From the Crozet Community Association email:
The Build Crozet Library fundraising committee members and the Crozet librarians have been asked recently and repeatedly if the new library can be open more evenings. If you have an opinion on this, you’re encouraged to email the Jefferson-Madison Regional Library (JMRL) director, John Halliday
The county budget process for the upcoming FY14-15 gets started later this fall, and JMRL is making their budget to submit to Albemarle county right now, so they need to hear from you.
There is an effort underway to organize supports to speak at the next several Board of Supervisors first of the month meetings. This was discussed at the Crozet Community Advisory Council (CCAC) last week.
Contact Phil Best
via email: This is the time because budgets are being made and next BOS is Nov 6. The more people willing to speak the better.
—–Also, mark your calendars – Local performers and authors will appear at a Barnes & Noble Bookfair, November 8-10, to support Build Crozet Library’s fundraising efforts to purchase books for the new Crozet Library.
The fundraising team is working together with Barnes & Noble Booksellers to host a Bookfair at the Charlottesville, Virginia store.
On Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, November 8, 9 & 10 from 9am-11pm Barnes & Noble will donate a percentage of every sale made to help buy books for the Crozet Library by mentioning it to the cashier. In addition, Bookfair supporters may choose books from an in-store wish list display to purchase for the library.
Please help support Build Crozet Library by shopping at Barnes & Noble, at the Barracks Road shopping center on November 8-10, 2013. You can also shop online at from November 11 – 15, 2013 and include the Bookfair voucher ID – #11154580 on the payment page during checkout.
For more information, contact Sandra Cararo, Community Relations Manager at Barnes and Noble, 434.984.6598.
Or email the Build Crozet Library committee at