Reminder – When Storms Come, Follow RealCrozetVA

Just a reminder … when bad weather comes, the community that’s built around the @RealCrozetVA feed on Twitter has proven to be a pretty good resource for helping others and learning about what’s happening in Crozet.

Simple – go to Twitter. Create an account. Follow @RealCrozetVA. Best practice: install a twitter app on your phone (when the power goes out, this comes in handy).

For a simple explanation of Twitter, this video is awfully useful.

Continue reading “Reminder – When Storms Come, Follow RealCrozetVA”

RealCrozetVA Logo Design Contest

Design the RealCrozetVA logo!

You may remember last month when I talked about how I thought it was time for RealCrozetVA to have a logo.

As RealCrozetVA has been focused on the Crozet community since its inception, I figured the community could design the logo. I’d love for the logo to be something Crozet-focused designed by a Crozetian. Art/design-minded parents, feel free to assist your kids if they choose to draw something. Ultimately, I foresee having the final design tweaked a bit so that it’s ready, so if you enter a logo, please be prepared for it to be shined up a bit.

Really, I want this to be something of and for the community. So … design away!

My goal is to have the logo (or text saying on a t-shirt no later than 13 September – the 8th birthday of RealCrozetVA!


– Deadline for entries is 1 July 2013

– Selection will be 15 July 2013

– If no one enters, I’ll just do text – RealCrozetVA

– By submitting, you agree to transfer ownership of the logo to me so that I can use it for RealCrozetVA stuff

– Email or dropbox the logo design to me at [email protected]

Winner gets

– At least one t-shirt with your logo (and probably two or three)

– Huge thanks.

– The knowledge that you’ve contributed something valuable to the Crozet community that will live on (hopefully) for years to come.

Environmental Studies Academy at WAHS


Charlottesville Tomorrow reports:

Beginning in the late summer of 2014, Western Albemarle High School will play host to a new Environmental Studies Academy.

“This truly is an exciting development for our school and our community,” WAHS principal Dave Francis said in an Albemarle County Public Schools press release.  “Our objective for all students is to prepare them for post-graduate success in colleges and universities and in high-value professional fields….[T]his academy will position students for that success.”

All 9-12 graders in Albemarle County will be eligible to apply for the Academy. In the first year, there will be approximately 25 seats.  The specifics of the admissions process remain to be completed.

Ed Sykes at NBC29 has more as well.

This sounds like a very good start to making WAHS more competitive.

Crozet Safety Corps Meeting – 10 June 2013

via email from Tom Loach – (bolding mine)

I received the following from the police Department describing a crime problem in Crozet. Jim Crosby and I have been working to establish what we call the Crozet Safety Corps and will be having a meeting at the fire house Monday, June 10th at 7:30. At that meeting will be Officer Andy Gluba, who is a Crime Prevention Officer and will speak on the subject of setting up Community Safety Groups in Crozet. Our group will also be looking at the subject of Emergency Preparedness. We have set up a web site: I hope any members of the community who are interested in joining us or would just like to hear from our police department will attend?.

?I wanted to let you know that the Crozet area has been experiencing a rash of vehicle break-ins over the past three and half weeks specifically in the Wickham Pond/Old Trail area. We have also experienced a rash of vehicle break-ins in the Ivy Road area specifically in the Canterbury Road area. It does not appear that the vehicle break-ins in the Ivy area are related to the Crozet area break-ins. I want to reassure you that we are aware of the problems and have dedicated the resources to hopefully apprehend the offenders.?

?Please communicate with your neighbors and friends that live in these area, to lock their car doors and secure all valuables before they go in for the night. The suspect(s) appear to be entering vehicles that have been left unlocked and have small amounts of cash and electronics left in the vehicles. Please let everyone know to be diligent in calling the police department should they see anyone in the neighborhoods late at night that should not be there. It appears that the suspect(s) are roaming the neighborhoods after midnight to about 5:00 a.m. in the mornings.?

?Thank you for getting this information out to your community members.?

??Lieutenant Greg Jenkins?Blue Ridge District Commander

We seem to get rashes of break-ins every once in a while. Dammit.

