Hopefully someone can tweet the meeting … hashtag #DCI0816
DCI Agenda | Thursday, Sept. 1, 2016 | Crozet Library | 12 pm – 1:30 pm
Continue reading “Downtown Crozet Initiative Meeting – 1 September 2016”
Hopefully someone can tweet the meeting … hashtag #DCI0816
DCI Agenda | Thursday, Sept. 1, 2016 | Crozet Library | 12 pm – 1:30 pm
Continue reading “Downtown Crozet Initiative Meeting – 1 September 2016”
Crozet has some remarkable roads on which to ride bicycles. Truly, some amazing opportunities.
If you’re interested in a ride, and want some options, please let us know, as we’re always happy to help.
The past year has seen great growth in the Crozet Cycling Club. We now have new kits and t-shirts!
I haven’t yet read the Downtown Crozet District Code, but I’m going to. Actually being informed is more useful and powerful.
Read the Downtown Crozet District Code it. It’s right here.
You’re familiar with the 2010 Crozet Master Plan, too, right?
(it’s also on the County’s site, but I don’t trust them to not move it somewhere else on the site, and break the link)
So many questions about this project … how will schools be affected? Traffic? General real estate market?
You can see all the files for this project here on the County’s site, but for now, putting them here is a bit easier and more efficient.
SDP201600033 Plan – Submittal (First) 2016-05-23 SDP201600033 Review Comments Initial Site Plan 2016-06-29 SDP201600033 Review Comments Initial Site Plan 2016-07-06 SDP201600033 Review Comments Initial Site Plan 2016-07-07
I ride through Crozet Park all the time and there is a lot happening! So much so that I asked Kim Guenther with the Park to give us an update. She was gracious to quickly email me something and it’s taken me a couple weeks to get around to posting; I’m sorry.
What’s Happening at the Park
If you’ve been by Crozet Park lately, you’ve no doubt noticed the mountains of dirt sitting south of the upper playground. Some have guessed this might be a new BMX dirt bike course or, an obstacle for a Tough Mudder event. Or, just for fun, the Park Board decided to dig up the old pool near the upper playground that was shut down and covered over when the new pool was built in 1996. But no, none of these things are true. Instead, we are redesigning and improving the Park’s parking.
The project kicked off in early July and we’ve pulled together key points into an FAQ. So, if you’re wondering what the heck is going on at your community park, read on…
Surveys of Park users have helped make clear how current parking is not adequate.
Anyone who has been to the Park, especially in the spring and summer, can attest to the many challenges of parking. Park usage continues to increase especially as new amenities – dog park and perimeter trail — are added, resulting in parking that is less than adequate. To put this in context, traffic volume coming into the community-owned 22-acre Crozet Park is second only to the County-owned Darden Towe Park, a 113-acre park in Charlottesville.
So as to not focus photos solely on the RealCrozetVA Instagram or Facebook pages …
So much discussed at tonight’s Crozet Community Advisory Council meeting at Crozet Library.
Click through, scroll down, read *all* the tweets, and make your way back up.
But hey, at least we’re getting a sidewalk! Remember when the sidewalk grant was announced in 2010? And we talked about it in 2011?
Thanks, really, to those at the County and the community (and those who straddle both!) for continuing the push. Unfortunately, my kids are now well out of Crozet Elementary, but I look forward to seeing more kids riding bikes and walking to school!
And thanks to those at Crozet Elementary who continue to push and advocate for walking and biking to school!
Note: accompanying Facebook post.
The CCAC matters, folks. Sacrifice time to attend, get informed, and be present — not just when something comes up that directly affects you or your neighborhood. *
Crozet Library, 2020 Library Avenue, Crozet
Wednesday, August 17, 2016 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Click here for PDF (printable) version of the agenda.
1. Agenda Review. (David Stoner – CCAC chair)
Approval of Minutes (Draft minutes of July 20, 2016 meeting)
3. Update on possible police substation in Crozet (Capt. Greg Jenkins ACPD – 15min) — Some background on this at RealCrozetVA; short story: the County determined last year that it’s not even remotely a priority in the CIP)
4. Update Focus Areas and Committee Liaison Roles (All – 20 min) — see the end of this post for more information
5. Barnes Lumber & Downtown Crozet Initiative (DCI) Update (1 hour) — this should be interesting.
a. Barnes Rezoning Presentation (Frank Stoner, Milestone Partners)
b. DCI Update (Mary Beth Bowen and Dave Stoner, DCI)
6. Follow-up on CCAC Priorities and Master Plan Update Discussion (All-time permitting)
7. Items not listed on the agenda
8. Announcements
9. Future Agenda Items
The CCAC’s role and “charter” docs are found here: Continue reading “CCAC Meeting 17 August 2016 | Police Substation, Downtown Crozet, CCAC Priorities”