via email from the Crozet Community Association (sorry for the formatting) … and I’ll reiterate my hope/request for folks to attend both meetings and live-tweet them. Hashtag for the CCAC meeting on 16 June at 7pm is #CCAC0614
Governments need watching.
“Hopefully you are aware that there’s a proposal to re-develop the old Barnes Lumber Property at Crozet Square. Mr. Frank Stoner, of Milestone Partners, submitted a re-development proposal to Albemarle County for review. It’s very important you take the time this weekend to get informed about his proposal and some of the reactions to it. To assist you the Crozet Community Association website has all of the documents submitted Albemarle County and the County staff review of the proposal. Click on the links below to get informed.
Then plan to come to two meetings the beginning of this week. On Monday, June 16, at 7:00 PM the Crozet Community Advisory Council is having their regular monthly meeting at the Meadows Community Center. Click here for the agenda. Then on Tuesday, June 17, 2014 at 6:00 PM the Albemarle County Planning Commission is meeting Lane Auditorium of the Albemarle County office building, 401 McIntire Road. Two of the three items on their agenda for public hearing and comment are about the this Barnes Lumber re-development proposal. Review the agenda by clicking hereand be sure to click on the links in the agenda for ZMA20100018 Crozet Square and SP201400001 Barnes Lumber. And scroll to the bottom of these two Albemarle County staff reports to get their attachments and maps. If you care about the community you live in and the kind of community you want it to grow into, it’s crucial you get informed and come to these two meetings. |
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