Live Nativity in Afton

From the Crozet Gazette (Page 5):

Hebron Baptist Church’s Bethlehem Village, a Christmas tradition at the church that attempts to evoke Bethlehem at the time of the birth of Jesus Christ, will start performances Friday, Dec. 16, and run through Tuesday, Dec. 20, from 6 to 9 p.m. each day on property adjacent to the church at 66 Tanbark Drive in Afton. The village will open at 4 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 18.

Here’s a link to the full story at the Crozet Gazette. (thanks, Allie!)

Learn more about Bethlehem Village at their site.

*Huge thanks to Kim and Steve on the RealCrozetVA Facebook page for pointing me to the Gazette’s story!

Update 15 December 2015: They are doing the live nativity again this year. More information here.

Crozet’s Library Takes another Hit

Ted Strong at the Daily Progress reports:

Limits on children’s and other programs at the Crozet Library is the net result of a recent fire marshal’s inspection, the Jefferson-Madison Regional Library board heard Monday.
After the marshal found a number of safety issues, county officials restricted the library’s occupancy to 50 people. During the summer, the library sees more than 10,000 patron visits each month.

The County’s collective negligence in not building the new Crozet Library is remarkable.

The annual Freedom 5k in Old Trail Village – Saturday, December 10 2011

via email:

The annual Freedom 5k in Old Trail Village – Saturday, December 10th, 9:00 am.

Race entries are limited –
Register early online:
Cost for entry is $15 prior to 12/1; $20 after 12/1.

Walkers are also welcome!

The course will begin at the Old Trail Village Center, continue to the soccer field in the Park, head up into Ballard Field for a loop around The Common, then to the Golf Course Nature Trail and then finish at the Village Center.

Registration/Check-In begins at 7:30am day of the event.  Parking will be in the field across from the Village Center.

The Freedom 5K is my thank you-my expression of gratitude to that very special 1% of our population that keep us all free and safe.  Thank you for your interest in F5K. God Bless America.

Michael H. Kaminski, Creator and Director of Freedom 5K

Build Crozet Library meets at the Crozet Library – Mon, Nov 28th, 7-8 pm

via email from Build Crozet Library

Please come out to meet and work on building our outreach. Let’s find out who we are reaching with our emails, website, and Facebook page and figure out who we could be reaching. Think about geographic locations, library patron groups, schools, subdivisions, community groups, etc.

Prior to the meeting I will send out a link to a Google doc and ask for your help to identify targets. [Please note:  the meeting room is used until 7 pm for ‘books and blankets’, so we will wait until the toddlers in pjs and their parents clear out before we start.]

Thanks! (Regarding Jarman’s Gap) from Ann Mallek

From Ann Mallek:

Thank you to everyone at VDOT involved in expediting the closure portion of the Jarman’s Gap Road construction. I drove on it three times on the second day. While the finishing touches are yet to be done, the road will quickly prove to be the asset needed since the neighborhood approvals began, using the roadway as a basis, in the 1980’s. Residents of Bargamin Place, Wayland’s Grant, Grayrock, Old Trail and the neighbors to the west will again feel connected to downtown. The sidewalks and bikelanes will fulfill that promise of a “quick stroller push or bike ride” from the center.
The neighbors along the right of way have made huge sacrifices of property, shade trees, and peace and quiet for the betterment of their community. Thanks to you all as well. Have a safe Thanksgiving and I look forward to more progress with the Streetscape in the New Year.