Via email. Boldings are mine.
Below are several announcements about upcoming meetings.
Special thanks to Jo Higgins, who’s representing the owners of Re-Store’N Station for coming to our meeting and giving a detailed update. She highlighted two meetings within the next week on this project.
1. Tuesday, March 15, is the Planning Commission meeting at 6:00 PM in Lane Auditorium of the County Office Building on McIntire Road.
And item of local interest on the agenda is the Re-Store’N Station request for preliminary site plan approval.
2. The Architectual Review Board meeting on Monday, March 21 at 1:00 PM in Room 241 of the County Office Building also has the Re-Store’N Station on their agenda.
Cville Tomorrow has done a wonderful and useful 3D rendering of the latest plans for the Re-Store’N Station .
You absolutely have to go check these out. Jim Duncan, of RealCrozetVA, said of it: “Please, please, please, go check out their story on this. I’m not doing justice to the awesomeness that they’ve done.”
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