Barnes Lumberyard Proposal Decision Deferred 8 Weeks

– The Applicant (Milestone Partners) requested and was granted an 8 week deferral.

– The Planning Commission seemingly relied heavily on the CCAC’s opinion and resolution concerning the proposal (I assume this is the one).

The Barnes Lumber property is currently zoned for heavy industrial.

– Apparently the CCAC voted 10-3 in support of this resolution, but you wouldn’t know that if you didn’t follow the CCAC meeting on Twitter or read the Storify of the tweets as the CCAC have no minutes online for the entirety of 2014 and most of 2013 (and the roster is out of date).

– I’m grateful for those who give their time to tweet these meetings; without them the community would be less informed. Thank you!

– When is the next CCAC meeting? If you support or oppose this proposal, now’s (really, 6 months ago) the time to get informed and involved. These decisions affect all of us.

Update: the Sec. of the CCAC just called and said that he had just sent all of the missing minutes to the County. We can expect them to be online in the next 48 hours. Thank you to those who alerted the CCAC about this. Transparency is good for all.

Disclosure: I’ve told many people in person this, but feel I need to make it here as well – In my capacity as a real estate agent, I’m working with the developer to market a neighborhood in Charlottesville, so I do work with and meet with him often – about that neighborhood, but it doesn’t affect my reporting on the Barnes issue. Charlottesville/Crozet are small towns – I’d wager that many have degrees of separation that are far less than Kevin Bacon might suggest.

One Reply to “Barnes Lumberyard Proposal Decision Deferred 8 Weeks”

  1. I think the critical question of how much commercial development the downtown can support (now and in the future) is greatly dependent on when and where and if there is an underpass from 240. I think that also determines where the commercial/residential is in the plan (I would think it makes sense to have commercial on the rear of the property, accessed by underpass off 240). If Capshaw has to make a connection eventually from Westlake Hills area, do we need two connectors? Being in Parkside, I’m nt thrilled about the connector increasing traffic through Hill Top off 240 but I realize development is coming. Let’s make it successful!

Something to say?