Crozet Independence Day Parade and Fireworks – 2013

So … last year’s parade and fireworks were canceled by the derecho, so let’s make this year’s that much better!

The Crozet Fire Department is once again organizing the Crozet Parade – (bolding mine) ?

This year the Crozet Volunteer Fire Department Independence Day parade will be held at 4:00 P.M. on Saturday, July 6, 2013. Lineup will begin at 3:00 P.M. at Crozet Elementary School and end at Claudius Crozet Park. The theme for the parade will be, “America the Beautiful!” There will be field judging for Fire & Rescue apparatus at Claudius Crozet Park after the parade. Awards will be presented at 8:00 P.M. Food, beverages, and other festivities to include a softball game between the Crozet Volunteer Fire Department and the Peachtree Ball Coaches will immediately follow the parade. Fireworks begin at dark.? ?If you would like to be a part of the 2013 parade, please email: [email protected] for access to a Parade Entry Form. Please include in your email the following:

– Participating organization/Group
– Phone number
– Name and email of contact person

Once we receive this information, we will send you a link to the electronic Parade Entry Form.

Please submit your entry by June 15th to ensure you are included in the lineup.

Thanks, Crozet Fire Department and organizers!

Count the Train Day in Crozet – 31 May 2013

Twitter _ Search - #CrozetTrain.jpg

I’m always asked “how often does the train run in Crozet?” … and my answer always is “so often I don’t pay attention to it except when it’s not running.”

That said, I’m going to do a “count the trains in Crozet” day this Friday. I have no idea what the schedules are, but I’m going to try to count them this Friday. So if you’re around and thinking about it, please comment here what kind of train, whether it’s freight or passenger, whether it seems heavy or light, and which direction it’s going. If nothing else, hopefully this will be a fun experiment in crowd-sourcing local information.

If you’re on Facebook, post on the RealCrozetVA Facebook stream (I’ll schedule a post to publish there at midnight Thursday) – and please use the #CrozetTrain hashtag

If you visit the RealCrozetVA blog, please comment here.

If you’re on Twitter post something like – Train! Freight – West – light – long – 11:13 am – #CrozetTrain

Train -vs- tree

Hurricane Preparedness – Tax Holiday

From the Daily Progress

With hurricane season just around the corner and memories of last year’s powerful derecho, now is the best time for Virginia residents to stock up on storm-ready items — and save money.
Shop during Virginia’s Hurricane Preparedness Sales Tax Holiday — which begins Saturday — and pay no sales tax on supplies for protecting homes and businesses. The tax-free holiday runs through Friday.

U.S. government forecasters announced Thursday that they expect three to six major hurricanes from another busy Atlantic storm season, according to The Associated Press. Hurricane season officially begins June 1.

(thanks to Tom for the nudge to post this)

(NO) Polo This Weekend

Photo Courtesy - Bud Branch

I just think it’s pretty cool that we live in a community where we can watch polo on weekends.

via email:

First Roseland Polo Match this weekend – Sunday, May 26th.

Polo matches are held every Sunday from Memorial Day weekend through mid-October, weather and field conditions permitting. Matches begin at 1:00 pm and typically last about 1 1/2 hours. Matches may be cancelled depending on field conditions, rain, excessive heat or any number of reasons. Please visit this page on Sunday mornings to see updates and cancellations or call 434-823-7800.

Update 24 May 2013:

Roseland Polo Update for Sunday May, 26th, 2013  PLAN B !!

We are expecting BEAUTIFUL  weather here in Crozet this weekend, but we have also had MANY  inches of rain in the last couple of days …the polo field will be too wet for polo but we have decided to host some fun tailgating and allow families to use the polo field for kite flying and games of all kinds….so come on out and bring bocce or soccer balls etc….you can also bring pop up tents or umbrellas (along the polo field only)  just as you do for polo matches…you are also welcome to bring blankets or lawn chairs –The KFV golf cart will be cruising around the field with chilled water and wine —- We  also have two large patios with outdoor seating and umbrellas if you would like to hang out closer to the tasting room…we will have an outdoor bar open as well!


P.S. You are also welcome to bring your own picnic as usual
Our first polo match has been rescheduled for next Sunday June,2