, this sums up my (and many) feelings about Crozet:
- Former CCAC chair Meg Holden responded to Stoner’s posing the question of how the CCAC should proceed by saying, “It’s a critical function. This is a unique community and I feel strongly this community should fight hard to be the place it wants to be. We don’t want it to be Rt. 29 North.”
- Western Albemarle Second Quarter Real Estate Report