Batesville Store Update

For those of you not on the Batesville Store email list:


Dear Friends of The Batesville Store,
Since June 10, the day that state regulators forced us to suspend our operations, we have set one goal for ourselves–re-opening The Batesville Store. The pursuit of that goal has not been easy, and there have been numerous times when we’ve talked about giving up. But then we would recall the astonishing support that we have received from our friends and neighbors in the community, and it would inspire and motivate us all over again.
We received more than seven hundred fifty emails of support. We heard personally from many of you. We received old-fashioned letters by way of snail mail. We read what you wrote on Facebook. We held onto the petition that more than five hundred of you signed the weekend after we closed.
How could we have turned our backs on all this?
We weren’t the only folks who heard from you. Local and state politicians were inundated with emails and phone calls. So too were county and state regulators. The public made their views known–and then some!
And you know what? It made a huge difference. Continue reading “Batesville Store Update”

The Moving Jarman’s Gap Timeline

I’m thinking I should look for a widget to put in the sidebar of RealCrozetVA to track the Jarman’s Gap timelines.

– First it was “June through August of 2011

– Then it was “August 15

– Then it was “August 22

Today (16 August 2011) it’s “August 29”

As of 8/24/2011: Now it’s “September 12 to November 12”

And VDOT told me that there’s likely to be another delay due to Hurricane Irene’s arrival.

At some point, the sign needs to read:

“You’ll know when the road’s closed when it’s closed. When it’s open, it’ll be open.”


From Stacy Londrey at VDOT (who has been very quick to respond to my emails):

The closure has indeed been moved to September 12. We are experiencing continuing water-line troubles while attempting to relocate utilities before the closure, which accounts for the many delays. A positive out of this most recent delay is it provides recovery time after Hurricane Irene, if she shows herself this far inland.

Also from Stacy:

Our project inspector has heard from several residents of Haden Lane that they are concerned about access. Jarmans Gap Road will be closed just east of their road, meaning that they will only be able to make left turns off their street—but they will have full mobility without driving through a work zone. This will allow them access to the official detour route (down Old Trail Drive) and other points west.

The attached map may provide a good visual for the location of the closure.

PDF drawing showing the Jarman’s Gap box culvert closure

Old Crozet Schools for the Arts – Fall 2011 Registration

via email:

Child-centered arts education; classes for teens & adults: Ballet, Music, Theatre, Visual Arts, Yoga…more!

WALK-IN REGISTRATION for fall classes at OLD CROZET SCHOOL ARTS will be held at the school (1408 Crozet Avenue; entrances and parking on the sides of the building) Friday, August 26 from 3:00 – 6:00 pm and Saturday, August 27 from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm. FALL SESSION begins September 6.

For class descriptions and registration info, visit or email [email protected] or (434) 964-6770?

Walking from Trailside Coffee to Henley Middle School

More context to come, but for now …

I asked Crozetians for the services of a teenager to photograph the walk from Trailside Coffee in Old Trail to Henley Middle School. From sidewalks to paths to the bridge back to a path, it looks like a pretty nice walk to me.

To the kid who took the pictures, thank you. To the administration of Albemarle County Schools, please be reasonable and allow kids to walk to school.

Update: Thank God for bureaucracy. How ever would our children survive without it?

realcrozetva (realcrozetva) on Twitter-1.jpg


How many residents in Old Trail walk to School?
Walking to School – do you do it?

Update: a very relevant and timely story, Are We Overprotecting Our Kids?

Update #2: From Jessica with the Crozet Trails Crew:

Thanks for the slide show. The Crozet Trails Crew would like to work with Old Trail, the Schools, and the County to improve and/or maintain this trail so that school officials, parents, and kids feel like it is a safe option for getting to and from school. We would be happy to meet with all interested parties on site and to schedule a workday as early as September 4th. Please contact [email protected] to volunteer or with suggestions.

Continue reading “Walking from Trailside Coffee to Henley Middle School”