I’m going to update this in a bit, but wanted to publish it tonight. Click through, scroll to the bottom and work your way up.
Highlights (acknowledging that it’s not quite fair to pull some of these out of context):
– Our Delegate, Steve Landes was present for his first CCAC meeting
– The Downtown Crozet Initiative is ongoing. Milestone hopes to have better information/drawings/visuals in September/October.
– Mike Marshall introduced Warren Byrd, the “architect of the Crozet Plan” to talk about his plan for the redeveloping of Downtown Crozet.
– Warren Byrd acknowledged that the Master Plan should be malleable, and adapt.
– The Exit 107 resolution (I couldn’t find it online) was approved unanimously. I’m guessing it said something to the effect of “don’t grow here, and if you do, make it great.” Update: the CCA now has the passed resolution (PDF) up. Update #2: After a Twitter conversation with CCAC Chair Jennie More (see conversation in the Storify), resolutions will now be posted before public meetings. Thanks, Jennie!
– The CCA have updated their agenda with links to the proposed Block Plan and the two now-passed Resolutions. (and thanks for posting so late at night!)