WAHS Principal Resigns; Search is On for New Principal

Less than two years in, Dr. John Werner, WAHS principal, is resigning, effective 30 June of this year.

And this is the point of the story where I encourage parents – of elementary school and middle school kids in particular – to get involved and vocal in this process. This is the school where either you’ll send your kids or you’ll depend on when you sell your house.

School quality matters for a lot of reasons, not least because school quality directly impacts property values – and school quality is one of the very few things in which home buyers do not compromise.


Letter from Dr. Werner after the break. 

Related  conversations from 2013:

Continue reading “WAHS Principal Resigns; Search is On for New Principal”

ArtFest in the West 2015 a Success

via Newsplex.

The third annual Artfest in the West took place Friday night at Western Albemarle High School.

Artfest raised money for art programs in Albemarle County Public Schools’ western feeder pattern.

“Art is one of the first places that gets cut,” said Karen Pfeiffer, Artfest in the West president.

Pfeiffer holds that art plays an important role in everyone’s life.

“It rounds out a person, teaches them to thing with the other side of their brain.”

Over the previous years, Artfest in the West has generated more than $12,000 for marching band uniforms, art supplies, and more.

“These kids are just so talented and they’re really dedicated to their art. And we want to support that and continue that,” said Pfeiffer.



Buses From Crozet to Charlottesville?

Just an idea …

Did you know that:

Based on a great conversation I had yesterday at the Mudhouse, I started this conversation on the RealCrozetVA Facebook page and got some great comments.

What could be done to get great bus service to/from Crozet/Charlottesville? Cool buses. With lots of light & wifi. 5x in the morning & 5x at afternoon/evening for starters.

With bike racks on buses. Park and rides in the church lots … Just kicking around some ideas. (Not my ideas necessarily … Just ideas)

Could it happen?

Some back of the napkin numbers – correct me please, because I’m sort of making these numbers up.

What do you think? Could it happen? Who could/would do it? Could/would it be profitable?

Most importantly – for those of you who have “real” jobs as I call them (I’m a Realtor; my days are necessarily geographically scattered) – would you use a bus?


Continue reading “Buses From Crozet to Charlottesville?”

Ann Mallek Running for Reelection

From the Crozet Calendar:

Albemarle County Supervisor Ann Mallek will announce her candidacy for Supervisor representing the White Hall district.

She was first elected to the seat in 2007.

When: Tuesday, February 24, 2015 at 10 am
Where: Crozet Western Albemarle Library, Front door, east side

Update: Sean Tubbs with Charlottesville Tomorrow has a nice story on Ann Mallek, her reelection campaign, and some useful context.

Crozet resident Kristin Lyons shows her English Cocker at Westminster

From Ann Mallek:

I do not know Kristin, but want to offer her my congratulations on her great showing at the Garden.

I know how much work it takes to help your dog learn how to move in the show ring, and to seem to enjoy the competition. My task was to work with my Mom’s shepherd pups.

Seeing someone who shows their own dog, a dog they raised, is a special thrill.

Great job Kristin.  It was funny that the announcer said Cro-zette, rhymes with closet.

Competition in the 25th District – Landes vs. Lynn

Competitive elections are good for everyone – the candidates and the constituents.

Steve Landes just announced that he’s running for reelection.

His competitor is Angela Lynn.

So far, VPAP reports that Steve Landes has about $26k and his challenger has $0; that’ll probably change.

While you’re researching (you do research, instead of voting for the D or the R, right?), see what bills he’s sponsored in the General Assembly.

Beauty and the Beast at Western Albemarle High School – March 12-15

Beauty and The Beast - March

via email:

Beauty and the Beast at WAHS – featuring a mix of  55 students from Western, Henley, Crozet, and Brownsville and a 15 member orchestra, a crew of 20-25, nearly 100 Crozet kids are involved in this production.

New dates … because Snow Happens!

Thursday March 12th– Benefit preview, by donation- 7:30 pm
Friday March 13th– show 7:30 pm
Saturday March 14th– show 7:30 pm
Sunday March 15th– show 2:00 pm

Friday and Saturday  March 6 and 7 at 7:30 pm and Sunday March 8 at 2:00 pm

Benefit preview Thursday March 5th at 7:30 pm (tickets by donation)

Tickets available in WAHS main office and online.

– Students $6 in advance $8 at the door

– Adults $12 in advance $14 at the door

– Seniors $6 in advance $8 at the door

Classic story of character triumphing over appearances, with memorable songs such as “Be Our Guest” and “Home”, charming characters, poignant scenes, beautiful costumes, and heartfelt message, this is sure to be a remarkable event.

CCAC Meeting Recap – 18 February 2015

Highlights –

– King Family talking about their special use permit request; neighbors saying the Kings are good neighbors but Half Mile Branch is a problem. This highlighted a bigger Crozet concern – infrastructure needs are exceeding what current infrastructure is designed to handle.
– A bit of an economic development conversation
– The Moose Lodge presentation was pushed to March
– Milestone Partners & Ombudsman topics ran out of time

Click through to read the tweets from the meeting, courtesy of RealCrozetVA and the Crozet Community Association (Tim Tolson).

Continue reading “CCAC Meeting Recap – 18 February 2015”