ToughMudder in Wintergreen

Our own Anytime Fitness is putting a team together for the Tough Mudder in Wintergreen this October. October 22 & 23 if you’re interested.

Anytime Fitness (Crozet, Lovingston, Ruckersville) is working on getting a team together to participate on Saturday October 23rd at Wintergreen.  We would love to ask the community to participate with us.  The more the merrier.  Anytime Fitness will have a cottage for the participants that evening to have fun after the event.  

Crozet Lions Take a Spring Break Cruise

I’ve never really heard much about the Crozet Lions, but I’m happy to help them publicize their event.

The 72nd annual Crozet Lions Club variety show features musical performances by Pete Vigour & Friends, Maia Oden, Bobby Graves, Alex 141 and Blue Country Band.  Other highlights include Ballet dance performed by Rebecca Richardson and Laura Ewell, as well as, Modern dance performed by The Kawasaki Sisters.
Performances are Friday & Saturday, April 8 & 9 at 7:30 pm – the Brownsville Elementary School Auditorium.  Tickets are available at the door –  $8 for adults and $4 for children 12 and under.  All proceeds benefit charity!

CTC Update – This is a Busy Crew!

There a few things I’d like to update you all on:

1. We will have a CTC workday next this Saturday, March 26th, at Beaver Creek reservoir (Henley Hornets Trail). We will be checking the trail for any maintenance issues, putting up a few signs, clearing, and investigating the stream crossings. Please meet at the parking lot at 9am. Bring tools if you’d like, and bring friends and family. This will be a great workday for kids as well.
2. The Crozet Community Advisory Council (CCAC) met last night and we have decided that the April CCAC meeting (Thursday, April 21st) will be dedicated to the topic of walking and biking to the local schools. This will be a great meeting to attend if you have any interest in the topic. I will send out more information to the CTC in mid-April. Mark your calendars.
3. We would like to plan a day to begin the lower portion of the Grayrock Ponds access trail. It is very important that we get buy-in and assistance from the Grayrock community. If you live in Grayrock and are interested in helping (or know someone who would like to help), please let me know. We’d like to plan this event for a weekend in mid-May. It will take several workdays to complete, likely spread out over a few months.

Naturally, I’m excited to see them working on the walking to school topics. I’ve tried to work the bureaucracy to encourage walking to school but have been stymied by the bureaucracy, the fear, the fear of liability and the lack of sufficiency. I’m more than glad that the Crozet Trails Crew is working on this.

Crozet Gets another Music Festival – Campout East

Crozet, meet Campout East:

Join us this summer for the first annual east coast Campout, hosted by Cracker, Sons of Bill and Camper Van Beethoven. The festival will take place June 17 and 18 at Misty Mountain Camp Resort in Crozet, Virginia, in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Campout East will showcase the region’s best music, art and food.

Tickets are on sale now. (find them on facebook, too)

It seems that campouteast is following in the path cleared by the Crozet Music Festival; here’s hoping to another successful event.

They’re drawing people from Virginia, Colorado?!, Tennessee, Ilinois, Maryland, Florida and Michigan to name a few states.

I’m curious – what is the expected attendance?

The other question is – Does Crozet need another music festival?

Continue reading “Crozet Gets another Music Festival – Campout East”

Road to Somewhere in Crozet

The Daily Progress picks up on a conversation we’ve had here a few times … what’s up with the Road to Somewhere? Also known as Library Street?

*bolding and links added by me

But construction won’t stop there.

In coming years, Library Avenue will extend to Park Ridge Court, the plans entails, and provide a connection to Three Notch’d Road. Cory Farm Road will be extended into a proposed Eastern Avenue, under the Master Plan, ultimately running from Rockfish Gap Turnpike to Three Notch’d Road.

The new roadways are part of a network of interconnected streets to be built in and nearby downtown Crozet.

“Ultimately, it’s designed to help provide better and easier access to downtown to revitalize that area and help improve the economic vitality,” said Elaine Echols, senior planner with Albemarle County.

My thought: Don’t Hold Your Breath. This sign is from the Cory Farm neighborhood indicating where the Eastern Avenue (not the Eastern Connector , another road in Albemarle that may be built by the time my grandkids are driving flying cars) will go. One day.


The Charlottesville/Crozet area lost the 804 area code June 1, 2001.

1 – It’s an 804 area code
2 – They misspelled “development”

Rather than replace the sign, save the money for a road.

Most people know not to assume that things aren’t going to change.

Crozet Community Association Agenda – 17 March 2011

This is important stuff folks, that does and will affect the future of our community. The request for any community member to write a story/recap of the meeting remains … I’ll buy you a cup of coffee at Mudhouse, Greenhouse or Trailside as compensation. And I’ll thank you profusely.

Crozet Community Advisory Council
The Meadows, Crozet
Thursday, March 17, 2011
7 p.m. to 9 p.m.


1. Agenda Review (Mike Marshall – CCAC Chair)
2. Approval of Minutes from January 20, 2011 meeting
3. Public Comment
4. Announcements
5. Downtown Streetscape and storm water projects update (Trevor Henry)
6. Library Design update (Bill Schrader)
7. Welcome to Crozet Sign update (Meg West)
8. Trails plans update (Jessica Mauzy)
9. Outreach to WAHS feeder pattern schools’ PTOs (Mary Gallo and Lucy Goeke)
10. Future agenda items and items not listed on the agenda (CCAC)
11. Officer elections (CCAC)

Notes from the Crozet Community Association Meeting – 8 March 2011

Via email. Boldings are mine.

Below are several announcements about upcoming meetings.

Special thanks to Jo Higgins, who’s representing the owners of Re-Store’N Station for coming to our meeting and giving a detailed update. She highlighted two meetings within the next week on this project.

1. Tuesday, March 15, is the Planning Commission meeting at 6:00 PM in Lane Auditorium of the County Office Building on McIntire Road.
And item of local interest on the agenda is the Re-Store’N Station request for preliminary site plan approval.

2. The Architectual Review Board meeting on Monday, March 21 at 1:00 PM in Room 241 of the County Office Building also has the Re-Store’N Station on their agenda.

Cville Tomorrow has done a wonderful and useful 3D rendering of the latest plans for the Re-Store’N Station .
You absolutely have to go check these out. Jim Duncan, of RealCrozetVA, said of it: “Please, please, please, go check out their story on this. I’m not doing justice to the awesomeness that they’ve done.”
Continue reading “Notes from the Crozet Community Association Meeting – 8 March 2011”